Monday, March 22, 2010

Ruling families.

What is this mystery behind the macabre maladies that strike the ruling families of this subcontinent?

Towards the east ,in Bangladesh ,Deshbandhu- MujubirRehman and his family were eliminated in a military coup,within a few years of his assuming power of a nation he had valiantly liberated.

In the west , first it was Bhutto [elected PM] who was hanged and then his daughter Benazir ,who with the backing of her country men had forced the military dictator[who was also responsible for her father's death] to cede power to her , also died violently falling prey to a assassin's bullet,whilst campaigning against another military dictator.

Back at home , Indira Gandhi the iron women was ruthlessly gunned down by her own security guards and her successor her son Rajiv Gandhi was blown to bits in a suicide bomb attack.

Then towards the lofty Himalayas , the only Hindu kingdom , whose monarch was liberal and flexible and was adjusting to the changing needs of the times was wiped away ,his wife, children and all in a horrific palace drama, being bitten by the one that he had fed.

The famous political families of this subcontinent are swathed in blood and gore in this stretch of land ,which was once, sanctified by the presence of several apostles of peace . Hey Ram.


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