Saranagati Gadyam by Ramanujar - Conversation between Ramanujar and Lakshmi and Narayana. in Tamil and English. Meanings in English.
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ரங்கநாயகி தாயார் ஸமேத ஸ்ரீ ரங்கநாதர் Ranganayaki Thayar sametha Ranganathar at Sri Rangam temple. |
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ராமானுஜர் -லக்ஷ்மி நரஸிம்ஹர் கோவில் -அஹோபிலம்- Sri Ramanujar at Lakshmi Narsimhar temple at Ahobilam |
In Saranagathi Gadyam Ramanuja seeks MahaLakshmi's protection and blessings by performing Saranagathi to her before performing it to Naryana since he is convinced that her motherly tenderness would make her intercede in behalf of mortals whilst her Lord may become strict in dealing with sins committed by them .
|| ஸ்ரீ :||
|| ஷரணாகதி -கத்யம் ||
Sharanagathi Gadhyam.
Acharya Vandanam:
தனியன் :
யோ நித்திய ம்சுயுத பதாம புஜ யுக் மருக்ம-
வ்யா மோஹதஸ் -ததி த்ராணாய மே நே |
அஸ்மத் குரோர் -பகவ தோஸ்ய தயைக -ஸிந்தோ :
ராமாநுஜஸ்ய சரநௌ ஷரணம் ப்ரபத்யே ||
Meaning---I surrender at the feet of guru Sri Ramanuja acharya, the ocean of compassion who regarded only the sacred feet of Acyutha as invaluable treasure and every thing else as mere straw.
Sri Ramanujar's prayer to Sri
1. பகவந் நாராயண பிமதாநு ரூப ஸ்வரூப பரூபகுண விபவை ஷ்வர்ய
ஷீலாத் யநவதிகாதிஷய அஸங்க்யேய கல்யாண குணகணாம் ,பத்மவ
நாலயாம் ,பகவதீம் ,ஷ்ரியம்,தேவீம் ,நித்ய நபாயிநீ ம் ,நிரவத்யாம் ,தேவ தேவ
திவ்ய மஹிஷீம் ,அகிலஜகந்மாதரம் ,அஸ்மன்மாதரம் ,அசரண்யசரண்யாம்
,அந ந்யசரண :ஷரணம் அஹம் ப்ரபத்யே ||
1.Bhagavan narayana bimathanurupa swaroopa guna vibhavaisvarya sheelathyanavadhikathisaya
asangyeya kalyanagunaganam,padmavanalayam ,bhagavathim sriyaum, deveem, nithyana bayineem
,niravadyaam,devadevadivyamahisheem , akhila jaganmatharam,asmanmatharam, asaranaya
saranyam , annanyasarana :saranam ahamprapethye.
Meaning--Having no other resource I seek as my resort the goddess Sri , --Lakshmi , my mother and the mother of the whole world, who is the sole resort of those that are helpless , the worshipful Sri the supreme consort of the god of gods , who is free from all traces of blemish, whose residence is the bed of lotuses and who possesses countless hosts of auspicious qualities like beauty, virtue, majesty, lordship and goodness and whose essential nature is appropriate and pleasing to Bhagvan Naryana
2 --பாரமார்த்திக பகவத் சரண விந்த யுகள ஐகாந்தி காந்தயாதிக பரபக்தி
ப்ரஜ்ஞான பரம பக்தி க்ருதா பரிபூர்ண வரத நித்திய விஷததம அநந்ய
அனவதிகாதிஷயப்ரிய பகவத் அனுபவ ஜனித அனவதிகாதிசஷய ப்ரீதி
காரிதா சேஷா வஸ்தோசித அசேஷ சேஷதைகரதிரரூப நித்திய கைங்கர்ய
ப்ராப்தய பேக்ஷயா பாரமார்த்திகீ பகவ ஷரணவிந்த சரணாகதி :யாதவஸ்தித
அவிரதா அஸ்து மே||
**2.Paaramarthiga bhagavathsaranaravindhayugala aiganthikaanthyanthika parabhakthi prajgyana
paramabhakthikrutha paripoornanavaradha nithya vishathama annanyaprayojana
anavadhikadhisyapriya bhagavadhanubaaanitha anavadhikadhisaya preethikaaridha
seshavasdhositha asesha seshadhai karathirupa
nithya kaingarya prapathaya pekshaya paaramaarthiki bhagava saranaravindha
saranaghathi:Yadavasthitha aviradha asthume.
Meaning--May my sincere and faithful saranagathi/surrender at the lotus like feet of Bhagvan be continuous and never ending -A Saranagathi performed with the longing to obtain the privelege of eternal service to Him ,which is of the nature of me finding sole joy in rendering all forms of service appropriate to all His states and situations .A longing which is stimulated by unlimited and unsurpassed love arising from the expectation of boundless and unsurpassed delight in the , continuous ,eternal, complete and extremely pure enjoyment of Bhagvan , and seeks no other gain and is the result of Parabhakthi, Parajnana and Paramabhakthi exclusively and eternally displayed towards the two lotus like feet of Bhagvan which are the supreme goal to be desired.
Note --Sudarshana suri the contemporary of Sri Desikan says Parabhakthi means the intense longing to have the vision of Bhagvan .Parajananam means the actual vision of Lord.Parama Bhakthi means intense longing ,consequent of Prajanam to have the continuous enjoyment of Bhagvan .All these three are the stages in ripening and perfection of Bhakthi
Sri's reply to Sri Ramanujar
3 அஸ்து தே ||
**3 Asthu dhe
Meaning--Let it be so for you.
