Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jarawas and Jomsen.

What business is it of those MP's in England to poke their nose into our internal matters by asking the Indian govt to abide by Supreme court's order and close down the highway cutting across the Jarawa territory in the Andamans? Do they think that they are still our colonial masters giving us lectures on preservation of our history and heritage?Were'nt the British the precursors in the immediate as well as gradual decimation of several tribes inhabiting this island like the great Andamanese and others,by building the cellular prison there and tampering with the pristine primitiveness of Andaman, that had always been given a wide berth by ancient and medieval Indian mariners?Or is there a political angle to the whole episode?

The above questions may normally arise in many in here as it also did in me after reading the news of British MPs tabling a motion in their parliament asking the Indian govt to close the ATR in consonance with a SC order...
But I am viewing this in a broader humanitarian perspective .Hence i do not mind their move if it would lead to declaring Jarawa inhabited area as World heritage centre and funds pour forth from UN to build a alternate route ,cordon off all other routes, relocate and rehabilitate all the affected populace , stop all further encroachments and do away with the unnecessary practise of the local administration to befriend these exotic tribes [senthilese inclided] by throwing biscuits etc at them ,to connect and civilise them instead strive to preserve these tribal's unhindered and free movements in these forests to which they have the first and foremost claim.And enable them to lead a life without outside interference and protect them from the prying eyes of locals, tourists,researchers and tribal experts of animal channels with their cameras.

Now why should i rush to the protection of a tribe that would probably put a arrow into me if i were to inadvertently stray into their territory?Their innocence! And their remarkable survival for 50,000 long years, by relying solely on nature coupled with the fact that they are the only known living links of the civilised world to a distant primitive past.!And they are so few ,scarcely 300 or so.

Now why can't our MPs table a motion in Parliament to restore the helicopter service in Nepal from Jamsen airfield to Mukthinath's helipad and alleviate the indignities and hardships that old and infirm devotees from India are being subjected to on account of their faith and spiritual quest in a rugged and inhospitable terrain when there is no doubting the fact that both the countries share a common cultural and religious heritage?

Photo on top.The harsh and rugged trail to Mukthinath from Jamsen town and Pokhra city in Nepal.


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