Monday, March 22, 2010

Fatal attraction.

Some people across the border ,the land of our enemies for the past 63 years ,have attracted me with their magnetic personalities.

The first and foremost was Imran Khan, whom as an teenager I saw him, also as a teenager running thunderously with a muscular physique yet possessed of a sweet and handsome face , bowling to our cricketers. It didn't matter that he was the denizen of our enemy country and whether we [teenage girls] liked cricket or not, made sure we would when Imran played,and were glued to the TV when matches in which Imran played were telecast.

He requested the TV channels not to show him in close up on being ghareod in Australia by all those Australian girls wanting to have a glimpse of him in flesh .He was surprised at all this adulation's as he was considered to be the ugly duckling of the family, by his sisters. Probably to his sisters but not to us then ,but now when I see that he has not weathered 'time' well ,I think his sisters were right.

Then comes WasimAkram . I was greatly taken in by his charm ,specially when he courteously bowed to the queen of England whilst accepting the runner up cup in a world cup final ,whilst the winners the Australians were behaving like a bunch of rowdy school boys.

Finally Mushraff . The architect of Kargil. Yet all the hatred evaporated to be replaced by admiration ,when he landed in India and looked superbly confident,trim and spoke pleasantly to all those he met and created a Mushraff mania for quite a while.But after being shown the door ,shorn of all his powers ,his charisma has crumbled rapidly and he looks as vapid as any ageing politician of the sub-continent.


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