Sunday, February 10, 2013


Call me delusional and write me off.[What a relief that would be from constant male gaze and stares and all round barely concealed hostility and ridicule] but i have this sinking feeling quite a strong one , that ruling ppt's mantra as and when it suits them is to either reverse  my thinking and views  expressed verbally  or in writing and apply it to further their political fortunes or find hidden meanings in the  my plain writings ,that are glaringly visible only to their microscopic eyes and code breaking brains and apply it gleefully to score over their counterparts  ie ppt's in the opposition.
Eg waiver of loans to weavers in up elections , the selection of a  brahmin house wife to contest in Guj elections[ eveas droping],and recently so very Macbethen ,the final call on the execution of the 2 terrorists--my posts  on Jan 21 st --the advise to RG and the one on Sri rangam --of description  and invasion from north in a historical perspective on Jan 26th  has hidden directions galore for those lost and trying to get a grip.

To hand ppt's i am the personification , the Syambhu [risen on my own accord]of all that the opposing ppt's stand for and whatever i babble in my drawing room or bedroom or anything i scribble even in my diary[ it is no longer personal as it has been forcibly acquired for public purposes in furtherance of politico's and journo's --even those who agitate against forcible land acquisitions and vociferously guard the right to freedom of expression ,privacy etc ,the marginalised and moralise,without any compensation] has to be carefully examined like diamond merchants do [ there i have given yet another unwitting lead ] sifting through the tiny glittering pieces with forceps and then on finding a sizable  and seizable one let out a whoop of joy Eureka ,we have discovered as to what makes the lotus ppts tick and the secret arsenal in their camp and proceed stomping around like a elephant in rut.

If you ppt's donot believe this then you should stop reading clandestinely with such obvious interest what ever i am rambling   and as observed in beginning of first para ,just write me off and pull out all those clowns hovering around me and dancing to your tunes.I have no concrete information as to who they actually are , so shadowy and secretive is there tangible presence .If they are govt servants i withdraw my epithet, only if]

I donot for one moment want to  be mistaken for a bleeding heart pseudo intellectual [ a true intellectual will never stoop to read my views clandestinely before i publish them] shedding copious tears over felons, rapists, murderers, terrorists ,etc,etc ,or psuedo commies  but actual fascists since a true commie is incorruptible and will not surreptiously snoop into others writings  for a few rupees and is a actual fascisit since he has no guilt to snoop since he thinks what he is doing is right though to world at large it is considered as wrong or a psuedo Hindu who shockingly as in my case took the adharmic step of humiliating a hindu woman whom they swear to protect from minorities a true Manuwadi would have first taken the permission of male members of the family and never act this shadily and despicably,  happily abetted by psuedo constitutionalists who so loftily gave it and  swear by the fundamental rights  but break it without any compunction and their co psuedo dravidians whose hate is only for brahmins only in here ,but as one revolted by the politics , the cat and mouse  game over decisions duly arrived at by the Supreme court, the ditherings with selfish motives by poking the political nose after the completion of the due process of law and to make my writings the inspiration or the touch stone , a scape goat for a bloody decision--execution.That  is nauseating.


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