Monday, November 30, 2009

Life is so bizzarre .

During my high school days I was shocked and moved when Rajesh Khanna,who donned the role of a young and handsome and terminally ill cancer patient laughed from a tape recorder few moments after his death in the arms of a surly ,angry doctor who gets emotionally attached to his exuberant patient . For years there after it was the most touching scene I had ever seen in a film.
A more moving scene was played out live a couple of months back .

Few months after Vidat's departure ,Vineet was fiddling with a Mp3player gifted by Vidat to Harind few months before their demise,which Vidat had brought back home to download some western music on the request of Harind but before he could return it Harind passed away after a cardiac arrest.And soon Vidat also departed.This player was lying around and Vineet wanting to check its contents attached it to the computer and when we suddenly heard Vidat's voice loud and clear asking Harind to say something so as to record it in the Mp3 player and Harind in his deep voice say's 'soon you will leave for the U.S , get a job and build a house and I 'll visit you there'. Vidat say's 'sure' and both end it with loud laughs-Ha Ha Ha Ha -just like the film Anand.
The difference is that in the film the patient dies and the doctor lives on,but in real life both the mentor mama a patient recuperating from a heart attack and his naive nephew who visited his ailing uncle often on the eve of his departure to the U.S. for higher studies,to shower him with his kindliest affection and gifts also departed after a gap of 18 days.


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