Friday, August 13, 2010


My dear son,Vidat

What is the role assigned to you by the creator ?

Is it colour? The greenness in plants or in the blueness of the sky?

Or in the orange of the sun or in the bluish green of the peacocks plume ?

If so ,I can spend my lifetime gazing at these colours and derive comfort that you are near.

Is it sound? Are you in the lullaby of the rain falling at night ?

Or in the the rapturous melodies , the koels suddenly burst out ?

Or in the gentle rustle of tree tops when a slight breeze ruffles them ?

If so I can spend my life attuning my ears only to these sounds .

Or is it in the sudden calm of the dusk when darkness descends ?

Or is it in the light of the stars that shimmer in the night sky ?

Or in the 'kindness' of a person helping a distressed stranger ?

Or in the indisputable honesty of a person who knows his end is near?

If only I had an inkling of the role assigned to you may be I can bear this void with a little more ease.

Happy birthday.

14 th August .


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