4.தயைவ ஸர்வம் ஸம்பத்ஸ்யதே ||
**4. Dayava sarvam sampathsyathe
Meaning--Everything will be fulfilled by it alone.
. Saranagadi By Sri Ramanujar to Bhagvan Sriman Narayana
நாராயண :
5.அகில ஹேயப்ரத்யநீக கல்யாணைகதாந !ஸ்வேத ரஸமஸ் தவஸ்து
விலக்ஷண !அநந்த ஜ்ஞாநாநந்தைக ஸ்வரூப !ஸ்வாபிமதாநுரூபைக ரூபா
சிந்த்ய திவ்யாத்புத நித்ய நிரவத்ய நிரதிஷாயௌவ்ஜ்ஜ்வல்ய ஸௌந்தர்ய
ஸௌகந்த்ய ஸௌகுமார்ய லாவண்யா யௌவநாத்யநந்த குணநிதி
திவ்யரூப !
**5. Akhilaheyapratyaneeka kalyanakadhana!Swetha rasmas thavasthu vilakshana!Anantha
gaynanandai swaroopa!Swabhimadhanuroopaika roopasindhaiya divyathbhuda nithya niravadya
nirathisayavjwalliya soundarya saugandhaya saukumarialavanya yavanathiya nanda gunanidhi divya
நாராயணின் குணங்கள் :
ஸ்வாபாவிகாநவதிகாதிஷய ஜ்ஞாநபலைஷ்வர்ய வீர்ய ஷக்தி தேஜஸ்
ஸௌஷீல்ய வாத்ஸல்ய மார்த்வார்ஜவ ஸௌஹார்த ஸாம்ய காருண்ய
மாதுர்ய காம்பீர்யௌ தார்ய சாதுர்யஸ்தைர்ய தைர்ய ஷெளர்ய பராக்ரம
ஸத்யகாம ஸத்ய ஸங்கல்ப க்ருதித்வ க்ருதஜ்ஞதாத்ய ஸங்க்யேய கல்யாண
குணகநௌகா மஹார்ணவ !
Qualities of Narayana:
Swabhavikanavadikadisaya gyana balaiswaraya veeryasakthitejas sausilya vatsalya maarthwarjwa
sauhartha samya karunya madhurya gambhiryaudharya chaturyasdhairya dhairya saurya prakrama
satyakama satyasangalpa krithva krithangya dhathyasanghyeya kalayanagunauga maharnnava!
நாராயணனின் அணிகலன்கள் :
ஸ்வோசித விவித விசித்ராநந்த ஆஷ்சர்ய நித்யநிரவத்ய நிரதி ஷயஸூகந்த
நிரதிஷயஸூகஸ்பர்ஷ நிரதிஷயௌஜ்வல்யகிரீடமகுட சூடாவதம்ஸ மகர
குண்டல க்ரைவேயக ஹாரகேயூர கடக ஸ்ரீவத்ஸ கௌஸ்துப முக்தா
தாமோதரபந்தந பீதாம்பர காஞ்சீகுண நூபுராத்யபரிமித திவ்ய பூஷண !
Ornaments adorning Narayana:
swositha vi vivida vichitrandha Acharya nithyaniravadya niradhiyasugandha
nirathisayasugasbaras niradhisaujalya kirida maguda sudavadamsa magarakundalakraiveyaga
harakeyoora kadaag srivatasakausthuba muktha damodara bandana pithambhara kangseeguna
noopurathyaparimida divya bhooshana!
ஆயுதங்கள் :
ஸ்வாநுரூப அசிந்த்யஷக்திஷங்கசக்ர கதாஸி ஷாரங் காத்யஸ்ங்
க் யேய நித்ய நிரவத்ய நிரதி ஷயகல்யாண திவ்யா ஆயுத :
Weapons of Narayana:
Swanuroopa achinthya sakthisankhachakra kadasi saranagthyasungyeya nithya niravathya niradhi
sayakalyana divyayudha !
பிராட்டிமார்கள் --
ஸ்வாபிமத நித்ய நிரவத்யாநுரூப ஸ்வரூபரூபகுண விபவைஷ்வர்ய
ஷீலாத்யநவதிக அதிசய அஸங்க்யேய கல்யாண குணகண ஸ்ரீவல்லப |
ஏவம் பூதபூமிநீளாநாயக !
Consorts of Narayana-
Swabimatah nithya niravadhyanurupa swaruparupaguna vibhavaiswarya srilathyanavadika adhisaya
asangyeya kalayanagunaganaSri vallabha!
ஸ்வச்சந்தா நுவர்த்தி ஸ்வரூபஸ்திதி ப்ரவ்ருத்திபேத அஷேஷஷேஷதைக
ரதிரூப நித்யநிரவத்ய நிரதிஷயஜ்ஞாந க்ரியை ஷ்வர்யாத்யநந்த கல்யாண
குணகண ஷேஷஷேஷாஷந கருடப்ரமுக நாநாவிதாநந்த பரிஜநபரிசாரிகா
Swachanthanuvarthi swarupasthithi pravarthibedha aseshaseshadaiga rathirupa nithyaniravadya
niradhisayajgyana kriyaiswaryaath kalyanagunagana seshaseshaasana garudapramuga nanavidhantha
parijanaparisarika parisaridasarannayugalla!
