Friday, September 29, 2017


Dear diary---[September-19]

The blood tests confirmed that i have all life style diseases though .i was in pink of health till two years back !Couldn't believe it. and wondered whether all the concerned internal organs were being given some special treatment so as  to enhance its moderation to extreme levels.If i was made to squeeze out fluids continuosly for a whole month when i had become bone dry for decades , heightening  my sugar, pressure etc would be a easy thing to do.
My heart so far is unaffected.As i didn't visit beach for several months i decided to spend some time with nature and try and get my bearings back. So took off early in morning.There was hardly any one near the water though the tar road away from the sand was filled with walkers and joggers.

It is generally held belief that walking in sand is very difficult.But i found it quite easy maybe becuase.the sands have been levelled straight after the Tsunami .Watched the sun shimmering over the water .A catamaran was stationed exactly in a angle to my left side probably to transmit.I pushed away this new found alertness i was made to develop, to my sorroundings  since 2014 .This alertness has taken away the joy of my walks and the  enjoyment of nature

The silver rakes fused together and took the form of my late son ,smiling at me. A brief but satiating vision Ironical ,the heart my parents gave me is ticking strongly but what i gave has turned to ashes and dissolved in this very ocean.

I turned back and saw a young man crossing right behind me with a mobile.Maybe the combination of catamaran transmission and that youth made me have this vision.Every thing is tailored in my life these days .My every thought read and every movment watched and  my feelings which are very few after having my mind blasted and screwed, are enacted,What for ? To gloat about establishing my visualisation of my deep felt emotions as  fake/?

Brushed aside such thoughts and decided to enjoy my walk .So walked on the sand Northwards.towards the memoriols of late leaders which is more than half km away.As i neared the place where the entrance to Parthasarathy temple can be seen my heart started to feel aterrific pressure .Just then i heard a ambulance screeching down the main road quarter km away on the west side.I continued walking but found the going difficult.On hearing the sound of a plane i turned back.Now a days after finding the link between its flight and its effect on my body i automatically notice planes and watch them till out of sight .

A hefty middle aged  bearded man was jogging right behind me few feet away .i immediately moved aside .The pressure in my heart left instantly.He didnt look at me when he crossed me.He had the whole beach to jog but had chosen to do so right behind me.My medical report is  out and  the stoutness of my was being mocked .with usual religious colouring .I was made to feel Pain only when i neared the place overlooking the temple's entrance. 

I watched the red tipped plane  cross the sea and proceed southwards towards airport.So the ambulance siren was to warn me.Was microwave or whatever that caused that pressure in that persons pocket or was he receiving and sending it from vehicle parked on the walkers road?I have observed that cars with aerials tend to cause bodily discomfort.One such car with aerial is always parked in the next flat in an angle which would enable whatever this car beams flows in to my bedroom, dining room and kitchen.In a trip to Veda patashala to take lunch paid by us along with its students by cabin July, felt headache  and saw2 cars with aerials with Forest and defence written on them .Hence i started associating microwaves with aerials in cars .

Again shrugged off my thinking and walked back .An old man was following me at a distance. I started walking crisscross.Few lovers here and there. bunch of youth playing cricket and vendors sleeping in the sand under thier cart. Suddenly a white stray started barking mournfully at the waves.Saw a shadowy figure.The foreign enemy?Was it mournful becuase the enemy was so powerful that he could send microwaves or transmissions probably from beyond the economic zone probably by submarine or ship to me and it cannot be stopped?What is so special about me ?Why do i have receivers in me in first place?who allowed it?if there are no receivers then how was i responding to questions from 2012 onwards Why should Defense tail me?I am paying a huge price for someone elses folly.

The beach looked sanitised .Was it for me?I had come here to relax and not keep on pondering over shadowy things around me but couldn't help thinking  about the people who are executing all this .They are so swift and meticulous..I was admiring those whom i should be berating for  landing me in such a fix.

Next day in my usual beat my heart started pounding again .A girl in specs was walking towards me whilst on other side of road a labourer was jogging laughingly.The pressure on my heart eased only when that girl  man passed me .Phew. Another attempt to weaken my heart and mock its resilience.

Lot of youngsters are having fun with my body.and mind.

The four debts owed by men.

King Pandu explains the four debts that all are born with.

They are the debts due unto Gods, Rishis ,anscestors and other men  .

