Monday, December 28, 2009

Emergency service ---maybe !

I just finished typing' Emergency service' at noon and clicked the publish button on Vid's blog when the phone rang.

It was the 25 year old son of my husband's colleague on the other side.He wanted to know whether I could attest a Bond? I said' of course ' and asked him to come in the evening at 6.
In the intervening period he rang me up 4 to 5 times ,making sure that I had my seal,and would I be definitely available since he had to get some documents from a company he had earlier worked with the very next day and then apply for visa the day after to head off to U.K. on an important official assignment and every thing hinged on my attesting his Bond that day itself!He was frantic . I assured him that I would do the needful.

He turned up in the evening looking hot and bothered .I affixed my seal and signature on the document soon after. It took me barely a minute.He looked relieved and thanked me it seems, straight from his heart and explained his tension to the fact that as it was a public holiday due to --Mohharum he couldnt spot a single Notary Public .

So all those white vans of Notaries dotting the high court campus were cooling off in their owners garages.

It seems that at certain times a Notary does render emergency service !!


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