வைகுண்டம் :
பரமயோகி வாங்மனஸா பரிச்சேத்ய ஸ்வரூப ஸ்வபாவ ஸ்வபிமத விவித
விசித்ராநந்த போக்ய போகோகரண போகஸ்தாந ஸம்ருதாநந்த ஆஷ்சர்ய
அனந்தமஹாவிபவ அநந்த பரிமாண நித்யநிரவத்யநிரதிஷய
ஸ்ரீவைகுண்டநாத !
Paramayogi vangmanasaparichetya swaroopa swabhava swabhimatha vividha vichitrananda bhogya
bhogobhagarana bhogasthana samruthananda aasarya ananthamahavibhava anantha parimanna nithya
niravadya nirathisaya Sri Vaikuntanatha!
பொழுதுபோக்கு :
ஸ்வஸங்கல்பாநுவிதாயி ஸ்வரூபஸ்திதிப்ரவ்ருத்தி ஸ்வஸேஷதைக
ஸ்வபாவ ப்ரக்ருதி புருஷ காலாத்மக விவிதவிசித்திராநந்த போக்ய போக்
த்ருவர்க போகோபகரண போகஸ் தாநரூப நிகிலஜகதுதய விபவலயலீல!
Swaasankalpanu vidhayi swarupasthithipravurthi swaseshadhaika swabhava prakrithi
purushakalathmaga vividhavichitrananada bhogya bhogthruvarka bhogobhagarana bhogasthanurupa
nikhilajagathudaya Viibhavalayalila!
குணங்கள் :
ஸத்யகாம!ஸத்யஸங்கல்ப ! பரப்ரஹ்மபூத! புருஷோத்தம !
மஹாவிபுதே!ஸ்ரீமந் !நாராயண !ஸ்ரீவைகுண்டநாத!அபாரகாருண்ய
ஸௌசீல்ய வாத்ஸல்யௌதார்ய ஐஸ்வர்ய ஸௌந்தர்ய மஹோததே !அநா
லோசித விஷேஷா ஷேஷலோகஷரண்ய !ப்ரணதார்த்திஹர!ஆஷ்ரித வாத்
ஸல்யைக ஜலதே !அநவரத விதித நிகில பூதஜாதயாதாத்ம்ய !அஷேஷ சராசர
பூத நிகில நியமந நிரத !அஷேஷ சிதசித் வஸ்து ஷேஷிபூத !நிகிலஜகதாதார
!அகிலஜகத்ஸ்வாமிந்!அஸ்மத்ஸ்வாமிந்!ஸத்யகாம!ஸத்யஸங்கல்ப !
ஸகலேதர -விலக்ஷண ! அர்த்திகல்பக !ஆபத்ஸக!
ஸ்ரீமந் !நாராயண ! அஷரண்யஷரண்ய!
அநந்யஷரண:த்வத்பாத அரவிந்தயுகளம் ஷரணமஹம் ப்ரபத்யே ||
Qualities of Sriman Narayana--
Narayana!SriVaikuntanatha!Abharakarunya Sowseelyavatsalyaudharya Aishwarya soundarya
mahothade!Analosita viseshaseshalokasaranya! Prannatharthihara!Aasridha vatsalyaiga
jalathe!Anavradha vidhitha nikhila bhoodhajaathyathathmya !Asesha sarasara bhooda nikhila
niyamana niradha!Aseshasidhachit vasthuseshibhoodha!Nikhila
jagadadhara!Akhilajagathswamin!Asmathswamin! Satyakama!Satyasangalpa!Sakhaledhara
Meaning-- 'O'Narayana !Lord of Sri! Whose wonderful form while being opposed to all that is of the nature of a blemish , is the sole resting place to all that is auspicious , whose essential nature is absolutely different from that of all beings and objects other than itself and is characterised as infiniteness , intelligence and bliss, whose unique personality is appropriate and pleasing to thyself and is the abode of unimaginable divine and wonderful qualities, eternal spotless and unsurpassed--countless qualities like splendour, beauty of features , fragrance, tenderness, handsome personality and youth --You are the great ocean of hosts of innumerable auspicious qualities which are by nature thine and which are unsurpassed --like intelligence, strength, lordship,valour,ability, unwearied energy easy accessibility to all , freedom from partiality, compassion , sweetness, profoundness, generosity, adroitness, firmness, fortitude, fearlessness, prowess, the eternal possession of all objects of desire,the ability to carry out all resolves ,helpfulnesss and gratitude,
You are adorned with divine ornaments of a large size that are appropriate to thee , ornaments of various kinds and exquisite workmanship, countless in number, wonderful, eternal, faultless ,possessing unsurpassed fragrance , unsurpassed softness of touch and unsurpassed and dazzling brilliance -- Ornaments such as the imperial crown , a crest jewel, ear rings shaped like a shark, a necklace , pearl garlands, armlets , bracelets, Srivatsa , the gem Kaustubha and waist band made of a chain of pearls , a raiment of yellow silk, girdle and anklets.
'O'Lord You wear innumerable and divine weapons suited to thyself which are of unimaginable potency like the conch, the discus, the club, the sword and the bow which are all eternal , spotless and of unsurpassed auspiciousness.'O'Narayana !
Beloved lord of Sri ,Your consort has infinite and unsurpassed host of auspicious qualities pleasing to Thyself ,which are eternal and perfect with a essential nature ,character and form appropriate to thee .She has the beauty of character , greatness ,lordship and goodness suited to Thee.
