Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jyothi.--the light that lit a million lights before flickering out

The other day i was watching Justice Verma's interview on TV about his recommendations on the overhaul of laws relating to rape.
He said that he did not touch the Juvenile act because when way back in 1974 when he had read in entirety all the laws ,research papers etc on juveniles, the act is justified in  age limit prescribed by it.He further added that due consideration must be given to socio economic background of juveniles and must show leniency if he or she is from the low strata of society.and that it was the widely accepted modern thinking and view to do away with capital punishment.I have no views or quarrel on the modern thinking of shutting off convicts all their life's in a jail.

His honour is definitely very well versed and highly experienced , to use his own reasoning regarding modernity and modern thinking , his understanding of a juvenile is based on papers produced nearly 40 years back roughly when i was a adolescent myself and i remember that even in the capitol city of India, Delhi there were TVs only in very few households with single channel ,for a limited period of time,sanitised suitably by the govt.And that cinema halls, the only way to see films admitted only adults to view adult films  and affordability of video tape recorders was still a few decades away.

Now with multitude of channels on tvs' available at every nook and corner of our country one needn't be an adult to watch adult contents nor is it forbidden on the net or on watching it on Cd's,that are available dime a dozen .Hence teenagers of modern --current times have much more information and exposure whether straight forward or perverted, to facts of life than all those under privileged as well as many of the privileged one's had access 40 years back.

I have no idea as to how an juvenile mind works but i think the age of innocence has been quite swiftly bypassed for many in this new age.

Another wretched thing taxing my mind is ,if the accused 's socio economic conditions have to be taken into account to deal with him leniently what about that of the victim's?

In here Jyoti is also from the same strata .She chose to put in  hard work to pull out of poverty with dreams of a good life and not to have her intestines ripped away with a rod on a ordinary bus trip by a person similarly placed but  who chose an easy  and sadistic way to satisfy his cravings for his view of good life.  .


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