Friday, February 10, 2012


My eyes open and i greet the chilly and gloomy dawn with,oh no another day to be passed ,bitten and tormented by mosquitos.

The rains have gone and chillness that had set in is yet to take leave and not that cold enough to keep these pests away.They seem to thrive in this salubrious climate ,their population has increased alarmingly ,in leaps and bounds.

Day and night in my own house it feels like being trapped under one big mosquito net ,with all the mosquito's in it.Whilst they croon in joy we all groan at the constant pricks.
The courier boy was busy fighting the swarm that greeted him instead of delivering the ware, glaring and muttering that he too burnt 4 coils and several mats every day ,that burnt a hole in his pocket as well .
Does any body care?

Whilst i sit to read the newspaper at noon, all those information gathered by reporters and try to make sense of the columns,i have no go but to roll it into two and swat those pests bothering me incessantly.
Printed journal'ism has its use .


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