'O'Thou are the lord of Bhumi and Neela who resemble Sri in all these respects.
Your two feet are eternally waited upon by varied and innumerable attendants, male and female ,whose essential nature ,existence and different kinds of activities are congenial to Thy will and are of such nature as would find their sole joy in rendering all kinds of service ,the chief among them being Sesha,Vishvaksena and Garuda who are all immortal ;perfect and possessed of unsurpassed knowledge , activity ,lordship and host of other innumerable and auspicious qualities,
'O'Lord of Sri Vaikuntha !The regions essential nature and character are beyond the comprehension of the mind and speech of even great yogins. Sri Vaikuntha which contains countless objects of enjoyment,countless instruments of enjoyment and countless places of enjoyment are all congenial to Your will and is richly provided with innumerable , wonderful and great things of unimaginable magnitude.
Vaikuntha is eternal ,faultless and incomparable.
'O'Thou whose sport [lila] consists of creation, maintenance and dissolution of the whole Universe ,containing within it, diverse kinds of wonderful and countless objects of enjoyment, countless groups of those that experience pleasure and pain, countless instruments of enjoyment and countless places of enjoyment which are of basically of the nature of matter[prakriti] Jiva and Time--whose essential nature , existence and activity conform to Your will and whose nature is solely to serve thy purpose .
'O'Thou who has all the objects of desire, whose will is ever accomplished ,who is the Supreme Brahman and Purushothama ,whose greatness is beyond all measure.
'O'Lord of Sri! Narayana! Lord of Vaikunta! Great ocean of measureless mercy, goodness, affection, generosity, lordship and beauty ---O Thou are the refuge of the whole world without any exception and regardless of all considerations[of class, status,or character] dispells the distress of those who offer obeisance to You .
'O'Thou art the ocean solely of love to those who depend on Thee ,who always knows the true nature and conditions of all created beings that are engaged in the control and ordering of all beings without ---those that move and those that are stationery .Thou are the Sesi for whom all beings exist ,that is the support of the whole Universe , Thou are the Lord of the Universe ,You are our Master who has with him all desirable objects ,whose Will is ever realised, who is Unique[in his loveliness]who is the Kalpaka tree of those who are in want,the Friend in need of those that are in distress.
'O'Lord of Sri ! Narayana! Refuge of those who are helpless,--I seek protection of Thy two lotus like feet ,having no other resort.
Note--Sesi is one ,for the fulfillment of whose purposes other beings or things exist .Sesa is a being or thing that exists only for the fulfillment of the Sesi,s purpose
**6. பிதரம் மாதரம் தாராந் புத்ராந் பந்தூந் ஸகீன் குரூந் |
ரத்நாநி தனதாந்யாநி க்ஷேத்ராணி ச க்ருஹாணி ச ||
ஸர்வ தர்மாம் ஷச ஸந்த்யஜ்ய ஸர்வ காமாமாம் ஷச ஸாக்ஷராந்|
லோக விக்ராந்த சரநௌ ஸரணம் தேவ்ரஜம் விபோ ||
[ Athradvayam]
**6.Pitharam maatharam dharaan puthran bhandhoon sakeen guroon |
Rathnani dhanadhaanyani kshetranni cha gruhanni cha||
Sarvadhramaamshacha santhyajya sarvakamamshacha saksharaan
lokavikrantha charanau sharanam thevrajam vibho! ||
[ Here dvayam ]
Meaning-- Having given up father, mother, wife, sons, relatives ,friends and preceptors,
Gems, wealth, cornfields and houses as also the Upayas [prescribed in Sastras] , all objects of
enjoyment along with the joyful experience of my own pure self freed from body , I seek as my sole resort , 'O 'Supreme Being Thy two feet which have traversed the whole world.
Note ---"Here Dvayam" may mean ---Here the meaning of the mantra called Dvayam has been practically explained or it might mean --Here the Dvaya mantra should be uttered .
**7.த்வமேவ மாதா ச பிதா த்வமேவ
த்வமேவ பந்துஷ்ச குருஸ் த்வமேவ |
த்வமேவ வித்யா த்ரவிணம் த்வமேவ
த்வமேவ ஸர்வம் மம தேவதேவ ||
. Twameva matha cha pithatwameva
twameva bhandhushacha gurusthvameva |
Twameva vidya dhravinam twameva
twameva sarvam mama devadeva ||
Meaning--O God of Gods!You are my mother, my father, You are my relative and my preceptor
You are the Vidya enjoining meditation .You are my wealth and You are everything to me .
Note .Slokas 6 and 7 are said to be from the Puranas
**8. பிதாஸி லோகஸ்ய சராசரஸ்ய த்வமஸ்ய பூஜ்யஷ்ச குருர்கரீயாந்|
ந த்வத்ஸமோ ஸத்யப்யதிக :குதோ ந்யோ லோகத்ரயே ப்யப்ரதிம ப்ரபாவ ||
Pithasilokasya characharsya twamasya pujyashacha guroorgariyan |
na thvathsmo satyabhayadhika:kudhonyo lokathreye payaprathimaprabhava ||
Meaning--You are the father of the world, of those that move and those that do not move:You are the object of homage and reverence to all of them ;You are the preceptor and the One to whom supreme reverence is due.There is no equal to thee :How then could there be any one greater than You in all the three worlds, 'O' One of unequalled might?
