Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Moral policing.

When I was walking regularly in a nearby park, apart from beautiful butterflies gliding by,young couples romped around looking for a cranny under the canopy and chose dark spots away from prying eyes to talk,tease ,etc .

Some bold couples undaunted by the presence of old walkers and joggers stomping around sat on the benches along the path and carried in muted tones cozy conversations or were hotly engaged in lover's tiff's.

I was amazed at the pairing.If the girl was short and dark the boy was tall and fair.If the man looked old his girl friend looked ludicrously young and vice versa.An introverted man had a bubbly companion and an effeminate boy had a tomboyish girl friend. A hefty man had a skinny girl whilst a puny man had a voluptuous female companion.I was also surprised to see girls in burkha exchanging pleasantries with their boy friends.

The pairing was in total anti thesis to my notions of a ideal of a couple.Is it a classic example of laws of attraction ' like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other.'' Or just plain truth that 'love is blind'.

Their obvious curiosity and total absorption in each other oblivious to those around them added spice to my perfunctory perambulation's of the 3/4 Km quadrangle six times, mandated by the prescription of my physician but was also piqued at their indifference to my existence.They were all so engrossed in each other that to them I could be an ant crawling by.Yet I welcomed their presence as it gilded the greenery with romance,youth , innocence and optimism and added verve to an other wise prosaic park.

One day I saw a middle aged woman a new entrant to the park hailing from a nearby tenement berating loudly and unleashing a moralistic tirade on a young couple, who stealing time from their college's or office's , to be with each other were sitting on a bench and talking to each other.She shouted at them for spoiling the decent atmosphere of the park.The couple weathered the volley quietly and the young man looked at her and through her in a unperturbed manner.After disgorging her pent up frustrations , she strode away.

On my next perambulation I found them still seated .I was thankful that they looked unconcerned .

Strange notions of decency .If youth didn't fall in love who would?Pot bellied greying men and menopausal women?


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