The gods are gratified by sacrifices [homam]

The Rishis by study, meditation and ascetism.
The deceased anscestors by begetting children and offering funeral cake.
Other men by leading a humane and inoffensive life.

From Adi parva of Mahabharat section --CXX

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Value of truth-

Shakuntala on being spurned by King Dushyant in his court  reminds him of the pledge he made to her 6 years earlier when they were married in her adopted father's ashram in a forest.He had promised to accept her as his queen and their child as the heir but renegaded on it

She says the following

 The dedication of a tank  is more meritorious than a 100 wells.
A sacrifice is more meritorious than a tank.
A son is more meritorious than asacrifice.
Truth is more meritorious than a100 sons .
A 100 horse sacrifises [ aswamedha yaga] had once been weighed against truth and truth was found to be heavier than such 100 sacrifices .
Truth may be equal to the study of entire Vedas and abulations in holy places .
There is no virtue equal to truth.There is nothing superior to truth.Truth is god himself.Truth is the highest vow.
Then Shakuntala says 'Therefore king violate not thy pledge.'

From Section LXXIV of Adi parva ,book one of Mahabharat


Thursday, September 7, 2017

The yen to immobilise me covertly.

1.Causing severe pain in my knees in 2011 after the root canal surgery immobilising me for months
2.Making me hear high volume and nerve wracking decibels during morning  to make me a nervous wreck hoping i would collapse .--2012
3.Making me feel spear  like piercing of my head for whole month during night time hoping that i would be paralysed .--2014
4. Squeezing out fluids for a whole month in order to dehydrate me to death?--2014

All the above happened in the' safety' of my house.

That meditation in which i could feel the hole in my head gave me a important clue,whilst hands .knees and other parts of the body can feel pain therefore can be remedied  becuase the brain says so the brain itself cannot feel the pain caused to it  ,It manifests itself in fits or paralysis when it is too late .

Some how i have survived  the attacks on my brain to immobilise me .

God only knows what is the next attack planned on my brain to keep me at home in  bed.

Did i receive strong suggestions to extract my tooth so that i may not bear the damage to nerves .i did get fits for half an hour but survived that also .

Image make over?

My very 'communal 'question as to why Christians are not lynched or why is there is no such news in media as they are also beef eaters was in a way answered by the new Tourism minister of India yesterday when he advised all foreign tourists visiting India to eat beef in their country before visiting India.where as people in his home town  viz Kerala  which has high christian population can continue to eat beef  .

He is a Christian and is in seat of power in Govt of India  that to in tourism  there fore is said to be speaking with authority.His advise implies this-- all you white skinned tourists visiting India will stand out starkly as beef eating Christians unlike brown skinned Keralites , so be on guard whilst visiting India, donot eat beef in India   in all probability you could be lynched by the cow vigillantes who will  smell  your breath after lunch or dinner  and lynch you on the spot! 

Wow BJP! Serves you all right for squeezing me to write.Your 'secular 'representation in the central cabinet has within 4 days of assuming office of Tourism which should be encouraging foreign tourists to visit India has literally scared them off .In a single stroke viz in this single statement he has tarnished the image of India in the eyes of the world.
                             Great work!Good going!Keep squeezing , provoking and humiliating me to write and you will see some such  instant karma in action in future also.

Effect of removal of root canaled tooth.

I had decided to do or die and settle the strong suspicion i had that i was receiving orders ,suggestions  from outside that was making me write on and on or keep a unstoppable chatter within me or have this urge to talk to my husband or son only when  muslim is in vicinity was due to some chip put into my tooth in 2011  .
Was a bit afraid of removing it in case i damage some nerve and become immobile, so had decided to case it with gold but  abandoned it when the thought grew into me that to remove that tooth totally would be the only way to solve that issue totally.
Every time i visualised some fellow whispering directly into my head with the aid of whatever was kept in my tooth my stomach would churn and make me want to vomit.That made me more resolute and i found a Dentist who pulled out the tooth completely .
Ok did i gain .Have messages stopped They haven't .But there is one difference or gain after that painful extraction.
1.Very important is that my memory is returning  on and off.I am no longer that  perriniely confused babbling  infant i was projected as since 2012 .