Note :the above sloka is quoted from Gita chapter 11- 43 rd sloka
**9 தஸ்மாத் ப்ரணம்ய ப்ரணிதாய காயம்
ப்ரஸாதயே த்வாமஹ மீஷமீட்யம் |
பிதேவ புத்ரஸ்ய ஸகேவ ஸக்யு :
ப்ரிய : ப்ரியாயார்ஹஸி தேவ !ஸோடும் ||
Tasmath prannmaya pranidhayakayam prasadye twamahashameetyam|
Pithave putrasya sakeva saku:
priya:priyaayaarhasi dev !Sodum||
Meaning--Therefore bowing before You with bent body, I seek to propitiate you who are the ruler worthy of all praise .Like a father with his son , like a friend with his friend , like one who loves the one who loves him , You should bear with me , O lord !
Note --The above sloka is quoted from Gita ---11-44
**10 மநோவாக்காயை அநாதிகாலப்ரவ்ருத்த அநந்தாக்ருத்யகரண க்ருத்யா
கரண பகவதபசார பாகவதாபசார அஸஹ்யாபசாரரூப நாநாவித அநந்தாப
சாராந் ஆரப்தகார்யாந் அநாரப்தகார்யாந் க்ருதாந் க்ரியமாணாந் கரிஷ்யமா
ணாம்ஷ்ச ஸர்வாந ஷேஷத : க்ஷமஸ்வ ||
Manovakkayai :anadhikalapravartha ananthakrityakarana krityaakarana bhagavadabachara
bhaagavadabhachara asahyabhachararupa nanavidha ananthabhacharan aarapdhagaaryaan
anarapdhakaaryaan ,krithankriyamannan karishyamannamshacha sarvanasheshatha:kshamasva||
Meaning--Pardon all the varied and innumerable offences committed by me from beginningless time with the mind , the speech and the body.The countless sins of omission and commission .The sins against You , sins against Your devotees and other unpardonable sins --some of which have begun to yield their fruit and some of which have not.Please pardon without exception all the sins that were committed by me in the in the past , and all those sins that are committed at present by me and that will be committed by me in future .
*11--அநாதிகாலப்ரவ்ருத்தம் விபரீதஜ்ஞாநம் ஆத்மவிஷயம் க்ருத்ஸ்ந ஜகத்
விஷயம் ச விபரீத வ்ருத்தம் ச அஷேஷவிஷயம் அத்யாபி வர்த்தமாநம்
வர்த்திஷ்யமாணம் ச ஸர்வம் க்ஷமஸ்வ ||
Anadhikala paravrutham vipreethajgyanam athmavishayam kruthsan jagadhvishayam cha
vipreethavrutum cha asheshavishayam adhyabi varthamanam varthishyamaanam cha sarvam
Meaning---Pardon everything of the nature of perverse notions in me concerning the self and concerning the whole world which have persisted from beginningless time and also everything of the nature of perverse conduct , concerning all things which persists at present and which may persist in the future
**12-மதீயாநாதிகர்ம ப்ரவாஹப்ரவ்ருத்தாம் பகவத்ஸ்வரூப திரோதாநகரீம்
விபரீதஜ்ஞாநஜநநீம் ஸ்வவிஷயாயாஷ்ச போக்யபுத்தேர்ஜநநீம் தேஹேந்த்
ரியத்வேந போக்யத்வேந ஸூக்ஷ்மரூபேண ச அவஸ்திதாம் தைவீம்
குணமயீம் மாயாம்" தாஸபூத:ஷரணாகதோஸ்மி, தவாஸ்மிதாஸ:"இதி
வக்தாரம் மாம் தாரய ||
Madhiyanadhikarma pravahapravrutham bhagavathswaroopa thirodhanagareem
viprithajgyananajananeem swavishayayashacha bhogya bhudherjananeem dhehendhriyathvena
bhogyathvena sookshmarupenna cha avasthitham daiveem gunamayeem mayaam "dhasabhutha:
sharanagathosmi thvaasmidhasa :"Ithi vaktharam maam tharaya||
Meaning--As I cry "I Your servant , seek refuge under You ,I am Your servant"--help me to leap over Prakriti--the creation of divine sport --with its three qualities , which has been flowing like a stream as a result of my karma from beginningless time which conceals from me Your essential nature ,which causes perverse notions and makes me think of it as something enjoyable and which is in the form of the body and the senses makes me think of it respectively as the seat of enjoyment and the instruments of enjoyment and which even in the state of Pralaya or dissolution remains in its subtle form .
**13 1. தேஷாம் ஜ்ஞாநீ நித்ய யுக்த :ஏகபக்திர் விசிஷ்யதே |
ப்ரியோ ஹி ஜ்ஞாநி நோத்யர்த்தம் அஹம் ஸ ச மம ப்ரிய :||
2. உதாராஸ் ஸர்வ ஏவைதே ஜ்ஞாநீ த்வாத்மைவ மே மதம் |
ஆஸ்திதஸ்ஸ ஹி யுக்தாத்மா மாமேவாநுத்தமாம் கதிம் ||
3. பஹுநாம் ஜன்மநாமந்தே ஜ்ஞாநவாந் மாம் ப்ரப்தயதே |
வாஸூதேவஸ் ஸர்வமிதி ஸ மஹாத்மா ஸூ துர்லப ||
1. Thesham gyani nithyayuktha: ekabhakthir vishishyathe|
Priyo hi gyani nothyartham aham sa cha mama priya ||
2. Udharas sarva yeyaithe gyani twathmaiva me matham|
asthithas he yukthathma mame vanuthmam ghathim||
3. Bhahoonam janmanamanathe gyanavan mam prapadhyathe|
Vasudevas sarvamithi sa mahathma soodhurlabha:||
இதி ஸ்லோக த்ரயோதித ஜ் ஞாநிநம் மாம் குருஷ்வ ||
Ithi shloka trayodhitha gyaninam maamkurushva
Meaning--Make me the wise man [gyani] described in these three slokas -[of the Gita ]
1 .Among them , the gyani [the man of wisdom] is eternaly attached to me .He is devoted solely and exclusively to me .I am extremely dear to the gyani and he is also dear to me beyond all decsription .
