Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lucky frogs.

I read somewhere that frogs will no longer be dissected in school or college labs ,thanks to the introduction of some technological simulations,to replace the actual dissection!A victory for the champions of animal rights. Lucky frogs!

I often read leading columns in which i am [my observations] treated like a guinea pig in few of the journo's personal labs [mind] . Should i be flattered or flustered ,that a single person's views and nature[mine,an insignificant and humble blogger] should be taken to reflect millions of other Indian's views and nature?

I am sorely tempted to rope in those animal activists [aren't they called peta's as against neta's?]to champion my rights and also hope that scientists formulate a technique soon enough ,to stimulate creative thoughts in those scribes ,doing away with the need of human guinea pigs.

May i suggest as a first step, a electrical infusion into the cranium to effectively combat this Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde tendencies?

Note .i wrote this today viz 27 th jan ,but the blog post shows yesterday's date.


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