2.Another very important effect is that i can feel the pressures applied on my head specially on the left side to make me turn my head or move my body. Earlier from 2012-2014 i could feel these pressures on my head which would bring tears if i didn't budge .After screwing my head and squeezing out fluids in 2014 i no longer felt this external pressures working on my head ,probably i was obeying orders  implicitly without differentiating between my own natural urges and need  and that orders that were given to me .I had stopped wearing specs  owing to removal of original lens in cataract surgery so i had no external transmitter or receiver on me yet i was obeying these urges to turn ,talk or mentally converse .I have never found the need to mentally converse with my family members  till this sudden twist. My conversations were always open .

So that tooth did have some chip in it  since now after its removal i can feel the pressures applied on my head .
to change its directions.and my memory is also returning.

Ok why is it necessary to change my head or body whilst at home?Is it for my benifit or to the benifit of those playing with my body?Since transmissions with mobile is still going  along with appearance of flights  i guess my head is changed so that it would be cut off when it is not to the benifit of my body controllers .

Which could also mean that there is yet another chip in my tooth receiving transmissions in that older root canaled tooth or the receivers in my house are so powerful that it is easy to convey the transmissions specially after my forehead was made transparent after jamming and squeezing and thoughts read with a reader..

Birds and meaning of their calls. deliberately made to call
Crow---Hindus in vicinity sedning transmissions
Mynah --Handicapped persons in vicinity, road
Parrot --Christians in vicinity
Koels --Muslims in vicinity

Dogs  in street fighting amongst themselves  means dog like men are fighting over me.
All Dogs barking together means the presence of a unwanted intruder who is also claiming rights over me  which  not liked by these local dogs .Now a days dog barks have gone down .Was at its height when that attempts at conversion was going on in 2014 and  when i was off net for more than a year
Squirrels cry--Intelligence people or covert actors , most in my flats , gaining or losing something.
Vicinity =half km on all directions.

According to red line [assuming it is correct ]then centre is giving koel notes  which also means in default state is giving other bird and animal calls .
which means that our area for half km on all sides is under constant cctv surveillence of both centre and state.These calls are given to alert those persons in these flats itself to  change our body positions to either receive or not to receive the transmissions .

Crows calls have come down greately but koels calls  have become  very frequent and quite loud.

Implants in my family --No proof but strong guess

1.My son --He hurt his upper lip in cricket match whilst working in infosys and had it stitched --In 2010

a.The year i was blogging with great interest
 b.He was chiding his christian collegues for their conversion activities even during  office team outings and for forming a christian conversion club in infosys itself                                                                                    c .The year  when i received a warning from Vidat's christian collegue  who was then in US not to blog on hinduism .

2'Myself --in 2011  on my right lower teeth--root canal Maye a chip also inserted in the adjacent root canaled tooth as well.

3. My husband in 2012  --in his right tooth and in 2014 two on his left teeth-- all 3 root canals

Most Tragic--is my son

If my son has it then it is a highly inhuman and very vicious thing to do to such a young man who was  yet to taste life on his own .He was barely 24 then The same age that vidat passed away.

At least i and my husband have been through life for more than 50 years with our own thoughts , views and urges and experiences

These perverted monsters must be  slowly squashing his personality by  denying him the pleasure or pain  to experience life in his own terms and to form his own opinions and to pursue his beliefs  and maybe substituting his original personality with a tailored one.

Myself and my husband--We physically lost our first son when he was 24years and then slowly  started losing our  second  emotionally  slowly and gradually from when he turned 24.

 My husband --Implants were  used to give him  heart attack in 2012 .His heart was so weakened that a general doctor said he would need a pace maker .But the special;ist said he would be set right with tablets.Probably he was informed about the implant which would interfere with the pacemaker so suggested medicines .With two more in 2014, he is being denied his right to go for good  modern medical treatment to lengthen his life.

Myself --Loss of memory , loss of control over my body ,head loaded with others trash thoughts, views and anger and squashing of my personality, originality  and abilities .And shooting up of my BP as i guess men in working age are depositing thier tensions on me through suggestions + auditory maskings etc though ihave no reason to feel any tension or worry at this age 60 .I donot even worry  about implants or flights effects on me or auditory masking but a change in my life style brought about with threats etc since 2014 like as if i am a   wife to my husband of 38 years for only 15 years and that i have to go through the morning tensions i went through 20 years back in preparing food and filling the tiffin box of office going husband and school going children and also handle the maid ,house, clients ,ailing parents , along  with the problems caused by highs and downs of hormones, all of which is natural to that age and all of which i became  totally free  by  50 years, could be pushing my BP up and weakening my hubs heart further .My husband retired 16 years back and  the  son settled in a job and is on his own for nearly 8years .  Nobody is stabbing me to death and running away because it is being done slowly and systematically ,like slow poisining.