2.Generous indeed are they all but the gyani I consider as my very self , because , longing for union with me he clings to me alone as the highest goal
3.At the end of many existence ,the gyani worships me with the conviction that Vasudeva is all --the goal as well as the means of reaching it .He is indeed a great soul and it is extremely difficult to find one like him .[in the world]
**14---"புருஷஸ்ஸ :பார்த்த !பக்த்யா லப்யஸ்த் வநந்யயா |"
" பக்த்யா தவநநந் யயா ஷக்ய:" "மத் பக்திம் லபதே பராம் "
இதி ஸ்தாநத்ரயோதித பரபக்தியுக்தம் மாம் குருஷ்வ ||
" Purushaspara:Partha! Bhakthya labhyastwanyaya"
"Bhakthya tvananyaya shakya "."Mathbhakthim labtheparam"
Ithi sthantrayodhith-parabhakthiyuktham mam khurushva||
Meaning--Enable me to acquire parabhakthi reffered to in three places in the Gita : "I am capable of being attained O Partha by sole and exclusive devotion to me "Having realised the pure self within him and with his mind unclouded by Karma or suffering of any kind he neither grieves at any sad event nor desires anything of wordly gain". "Having become indifferent to all objects of desire he soon attains absolute devotion [bhakthi] to me "
**15--பரபக்தி பரஜ்ஞாந பரமபக்த்யேக ஸ்வபாவம் மாம் குருஷ்வ ||
Para bhakthi parajgyana paramabhakthayeka swabhavam mamkhurushva ||
Meaning--Make me attain the sole character of one who has Parabhakthi, Paragyana,and Parama bhakthi.
**16--பரபக்தி பரஜ்ஞாந பரமபக்தி க்ருத பரிபூர்ணாநவரத நித்ய விஷததம
அநந்யப்ரயோஜந அநவதிகாதிஷயப்ரிய பகவதநுபவோஹம் ததாவித
பகவதநுபவஜநித அநவதிகாதிஷயப்ரீதிகாரித அஷேஷாவஸ்தோசித
அஷேஷ ஷேஷதைகரதிரூப நித்ய கிங்கரோ பவாநி ||
Parabhakthi parajgyana paramabhkathikrutha paripurnaavratha nithya vishadhathma
ananyaprayojana anavadhikathi shayapriya bhagavadhanubhavoham thathavidha
bhagavadhanubhavajanitha anavadhikathishyapretikarith asheshavasthochitha
asheshasheshaithaikarthirupa nithya kingro bhavani ||
Meaning---Having attained the infinite and unsurpassed bliss of the experience of Bhagvan in full , continuously, eternally and , clearly and having no other end in view -the experience which has resulted from Parbhakthi, Paragyana and Paramabhakthi, may I become the eternal servant of Bhagvan finding my sole joy in fullfilling all His purposes in all states and situations without any exception owing to the infinite and unequalled delight arising from such a experience!
ராமாநுஜர் பிரார்த்தனைக்கு பகவானின் பதில் .
**17-ஏவம்பூத மத்கைங்கர்ய ப்ராப்த்யு பாயதயா வக்லுப்த ஸமஸ்த வஸ்து
விஹீநோபி ,அநந்த தத்விரோதி பாபாக்ராந்தோபி,அநந்தமதபசாரயுக்தோபி,
அநந்தமதீ யாபசார்யுக்தோபி ,அநந்த அஸஹ்யாபசாரயுக்தோபி,
ஏதத்கார்யகாரண பூதாநாதிவிபரீதாஹங்கார விமூடாத்ம ஸ்வபாவோபி
,ஏததுபயகார்ய காரண பூதானாதி விபரீதவாஸநா ஸம்பத்தோபி எதத
நுகுண ப்ரக்ருதி விஷேஷ ஸம்பத்தோபி,ஏதந்மூலாத்யாத்மிக ஆதி பௌதிக
ஆதிதைவிகஸூகது :கதத்தேது ததிதரோபே க்ஷணீய விஷயாநுபவ
ஜ்ஞாநஸங்கோசரூப மச்சரணாரவிந்தயுகளைகாந்திக ஆத்யந்திகபரபக்தி
பரஜ்ஞாந பரமபக்தி விக்நப் ரதிஹதோபி , யேந கேநாபி ப்ரகாரரேண
த்வயவக்தா த்வம் கேவலம் மதீயயைவ தயயா நிஷ்ஷேஷ
விநிஷ்ட ஸஹேதுக மச்சசரணாரவிந்தயுகள ஐகாந்திக ஆந்த்யந்திக
பரபக்திபரஜ்ஞாந பரமபக்திவிக்ந : மத்ப்ரஸாதலப்த மச்சசரணார்விந்தயூ கள
ஐகாந்திகாத்யந்திக பரபக்திபரஜ்ஞாந பரமபக்தி :,மத்ப்ரஸாதாதேவ ஸாக்ஷ ஆத்க்ருத
யதாவஸ்தித மத்ஸ்வரூபரூப குணவிபூதி லீலோபகரணவிஸ்தார :,
அபரோக்ஷஸித்த மந்நியாம்யதா மத்தாஸ்யைக ஸ்வபாவாத்மஸ்வரூப :
மதேகாநுபவ :, மத்தாஸ்யைகப்ரிய:,பரிபூர்ணாநவரத நித்யவிஷததம
அநந்யப்ரயோஜந அநவதிகாதிஷயப்ரிய மதநுபவஸ்த்வம் ததாவித
மதநுபவஜநித அநவதிகாதிஷய ப்ரீதிகாரித அஷேஷாவஸ்தோசித
அஷேஷ ஷேஷதைக ரதிரூப நித்யகிங்கரோ பவ ||
Response of Bhagwan to the above prayer by Sri Ramanuja
Yevambhoodha mathkaingaraya prapthyu payadhyavakluptha samastha vasthuvihee nopi
anantha tatvirodhi papakranthopi ananthamadhaphacharayukthopi,ananthamadheeyapacharayukthopi
, ananthasyapacharayukthopi,yetatkaryakarana bhoothanadhi vipreethahangara vimoodathma
swabhavopi,yethdhubhaya karyakarana bhoothanaadhi vipreethavasana sampathdhopi
,yethdhanuguna prakrithi vishesha sampathdhopi , yethanmoolathyathmika aadhibuathika
aadhidhaivika sookadhu : kha thadhe thedhu thadhitharopekshaniya vishyanubhava
