Tuesday, February 2, 2010

continuation of India is shining

Then jobs could be got only out of influence and there was vast unemployment, the popular film song then was' B.A paddikaran bencha thodaikaran'.Merit was reserved only for I.A.S.But now to get admission to L,.K.G.itself requires merit.Jobs are in plenty and are acquired solely on basis of merit .Unemployment and its attendant youth unrest has become a thing of the past.All the young people are working hard and partying harder!

Then only the middle class sent their children to English medium convent schools.Now the lower middle class and the urban poor make it a point to send their children to English medium schools and tuition's . It is their to dream to make their wards employable in the scores of retail shops,I.T firms ,banks ,Insurance,mobile, T.V companies , garment factories,motor vehicles company .....the list is endless that have bloomed in profusion all over India.

Then there were very few schools and colleges.Now there are schools in every street corner[ of cities] and the monopoly of the Guindy Engineering college has been swept away by the emergence of 100's of Pvt Engineering colleges all over this state as well as in neighbouring states

Then ,it was buy once and use it forever culture.If a pen was bought to write in middle school it was preserved up to college.Only the nib was changed and a ink pot served the entire family the whole month.Now there are pens and pens.Available so cheaply at 2 Rs ,in every shop that it used and then thrown away.Now it is use and throw culture !

Computer known to a new born baby now was unheard of in my generation. It just didn't exist in India then .We who helped our children in their home work had to eat humble pie and learn the complicated procedures [to us] like start .click ,mail etc etc ...from them and got ticked off for not being quick enough !!

The milk man and paper boy who used to deliver their wares on foot or by cycles now come thudding on mopeds and motor bikes .

We lived by the adage 'News will reach us but it takes time to travel' .Now any one in any part of the world can be contacted within seconds from our living rooms!News is travelling faster than light!

Yes there are job oppurtunities like never before,millions of motorbikes,mobile's,variety of consumer goods,100's of T.V channels,1000's of shops are stacked with clothes that cater to the taste and needs of richest to the poorest sections of our society.

A good life is increasingly within the grasp of millions. India is shining!


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