Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Open garbage dump free.

An decade back the streets were spotlessly clean.The fragrance of flowers blooming on the road side trees and in adjacent gardens made my daily walking exercise in these streets a pleasurable outing.It never failed to rejuvenate me.

Those were the days of onyx.Then came Neel and the streets sheen dulled with the garbage though cleared ,left a streak of trailing muck owing to the sloppy work done,souring my once pleasurable sojourns.

A few months back Neel quietly slipped away carrying along with them their precious garbage bins.There after all the waste of all the residents were flung on my street in plastic covers or just emptied from their bins.This is cleared by a bul dozer only once a week ,the daily SOS to the concerned authority falling on unconcerned ears.

The street that was once upon a time, quite clean has now become a regular pig sty.Pigs [white] dig, search, gobble, roll chase each other knocking down every one and every thing in the process and grunt with obvious pleasure at this bonus, an amusement park right in the middle of a thickly populated modern mega city,with free meals without having to scavenge for them in the distant out skirts,raking up clouds of mosquito's, flies and a thick stench,whilst i am held a prisoner in my house , too scared stiff to venture out on foot .Nor do i dare open my windows.Aren't pigs the carriers of that deadly disease enchylepattis?

Ramky the new conservancy company is nowhere in sight
There is a move afoot to make Tamilnadu 'open air defecation free 'by 2015.Excellent aim and highly commendable.Concerned authorities,can't you also aim at making Chennai' open garbage dump free' as soon as possible?Is it asking for the moon?

PS.I am not singing that song from my teenage years ---,'I have been walking these streets so long'----as i am no longer able to even walk on these streets.

PPS.Either in response to this post and persistent phone calls or both,the corporation has acted.The bleating of goats and squealing of pigs have been replaced by chirping of birds.Thanks are definetly due.
The only remaining grouse is that the new bin is stubbornly stuck right under my window when it can be easily moved to the opposite side ,the tenements on that side, whose inmates generate the largest share of the garbage, are tucked quite a distance away from the road and foul smell. 3.2.12.

Photo.The clean up after this write up.


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