gyanasangocharupa machcharanarvindha yugalaikanthika aathyanthika parabhakthi paragyana
paramabhakthi vignaprathihathopi, yena kenapi prakarena Dvayavakthathvam kevalam
madheeyayaiva dhayayaa nishshesha vinishta sahethuka mach charanaravindhayugala
aikanthikathyanthika parabhakthi parajgayana paramabhakthivigana : Mathprasathalapdha
machcharanavindhayugala aikanthikathyanthika parabhakthiprajgyana paramabhakthi
:Mathprasadadeva sakshathkrudha yadhavasthitha mathaswaruparupa gunavibhoothi lilopakaranavisthara ::
Aprokshasiddha maniyamyatha mathasyaika swabhavatmaswarupa :Madheganubhava :
Mathasyaikpriya ;paripuranavaradha nithya vishadhama ananyaprayojana anavadhikathi sayapriya
mathanubhavastvam thathavidha madhanubhavajanitha anavadhikathishayapriya
madhanubhavastvam thathavidha madanubhavajanitha anavadhikadisaya preethikaritha
asheshavasthochita aseshasheshadhaika rathirupa nithyakingkaro bhava ||
Meaning-- Though you are lacking in all those requisites which are enjoined as the means of attaining such service of mine though you are overcome by countless sins which stand in the way of obtaining that service,
though you are guilty of innumerable offences against me
though you are guilty of innumerable offences against my devotees
though you are guilty of innumerable offences of an unpardonable nature ,
though your inner nature is deluded by perverse conceit continuing from beginningless Time,which is the effect and the cause of those offences
though you are bound by perverse mental impressions which have been from beginningless Time which are the effect and the cause of the offences and the conceit ,
though you are bound by the form of Prakriti which is conducive to them
though you are beset by obstacles standing in the way of of exclusive and ever lasting Para bhakthi, Parajgyana and Parama bhakthi towards my two lotus like feet ---obstacles which are of the nature of the contraction of true knowledge owing to the experience of pleasures and pains due to the existence of body , to animals and the gods , from the experiences of their causes and likewise from the experience of other sense objects fit to be discarded --since you have uttered the Dvaya , whatever may be the manner [of the utterance], you will solely as the result of my compassion get rid of, without any exception , all obstacles as well as their causes that stand in the way of exclusive and ever lasting Parabhakthi, Parajgyana and Parama bhakthi towards my two lotus like feet.
And by my grace alone , you will have a vision , just as they are , of my essential nature [swarupa] of my form, of my attributes,, of the Nithyavibhuti [Vaikunta ] and Lilavibhuti [this world] and all the accompaniments thereof in all their fullness, You will then realise by direct vision that your essential nature consists in being controlled by me and in being solely and exclusively devoted to my service .
With the sole and exclusive enjoyment of me, with the sole and exclusive joy of serving me with the full , continuous, eternal,distinct,infinite and unequalled joy of experiencing me without any other in view , you shall become my eternal servant finding your sole delight in rendering all forms of service without any exception and appropriate to all states and situations and take delight in the infinite and unsurpassed joy of such an experience of Me.
**18---ஏவம் பூதோஸி ||
Evambhoothosi ||
Meaning--Such, indeed , you have become.
**19-- ஆத்யாத்மிக ஆதிபௌதிக ஆதிதைவிக து:கவிக்ந கந்தரஹித ஸ்த்வம் ,
த்வயம் அர்த்தாநுஸந்தாநேந ஸஹ ஸதைவம் வக்தா யாவச்சரீரபாதம்
அத்ரைவ ஸ்ரீரங்க ஸூகமாஸ்வ ||
Adhayathmika aadhibauthika aadhidaivika dhu: kavigna gandharahithastvam dvayam arthanusandhanena
saha sadhaivam vaktha yavachasareerapatham athraiyva Srirange sookhamasva ||
Meaning-- Devoid of the slightest trace of sufferings or obstacles due to the body, the animals or the gods , remain happy here at SriRangam itself until the body is cast off , ever uttering the Dvayam in this way , with careful attention to this meaning .
