Sunday, January 31, 2010

Time warp.

I started writing on the blog thinking that no one would bother to read my ramblings and so steamed ahead giving a free rein to my unbridled thoughts that were galloping like a race horse and probably bruised a few ego's and sensibilities on the way.

The range of comments I receive is an eyeopener to me .

I am a middle aged woman and I naively thought that only middle aged people like me whose opinions have been already formed and crystallized would read my blogs and unceremoniously flick them away like brushing of the crumbs after eating the cake.Women of my age would be cooking,seeing serials,make an occasional trip to the beauty parlour or work at their office's ,gossiping,reading magazines,busily planning shopping bouts and menu for upcoming festivals ceremonies,pilgrimages,or visit U.S to help their daughter deliver a baby or baby sit their son's child.The computer in their houses neatly covered by lace edged embroidered cloth till their son's or daughters return from their respective colleges or offices to claim it.

Middle aged men must be working in offices lording over their subordinates,keeping a ever watchful eye only on their bank balances,the computer an mere adornment on their tables, operated by young minions smirking gleefully, at their bosses ignorance.Then return home and relax before the T.V

The current generation[youth]were born with the computer . In their schools and at home.They have caught on to the Internet like a fish is to water.This is a cyber generation ,always on the line and in touch with all locally and globally. At home or in the office I suppose that they automatically surface the net in their spare time.

I suppose it is not their lot to trudge miles in search of books, magazines to replenish knowledge and information,or wade through crowded buses to see films and friends for entertainment and company or eagerly await the propitious tinkling of post man's cycle bell as he ferried messages across States and continents, the way we had to in our youth. The current generation has only to click and Lo'behold everything appears in a second on the monitors in the comforts of their cosy bedrooms or living rooms.

I am yet to fully comprehend the nuances and reach of this artificial[to me] faceless form of social networking into which I was pitch forked due to extra ordinary circumstances.I am learning one thing though as days peter into nights and nights into days that it is addictive and the fact that several youngsters from totally different backgrounds are reading my thoughts and views is a morale and ego booster.

Through Blogging I have gained entry into a totally new world. The youthful world I had shed 26 years back.The current youth are all intelligent and smarter than my set and it is they who are reading ,analysing,assessing and judging my language and content .Phew !

Vidat's legacy to me .


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