Only comfort is that i read that chips tend to move away .So it could have moved from my son's his upper lip [if he had one] to a  fair distance away from his ears .Hope so.

In my and hub case no chance of it moving as it is nicely embedded inside roots [ bone like ] of our teeth

 The only proof  that my son has a implant or is controlled  is that he complained of the same  metallic whoosh  sound[ similar to  the one i feel  on and off ] and blockage of his left ear [ the way mine was blocked in 2014 whilst blogging] when he made a trip to Srilanka with his friends 2 years back and did some snorkeling  in the sea on a ship that had few foreigners on board.He had his ears checked on return.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Report card on centre's performence.

There is peace but not much prosperity .
The purchasing power of money in my hand has steadily declined in the past three years and  declined quite steepily after implementation of GST

List of my communal views.

Since i have been awarded the tittle of 'communal ' i have to live upto my reputation , so here is list of my communal thoughts and views..

-1.I have visited Qutub minar several times in my life.It never disturbed me When i visited it in 2007 as part of sight seeing tour i read that it was built on a earlier Vishnu temple.I also observed the pillars of that temple was still there but figures were mutiliated .I guess i was becoming 'communal ' as i aged   since i felt my stomach churn when i saw that a sultan maybe Qutubudin aibak himself was buried in what was definetly the sanctum of Vishnu temple.Horrific desecration .Didn't that ruler get any other place  in Delhi to erect his victory pillar? He did it deliberately to proclaim the domination of his religion viz Islam over Hinduism by razing a popular temple and erecting this tower and further insult by burying himself  or some fellow in what must have been the  sacred sanctum .of Narayana.

The secular  govt of India are parading this symbol of rank communalism as pluralistic ethos of India  by releasing stamps, issuing brochures and parade it in its advertisements in doordarshan.

Qutub minar is a symbol  of religious domination and it is shameful of the govt to celeberate this in its history books and events as glorious heritage of medeival India !

I have no issues regarding Taj mahal or forts or. gardens built in medieval era.It is the parading of Qutub minar which is symbol of domination of one religion over other , by the  Govt insensitively which digusts me. .

2. Why aren't Christians lynched? Aren't they beef eaters too?

3.In temples like Srirangam and Tirumala devotees have to remove their foot wear lift it with their hands to give it to the attendants to place it in a rack run by the TN gov.t and TTD respectively Then they -proceed  directly to the sanctum .Even i have done this several times as the rush to see the deity overrides this simple practise of washing ones hands when touching ones foot wear even at home .but forgetting to do so in such sacred temples and followed this sheep like till a few years back  . There are taps on the way inside the temples but it is not the practise of most Hindus  to wash hands whilst entering the temple as hardly any one touches ones  foot wear.But  all these social equality stuff that has crept is  making every devotee to lift thier footwear and offer it to the attendants and with same hands offer puja articles to the deity within  .                                                                                                                                                    Why can't the attendants pick them up and place it in racks since they are anyhow taking  them with gloved hands .This new practise is a unnecessary imposition of rules of caste equality which is only serving to make a mockery of Hindu practises at Temples .

4.The TTd temple at Tnagar which is more of a huge puja hall with idol of Srnivasar  visible from the busy road was a stop for all morning walkers, office goers to offer obseince from the gate itself  and start the day with satisfaction of seeing Srinivasar .Over the years the doors  that were open nearly all day has now .began to be closed more often than it is open, citing this or that puja .So whenever i go in morning the gates are always shut .This is a complaint of others from our flats also .

TTD says it is  popularising Srinivasar bhakthi  and is therefore conducting kalyana utsavam all over India.Is keeping the gates of this ttd temple closed  most time of the day the way to carry forward thier avovowed intent.It looks more  like as if it is discouraging  bhakthi in  Srinivasar  by making it more difficult to have his glimpse here  than even  at Tirumala

Law and order and national security!