**20---ஷரீரபாதஸமயே து கேவலம் மதீயயைவ தயயா அதிப்ரபூத்த :,
மாமேவாவலோக்யந் அப்ரச்யூத பூர்வஸமஸ்கார மநோரத: ஜீர்ணமிவ
வஸ்த்ரம் ஸுகேநேமாம் ப்ரக்ருதிம் ஸ்தூலஸூக்ஷ்மரூபாம் விஸ்ருஜ்ய ,
ததாநீமேவ மத்ப்ரஸாதலப்த மச்சரணாரவிந்தயுகள ஐகாந்திகாத்யந்திக
பரபக்திபராஜ்ஞாந பரமபக்திக்ருத பரிபூர்ணாநவரத நித்யவிஷததம
அநந்யப்ரயோஜந அநவதிகாதிஷய - ப்ரிய மதநுபவஸ்த்வம் ததாவித
மதநுபவஜநித அநவதிகாதிஷய ப்ரீதிகாரித அஷேஷாவஸ்தோசித
அஷேஷஷேஷதைக ரதிரூப நித்யகிங்கரோ பவிஷ்யஸி ||
Shareerapathsamaye thu kevalam madhiyayau dayaya aathiprabhudha ; mamevavlokayan aprachuth
purvasanskarmanorath;jeernamiva vastram sukhenema prakrutim sthoolasookshmarupam visrujya
,thadhanimeva mathprasadlabdha machcharanaravinda yugalaikanthika aathyanthika Parabhakthi,
Paragyana Paramabhakthi krithparipurnavarth nithyavishadhatham ananyaprayojana avadhikathishya priya
madhanubhavastham thathavidhamdhanubhavajanith anandhikathishyapreetikarith ashesha vasthochith
asheshasheshathaika rathirup-nithyakingkaro bhavishyasi||
Meaning---At the time of the body falling off [from you] and solely as a result of my compassion , having a distinct vision of me alone and with perfect knowledge , without deviating from previous discipline and previous longing , casting off lightly this Prakriti both in its gross and in its subtle form as if it were a worn out garment ,you will ,at that very moment , become my eternal servant finding sole and exclusive joy in rendering all forms of service without exception suited to all states and situations The joy arising from boundless and unsurpassed delight of experiencing me which is the effect of exclusive and ever lasting Parabhakthi, Parjgyana, and Parama bhakthi without,seeking any other end and which will be attained by My grace.
**21-- மாதே பூதத்ர ஸம்ஷய ||
Ma te' bhoodatra sanshaya:||
Meaning-- Have no doubt about this.
*அன்ருதம் நோக்த பூர்வம் மே ந ச வக்ஷயே கதாசன |
*ராமோ த்விர் -நாபி பாஷதே |
*ஸக்ருதேவ ப்ரபந்நாய தவாஸ் மீதி ச யாசதே
*அபயம் ஸர்வ பூதேப் யோததமாம் ஏதத் வ்ரதம் மம ||
*ஸர்வதர்மான் பரித் யஜ்ய மாமேகம் ஷரணம் வ்ரஜ |
அஹம் தவா சர்வ பாபேப்யோ மோக்ஷ் யிஷ்யாமி மா ஷூச:
இதி மயைவ ஹுயுக்தம் ||
* Anruthan nokathpoorvam me na cha vakshye kadhachan,
**Ramo dvir nabhi bhashate.
*** Sakrudeva prapannya thvasmeethi cha yachate|
abhayam sarvabhuthebhdhayo dhadhamyetatdhvaratham mama ||
****Sarva dharmani paritjaya mamekam sharanam vraja ,|
aham tva sarvapaebhyo Mokshayishyami mashuchaha :||
++ Ithi mayava huktham
*"I have never told a falsehood before, nor shall I tell in future."
**"Rama never deviates from what he has said once."
***"To one who seeks succor from me as a supplicant , though only once and says I am Yours, I vouchsafe freedom to him from the fear of all ."
****"Having given up all rites ,seek Me alone as the means of your Mukthi .I will release you from all sins.Do not grieve."
++ These words were all uttered by Myself.
அதஸ் த்வம் தவ தத்தவதோ மஜ்ஞஜாந தர்ஷன ப்ராப்திஷூ நிஸ்ஸம்ஷய
:ஸுக மாஸவ ||
Athasthvam tva tatvatho majgyana darshana prapthishu nisasamshaya :sookmasva||
Meaning--Hence be free from all doubts in regard to your having the true knowledge , the true vision and true attainment of Myself and remain happy.
கடைசி ஸ்லோகம் -- ராமானுஜரின் ப்ரார்தனை
**24--அந்த்யகாலே ஸ்ம்ருதிர்யாது தவ கைங்கர்யகாரிதா |
தாமோநாம் பகவந்நத்ய க்ரியமாணாம் குருஷ்வ மே ||
Concluding sloka is Sri Ramanuja's prayer.
Anthyakale samruthiryathu tva kaingkaryakaritha |
thame nam bhagavandhaya kriyamanam krushva mey
Meaning--Enable me to have , O lord ! The remembrance of Thee at my last moments which results from service to Thee.
Note --The above sloka is found only in some editions .
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courtsy---Sri Ramanuja's Gadyatryam --published by Sri Narsimhapriya trust.
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