Tuesday, February 14, 2012

No entry.

Whilst waiting to be picked up and dropped back at home I glanced up to see a young woman staring straight ahead with a bored expression ,seated near the window of a public transport --bus,probably visiting college friends to kill time ,blissfully unaware of what life has in store.Was it me ?No! It was though once upon a time ,yet it seems so fresh in mind,though i can never rush and clamber those steps quickly and balance on a moving bus with such ease ,any more.That part of life has skidded away from me for ever,but it is there for others.

Further down a young mother got out of a car clasping her baby ,at once tightly as well as with a careless confidence ,as she went into the nearby shopping mall with her husband ,who stretched out his arms to hold that trusting little bundle ,whilst she shopped.The much looked forward to 'Sunday outing'.The beginnings of a charmed circle , a world of their own, of togetherness,of dependency and of hopes.The moment so like mine ,yet it isn't mine.

It has also flashed past and has been re cycled and presented in another for me to witness and ponder on that pavement , that if life was only as uncomplicated and as certain as it appeared as a matter of course then for the gradual and normal transitions ,i wouldn't be blogging [and getting into scraps with total strangers] or hobbling ,now.

Though to scores of women ,greying like me to whom life is a gentle breeze to be relished and not a fierce gale to be weathered , the lucky ones', the general lot,[my experiences and observations tell me, is the general norm and not the exception as movies and books would have us believe],walk briskly ,hurriedly busy in their own 'No entry 'for others world.

Photo by Vidat. Gateway of India at Mumbai..


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