Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hundreds of men down the ages have enriched our life with their inspirations,in the form of poems,literature and philosophy.

Many of them were of impeccable nature,as pure as the crystal clear waters of mountain springs,unblemished and untarnished ,from their first step in this world to their last breath.

There have also been men ,who have sunk to sordid levels and have pulled themselves up, to ascend heights of brilliance ,perfection and divinity.

Valmiki the author of the epic Ramayana,that has a billion people under its perennial enthralling spell,is known as the first poet of Bharat, was in his youth a hunter by profession . When his family expanded with the addition of a wife and the birth numerous children , he took to waylaying travellers ,in order to feed and clothe his dependants.

One day he came across Narada, the constant thinker of the absolute and demanded of him his veena. Narada the sagacious one ,agreed to part with his dear possession if Valmiki would enlighten him about his family's views on bearing his sins. Valmiki was in for a rude shock . His parents roundly denounced him for resorting to robbery to feed them and refused to bear the sin . His wife alleged that it was his duty to take care of them and she was in no way duty bound to share his sins.

On the advise of Narada , Valmiki performed severe penance for several months at the end of which ,he emerged as a knowledgeable and intellectual person ,shorn of his ignorance .He established an ashram and spent his time ,reading scriptures in the company of holy and scholarly men .

Narada,who was the catalyst in this extraordinary transformation of valmiki, visited him again and as they sat talking Valmiki posed the following question

Is there a person who is courageous, brilliant, of good conduct,adept ,able , lacking in jealousy ,good to look at and feared even by gods in war when provoked ?

To which Narada replied that it was difficult for any single person to posses such good qualities and recollects that there did live a man by name--'Rama' .Then Narada relates the story of Rama and takes his leave .Valmiki then visualises the events and pours 24,000 verses [Sanskrit]relating the godly nature of Rama and his poignant and exemplary life story . The outcome of this inspiration , divine,noble and influential is,the 'Ramayana'.

There are several chapters or kandas in this epic .I'd like to refer to Ayodhya kand , the part that lists the virtues of Rama in the prime of his youth, as follows.

Rama was a source of joy to his father. He always spoke softly and did not react to harsh words spoken by others . He was peaceful in mind and remembered only the good things done to him and forgot the evil done to him . He was wise ,spoke sweetly and was first to initiate a talk. He was compassionate and valorous. He had no arrogance at his valour. He was free of disease and had a good body. He was sinewy and was pleasant to look at and walked like a lion!

Rama could grasp the essence of men . He knew both time and place.He was straight forward and humble.He had a good memory and kept his thoughts to himself . He did not show his feelings . He knew when to give and when not to give . He always helped others.

Rama was free from idleness . He recognised his errors as well as other's .He had a firm and stead fast mind . He was not stubborn .He did not speak evil words .He understood the differences between men . He knew whom to punish and whom to protect!

Rama knew various sciences , economics, music and martial arts .He knew ways of getting income and spending them to every one's benifit.He could subdue wild horses and elephants.Rama was the champion of archery in the entire world.

Rama shone like a sun . He took part in all the joys and sorrows of his subjects.Rama was a spring of joy to his father and source of happiness to his people!

Rama's virtues are countless and the verses high lighting them are very many .

I 'll quote the following two verses of Valmiki.

Sanu krosha, jitkrosha ,brahmana prati,

Pujaka,diinanukampi, dharmajnah

nityam pragrahvaan, Suchi.

Rama had compassion. He conquered anger.

He was receptive and worshipful to the wise,

He had mercy towards the meek,

He knew what was to be done,

He had self control

Rama was pure and clean !

Dharmaja Gyah Satyasandhashcha Shilvaanana


Kshantah Saantvayitaa Shlakshanah Kritagyo


Rama knows all rigteousness . He is true to his words .

He has a good character.He has no envy.

He has patience. He keeps his senses under control.

He speaks only good words . He has gratitude.

And Rama consoles those who are miserable and in troubles.

Ram Ram .

[courtsey --internet]


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