Thursday, December 24, 2009


I have decided to delete my age from my profile.Whenever I see it I can't believe that I am that old. It makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Is it true ? Am I also falling in line with that old adage 'Never ask a woman her age' [she is sure to lie] Is this inborn in all females?An instinct no amount of education,experiences,culture and,traumas can ever hope to overcome.

A man is never ashamed of his age where as a woman is. Is the clue behind this mystery lie in the realms of hormones?

A male of the human species is never subjected to a dip in that famous hormone testosterone.He can father a child even in his twilight years. An classic e.g is Charlie Chaplin who fathered a child at the ripe age of 75!

The female of the human species is subject to the phenomenon called menopause roughly from 40 years onwards when her progesterone levels nose dive and she can never create a child in her womb.This makes a woman feel unwanted and her existence thence forward seems meaningless .Men confound the problem by looking through or over her for the simple reason that after menopause ,the once curvaceous waist becomes barrel like .The unmistakable sway signalling fertility can't be recaptured despite rigorous exercises one may undergo, hoping to kindle some attention from the other gender.

We become like husks losing our charm and allure and none of us from the greatest beauties to the ugliest ducklings would want to damage our ego further by proclaiming to all and sundry our age a surefeit indicator of our hormonal status.
Finally every thing is to do with procreation .Right?


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