Sunday, December 13, 2009

Will I ever ?

Will my heart ever lift the way it did on my father's occasional visit, when all my disquiet dissolved?

Will my heart ever lift the way it did on hearing the gruff but kind voices of my brothers over the phone?

Will my heart ever lift the way it did when Vidat's face darkened by anxieties and anger of the day brightened on seeing me?

Will my heart ever lift the way it did when my sons gorged down the dishes I had painstakingly prepared for hours and emptied their plates in few seconds?

Will my heart ever lift on seeing birds flying in a 'v' formation on the distant reaches of the sky?

Will my heart ever lift on seeing the blue sky,the twinkling stars and the rich colours painted on the evening sky?

Will my heart ever lift on hearing my favourite film songs?

Will my heart ever lift when my second son brings laurels the way it did when the first one did?

Never it seems for I am still foolishly waiting in vain to see the smile of my son long since gone.


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