Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cultural terrorism.

An worthy on a debate on the merits of teaching Gita to school children in a neighbouring state opines very knowledgeably that it is a insidious route to foist Sanskrit on unsuspecting minds and labelled it as cultural terrorism!

I am not going to dwell on the merits or demerits of imparting Gita's gyan on school students but whether learning a language directly or indirectly constitutes cultural terrorism

In my primary school at Mysore I learnt Kannada ,as it was compulsory, though i am a Tamilian.Was i subjected to cultural terrorism at so tender an age?I still remember and know none other than the kannada nursery rhymes i learnt ,then!
Then in middle school at Hyderabad i had to learn Hindi and English along with Tamil.The first two being alien to my mother tongue.Yet listening to bhajans and old film songs in Hindi and reading a good english book never fails to unwind me.Is that cultural terrorism?

Even if i am woken up in the middle of the night and asked to sing our national anthem , iwould do so immediately [standing up of course].So would all Indians ,though it is in Bengali . So are Bengali's culturally terrorising us?

I am writing this piece in English having first thought it out in English ,though i am a oriental bharatwasi and not occidental Britisher.Wasn't terrorism perpetrated on me by Macaulay?
The worthy himself spoke his mind in English though he is a bharatiya kannadiga.Wasn't he also an unsuspecting victim of cultural terrorism?

Learning a language by association or otherwise serves only to broaden one's outlook, understand other cultures overcoming pre-formed prejudices and expand one's knowledge.

Labelling acquisition of the knowledge of Sanskrit an language that has given formal expression to the noble concept vasudeiva kutumbakam [viewing the whole world as one family] as cultural terrorism is totally uncalled for.


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