Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Strands of Hindu faith and philosophy in Neitzsche's thoughts.

Friedrich Nietzsche was a 19 th cent German philosopher, poet and cultural critic.

I find a similarity of thoughts between some of his later day observations  and those of our ancient seers, Hindu faith and philosophy.
His view on cause and effect is as follows---

Such a duality probably never exists, in truth we are confronted by a continuum ,out of which we isolate a couple of pieces .The suddenness with which many effects stand out mislead us ,actually it is sudden only for us .In this moment of suddenness there are infinite number of processes that eludes us.An intellect would see causes and effects as a continuum and a flux and not as we do in terms of an arbitrary division and dismemberment.---------------[Gay science]

In Gita Lord Krishna says something similar when he advises Arjuna to give up his diffidence and despair on the enormity of having to confront and slay his near dear ones in a clearly drawn battle and meet them head on in the following verse

Sri Bhagwan uvaca,

Kalomi loka ksaya krt pravrddho lokan samahartum iha pravrattah\
Rhitepi tvam na bhavisyanthi sarve ye vashtitah pratyanikesu yodah|

meaning: Bhagwan said

I am the mighty world destroying Time, engaged here in annihilating all beings.Even without you not one of all the warriors arrayed in these rival armies shall survive.-----------chap 11,  sloka32.

Brithrahari, 1 cent AD grammarian, poet and king philosopher has this to say about the power of fate.

"It is not sun's fault that an owl cannot see at day!Who can interfere with what is written on the forehead of us all?"

Further in his plan for an unfinished book Nietzsche says,
"My philosophy brings triumphant idea of which all other modes of thought will ultimately perish.It is the greatest cultivating idea : the races that cannot bear it ,stand condemned, those who find the greatest benefit ,are chosen to rule."
"I want to teach this idea ---Everything becomes and recurs eternally.Escape is impossible!" ---The recurring  and inescapable cycle of birth and death that Hindu's staunchly believe in.

He then proceeds " To endure this idea of recurrence one needs --Freedom from morality, new means against the fact of pain [pain conceived as a tool , as a father of pleasure] the enjoyment of all kinds of uncertainty. experimentalism."

Gita has already stated this in ancient chap 12 slokas 18 & 19.

Samah satrau ca mitre ca tatha man apamanayaoh |
Sitosna sukha duhkhesu samah sanga vavarjitah|

Tulya ninda stutir mauni samtusto yena kenacit |
aniketah sthira matir bhakthiman me priyo narah

Meaning:  Alike to friend alike to foe, alike in honour and insult, alike in heat and cold ,alike in praise and blame--unattached , contented , homeless and steady in mind --dear to Me is a man who is thus devoted  [Path to Moksha-- that is freedom from the recurring cycle of birth and death]

Then he concludes thus " Greatest elevation of the consciousness of strength in man , as he creates 'Over man'-from will to power. '

 In Gita Bhagvan says

Aham atma gudakesa sarva bhutasaya sthita|
aham adis ca madhyam ca bhutanam anta eve ca|

meaning: 'O' Arjuna. I am the self residing in the heart of every being .Iam their beginning, their life span and their end.

And the Upanishads state Aham bramhasyami  meaning-- I am [each self]" Brahmam" [the ultimate power]


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