Went for morning walk The nearby Adi parashakthi temple festival ended yesterday.A lot of pongal was cooked on the road side day before and the smoke arising out of the  twigs heating the pots over bricks by freshly bathed and newly clothed women streamed down the street and it strangely reminded me of Peryaaazwars pasuram on Devaprayag.He decribes this ancient town as being constantly covered by smoke arising out of yagnams conducted on both sides of river Ganges .At present there is not even a smattering of such a smoke cover there but this street is having it.

A crazy comparison .I donot have this pongal cooking ritual except on pongal day but all those who were doing it in this festival were doing it with a lot of sincerity hence the smoke seemed sacred .

The streets were too deserted .The Ttd  Srinivasar temples door was closed They seem to be bent on de popularising  Lord Venkateshwara by constantly shutting its doors.It is only a huge puja room and not a proper temple yet too many restrictions have crept in and most of the time the gates are closed on ground of this and that puja .It is like as if it is easier to get Venakteshwaras darshan in Tirumalai than in in here . On one hand ttd wants to popularise Srinivasar by conducting kalyana utsavam all over India and on other is  denying morning walkers of a glimpse of Venkateshwara  idol in this puja hall !Few years back the gates were always open and one could easily get a darshan from the road itself.It is not my complaint alone but also of several others from my flat.

On return saw a car that had army written on it .I saw it because its driver honked deliberately to catch my attention .Since defence has started playing  a crucial role in my life since 2014 i thought of the new Defence minister.Nirmala .S .Yesterday on TV debate a muslim member of jds was castigating another  new minister but was praising this defence minister wholeheartedly.Muslims and Christians glare at me with  heart  full of anger .So screws will be tightened on me by this new minister.for upsetting the secular balance.Maybe a tank will be sent here after to keep me in line or even let it  run over me .

There i have given secular certificate to this govt !Why not act against thier own party men who are 100 times more polarising than me?I am  the scape goat in this image make over.

The wifi net was cut off since Saturday  lest i tweet or blog. It also enabled  undisrurbed radio transmission that made me lethargic  and depressed.The high and  mighty fearing the lowly! why ? Becuase the guilty are afraid.Guilty of doing abnormal and unnatural things to my body and mind forcibily.Scared that i may dent the Liberal Democratic label that every party pins itself with, but hardly practises .My case is a shining example of this hypocricy and fraud .

 The ruling party at centre is very  foccussed on pinning me down and it is ably assisted by the state govt.

What a wretched country this has become.Police and army entering my life, property, body and mind at will .

 If conversion to Christianity is only method to maintain Law and order why can't the police try the same solution on criminals, naxals, terrorists and hard core hindu activists and make them all' noble and forgiving' citizens and Tnadu will become a garden of peace and tranqulity.

Why is the state so concerned about my morals, my day to day activities and try and change them in a covert manner?If i am a Hindu i will be wicked but on conversion i will become goody goody!Is this how law and order problems  are tackled? Why should the police be burdened with conversion activities?Why not solve this problem by letting the fury of minorities take its natural course?They can stab me  and run away  .Tamilnadu will then be free of this Ratha kateri--blood sucking devil--a tittle given to me by a  labbai  shop keeper and also free of a moral less woman  who goes around tearing her tissues -a tittle given by a Christian salesman.
Tamil nadu will then become free of this polariser and i will also be freed from this constant drudgery of writing on and on .


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Politics of Conversion

Today i removed one remaining transmitter known to my knowledge in my room viz a specs to another room so as to meditate without disturbance .As i proceeded i didn't come up  against a impenetrable iron net of wall nor feel any presure rolling in to block my forehead  or any words  or images blown into my forehead from outside all of which happens usually but felt  a bottomless dark pit right inside the center of my head  into which  i  could let my palm in and if i  moved it i would feel agitation of nerves .No emotions , no memories ,no experiences absolutely nothing ! The I sense that gives one identity is no longer there.which means i do not exist.This is the combined result of sound blasting and screwing  of my mind.I can no longer tap into myself.

