Sunday, March 3, 2013


Liberals in India means and includes as per my personal experience ,all those chiefly ,politico's and journo's  who are all at 'liberty' to compromise the privacy of an individual without the slightest trace of compunction and nil guilty conscience for doing so and who also help themselves ' liberaly' to ideas with the code of honour of thieves viz sharing the booty with magnanimous impartiality and equality in total secrecy and silence [ie without ratting out on each other,tho' some jornos in a sudden attack of conscience do let it slip  sort of helping me piece the bizzare volte face in the behaviour of some of my longtime neighbours and total strangers as well,and the strange co incidence ,repititively of what ever i speak in my dining room or write in mydiary in my bedroom in my house or in a hotel or even in a stationery train becoming at times the trigger for policy decisions ,the topic of discussions in English news channels [barring Times now] and articles of star jounos in leading newspapers and blogs, a real time tsunami of deceit , deception , mediocrity and lack of originality!]amongst both left and right  without the slightest fear of infringement of copy rights or even much worse do not even feel the tiniest twinge of shame or remorse in prying information slyly using unethical methods that would put the notorious KGB to shame and serially preying upon a individuals mind , the identified victim, labelling her or him as fickle minded and insane and thus justifying the blatant exploitation and unabashedly invading the privacy of that individual ,mouthing all the while with a amazing gift of the gab or exceptional writing skills or both,insincere  and fake beliefs in the adherence's to ethics, morality , human  and fundamental rights.

On the whole a liberal in here is more shameful than  a hussy ,since the latter sells only the body whilst the former sells the soul --the sense of self worth for a few rich pickings.

Hmm all this while i was naively under the impression that a liberal is one who was honest [yes of course only to themselves]compassionate[ some are ,largely amongst themselves],broad minded [so broad that the boundaries between virtue and vices do not exist]and seeped with integrity [actually chamealon like flexibility]and would recoil in horror [ enjoying it hugely ] at the mere thought [ load of planning goes in] of stooping to snoop and scoop .Pooh the image i had formed about libs has blown off like  a puff of smoke.

The theorem :- liberals= ethically and morally challenged and corrupt with making money and acquiring and extending power as the one and only goal in life
In short end justifies the means of a Indian Liberal.Crooks in virginal white.

Thank god that i am a conservative if that is what a person devoid of the characteristic features  of a liberal listed above is supposed to be called.This realisation gives me a great relief .

It is assured that most liberals would have read  this as i write with avid interest and a patronising smile or a frown of having their  sensibilities  hurt by a brute of a person like me but proceed undeterred [life must go on ,no?] to satiate their enormous hunger by grazing greedily from a neighbouring unfenced lush pastures  and regruiting discussions and articles in tons!

My relationship with them has been marked by bitter verbal attacks aimed mainly at the laxity of their morals whilst their reactions generally has been one of amused tolerance in a very patronising manner [i as  a person donot exist] with the exception twice no thrice when cold blooded practicality and selfishness intrisnic to the nature of liberal extremism surfaced ,scorching and snuffing out lives that were considered expendable in the pursuit of' happiness' in other words extreme selfishness.

Walk on burning hot stones barefooted in mid day around a temple or hurt your elbow for just a few seconds to re- live the pain of those who have met a violent death  .Unbearable?                                                 Hope the kith and kin of those who have joined their ancestors today, find the strength to pull along.A strength that is hard to come by.

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