Thursday, November 5, 2009

Intoduction.My Bio Data.

I was born on 26th of July 1957 in Tirupati at my maternal grandfather's house.According to my mother my birth was heralded with the news that my grand father M .Ananthasayanam ayyengar -a freedom fighter and member of the congress party was elected to the post of Speaker of the second Loksabha [Indian parliament] and there fore I was considered as a lucky mascot.

Co- incidently the year of my birth also marked the 100th birth anniversary of my paternal great grandfather Kapisthalam Desikachariar an erudite sanskrit scholar,an authority on Visishta Dwaita philosophy [an important branch of Indian philosophical thoughts] and who was conferred with the tittle Mahamhopadya .

My father K.C.Sundrachari worked on the administrative side of C.S.I.R. which has more than 44 laboratories or so in various parts of India.He was transferred once in every 3 years to one or the laboratory dotting India and we had to keep on shifting camp and thus I spent my childhood in Mysore,Hyderabad and Delhi. We were a family of 5 siblings .Three elder brothers and one younger.

I started writing in a diary when we were living in Hyderabad R.R.L staff colony at age of 13.Why?
In those days there was no television. The only mode of entertainment apart from playing outdoor and indoor games was to read novels ,books and comics. I probably read the the diary of' AnneFrank'the story of a Jewish girl hiding in a cupboard for 2 years from Germans, and that served as an inspiration to start recording the day's events.

Why have I preserved them till date?Most probably in the hope that my descendants would read them and get to know me .The whirl pool of domesticity in which I was swirling contendedly and the inhibitions and reluctance to dare and bare all changed when Vidat my son at the age of 23 created this blog with the explicit request that I publish my articles [view's and thoughts] and departed for ever within 4 months ,therefore that ,request has got converted into an injunction and I started blogging and as I continue to do so I am confronted with my depleting creativity and I have no other option but to dip into my personal diary to satisfy the voracious appetite of the 'Bhakasuran' called 'Blogging'.

Hence I am publishing some pages from my diary in the same language in which it was written then.The setting is Hyderabad staff colony where I lived and Key's high school where I studied.
My younger  brother is no more.

About my friend's, you will get to know as you read on. In case any one of them happens to read this blog I would like to let them know that the years 13 to 15 which I spent in their company were one of the best years in my life.

I studied and passed out of 11th -1974 [there was no 10 + 2 then] from DTEA school Mandir marg at New Delhi.I got a state rank . I did BA history honours in Lady Sriram college of women at New Delhi From 1974 to 1977 and LLB at Law faculty at Delhi from 1977 to 1980 and passed with a ,A grade.I was a junior to a leading Supreme court lawyer Smt Shyamala pappu for few months and also cleared IAS prelims twice [not the main] My marriage was fixed in 1981 with a bank employee at Chennai hailing from a very conservative joint family, when i was 24 years old.In 1983 my first son Vidat was born and in 1986 my second son was born. I practised law in Poonamalee court which was near my suburban house at Porur and later confined my practise to signing affadavits etc as a Notary public in my house.Due to a fued between the law dept and lawyers many licenses of Notary public's were cancelled citing petty procedural lapses .I too felt the axe.

At present here I am blogging and under taking pilgrimages in the fond hope of picking up the threads that were rudely snapped on the evening of 27 th July 2007 .


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