How dare !How dare!I said to myself and became furious [some anger is still left] at Amma .Did she raise me , fund me, meet my expenses to give her the right to excersise such a inhuman control over me just because she was voted to power for 5 or 10 years?Who was she to claim so many rights over me and do that conversion? I started speaking out my mind saying thank god that dictator has gone and at least i can speak my mind in my house without too much fear  of retaliation .So i started berating  her and her party quite loudly .[i know it is not decent or good to speak ill of others when they are no longer around but my anger eclipsed that ethical norm]

Then i went to the kitchen , the Metro water tap  in the sink which has been dry for years and had started to flow on and off for past 1 month was flowing copiously ,in full flow!  Yesterday it was dry! It means that Amma gang --aidmk is happy at my rantings .It is like  giving them a gold medal for secularism.for succesfully squashing my Hindu sentiments for the sake of removing fear and irritation of minorities  which they are supposed to have towards me.They have even snapped a platinum medal   for doing everything possiible in thier power to convert me to Christianity!They were avenging st Thomas murder 2000 years back by a Brahmin as the popular story goes  in nearby Mylapore by nearly murdering a Brahmin couple for the sake of Christians and Muslims .

So in any election i can be paraded [ my story of conversion etc] as the length to which Ammas party have gone to still the fears  caused  in the hearts of minorities by this wicked sinful blogger  .They have allowed  a Muslim  and a person with Christian links to  control  a Brahmin's wife by stepping into his shoes with the excuse that he is too weak to control his wife of 36 years!Sickening!It means they think  that they make better husbands for me than the one  to whom i am married to .and with whom i  have gone through several ups and downs in life and who  is paying all the bills and takes responsibility for my well being And are assiduosly converting a  pious hindu and his wicked wife to Christianity every day with implant, transmitters and flights .Hi tech conversion!This hi tech stuff is another feather in thier cap !

But when they start gloating over thier subjugating hindu sentiments with a firm hand --like meditating  or visiting temples or performing rituals in shraddha ceremonies without any disturbance -to Christian and Muslim sentiments , in election times there will be a terrific clamour for a space in the secular sun. by other political parties.viz==

1. Congress --It will say she [her grand father ]belonged to our party and it was we who gave the go ahead signal in 2011when asked by aidmk , therefore the sound blasting that lay the foundation  for conversion at a later date , is because of us.dmk will pitch in saying we co operated , so we are the original secular chemmals.So vote for us.
2.BJp --  it will say she was our party member when the final nail viz jamming was done and we gave the go ahead , so we have alot of stake in her conversion and in stilling the fear of minorities.  That to we gave the permission within a few months of riding to power on a Hindu wave, so it is we who are truly 'secular.'Didn't we teach her a lesson  to stop all her rightist activism so early in the day?Did we dilly dally ? we acted immediately .She came to us seeking protection from minorities  but on seeing mino's tremble at her writings we put thier fears and sentiments over hers .We are the true champions of Christians and their inalienable right to convert .and we facilitated this demons conversion so as to assuage all those poor, meek, mild .knowledgebeable and pious Christians fear of this rakshasi. We are defending  only Christians   becuase they are  soft ,unlike the violent and dangerous Muslims who can fend for themselves.
 So during election campaigning in Christian dominated areas[most of TN is christian dominated] they would love it if i start berating them in my blogs for assisting in christian conversion of a hindu couple.
The more i berate  as i would be made to do so it would be like sprinkling rose water on these parties./

The more i harp on this  conversion etc the more the bjp will gain here amongst christians and others from other both communities.

Maybe  i am suddenly writing all this owing to the cabinet reshuffle in the offing.Few days back i had a lot of messaging [that tooth extraction no use] that i should join Congress, to escape all this harrassment ,Remembered that it was they who set all this in motion and what if they let Muslims take hold of me ? decided to stay away from all political parties .Why jump from frying pan into fire?

Ok if thie is to do with cabinet reshuffle bjp pleas give dear Amma;s children ministerial posts , they will give you christian dominated constituencies in return and during elections i will be made to berate you  for being Hindu hypocrites  and you can win some seats by winning christians hearts.

i am being made to write ahead of cabinet reshuffle the way i was made to write during floods , JJ's ill health  , independance day , parliament sessions .Amma's children's faith in my reccomendation capacity is touching on one hand and also makes me furious on the other as they are always one up over me in  forcing  me to write despite my determination never to help them or bjp or any other party .Go by my fury at the conversion carired on me and my husband and kindly give these champions , who will squash some more Hindus at expense of others and enable you to get a foothold in here,Brahmins  do not count here only Christians do.Haven't Amma; kids shown you the way?Have faith in them .

Maybe by election time i may be made to preach from the pulpit  giving sermons to harvest fresh souls and increase your vote bank

His ways are  mysterious