Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Now that I am handling the computer quite often ,I have become a little skilled at it and have summoned the confidence to experiment with all those tiny squares on the screen.

I remember how I had made up my mind to attend a nearby class for people like us viz middle aged and whose computer knowledge was nil -to open the computer , draft and send E mails at a fee of Rs 5000 .The classes were an hour a day for a week.

Vidat, who was then working at Wipro , on hearing this was scandalised and said ''This is daylight robbery .I will teach you on a Sunday.''And he did.I wrote down all his instructions .It taxed him at having to repeat every thing which he did automatically without thinking ,twice or thrice and in trying to jog my slowly plodding brain to get a hang of it.

Even after several sessions spread over the weekends ,I didn't make much headway .My brain having gone rusty with constant disuse and lacking in genuine motivation.

I promptly forgot his patient instructions in the following days but haven't forgotten what he said wearily after one such session ''Ma, this is jujupee.Do you know what I ,your son does at the office?I make the code for these things [generally speaking] to work!''


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