
Vidat means creator . I chose this name after going through Vishnusahasarnama carefully over and over again .
My son had another name Sanatkumar, the name given to him by his father.
Few days back whilst I was going through a journal on Hinduism I came across the word Sanatsujataiya. Intrigued by this combination of names , I explored the Internet for more details.
Sanat sujataiya is a philosophical classic forming a part of Mahabharata the famous epic ,of sage Vyasa ,dated somewhere between 9 th and 6 th century BC .Its importance is heightened by the fact that it is one of the three gems of Mahabharata ,to be commented upon by Adhi Shankara.The other two being Gita and Vishnusahasarnamam.
This treatise is composed of 5 to 6 chapters . The core matter it deals with is the mysterious phenomenon and the great leveler , that has agitated the minds of men and women since time immemorial -Death .
Dhritharashtra the ageing blind king of Kauravas , on the eve of the war between his sons and Pandavas , is tormented by doubts , anxieties ,delusions and sorrow and on coming to know that the only way out of his predicament is to secure Bramhavidya ,requests his wise half brother Vidura to explain the Upanashidic principles and free him from his sorrow.
In popular precept ion ,Dhritarashtra is a villainous , crooked and an avaricious old man . But according to the original tome , he was a good and a wise king . The only flaw in his character was his excessive love for Duryodan and his other sons ,that blinded him to their faults .
Vidhura is wise and compassionate and is also aware of his limitations . Pondering over the problem ,he remembers Sanat kumar of Chandayoga Upanashidic fame.
Sanat kumar is an ancient wise youth . He is the mind born son of Bramha .
Vidhura meditates on Sanatkumar and requests him to teach the path of liberation from the dualities that plague human beings viz gain-loss, fear --fearlessness , youth -old age, anger -lethargy and so on , to Dhrithrashtra.
Sanatkumar materialises before them and Dhrithrashtra desiring to attain the state of supreme bliss ,requests the shining bright youth to impart the knowledge of the Supreme reality. He poses several questions that are duly answered .
This catechism in poetic form is embodied in the Mahabharata as 'Sanatsujata'.
The following are the questions posed and the answers to them . The answers are deep with meaning and exhaustive .I have chosen a few that I felt were pertinent , to the best of my comprehension and understanding.
The very first question raised by Dhritharashtra is
Is there death or not?
To which Sanatsujata replies --Both are true . there is death as well as deathlessness!
He explains further:
Death , verily does not devour living creatures like a tiger. It develops in men as desire and afterwards as wrath and in the shape of delusion . And then travelling in devious paths through Egoism , do not attain union with the self . Those deluded by it depart and again fall down . He undergoes death after death . Being attached to fruit of action they follow it ,and do not cross beyond death!
But sensible men cross beyond death by their good sense . He who ponders on self destroys desires , becomes as it were death of death itself and swallows it ! He is not afraid of death and becomes immortal.
The second question is --
Who is the originator of all this?
Sanat sujata replies--
He is the supreme eternal beginning less creator.
The third question is --
What is the role of piety ? Does it destroy sin ?
Sanat sujata replied---
Yes it does . Respect in this world is for material gain ,but in the other blissful world ,it is truth , straightforwardness , modesty , restraint [senses] ,purity and knowledge , that holds the key to immortality.
The next question is--
Who possess this taciturnity [ mauna]?How is it practised ?
Sanatsujata said --
It is achieved by doing penance free from sin .
The following 12 enormities [sins]that are destructive of man's life are
1 .Grief
7.Want of forgiveness
10.Friendship [pity]
12. Reviling others.
These acts attend on each and every man , wishing to find a opening as a hunter watches animals.
The seven defects that attend on a man are
1.Constantly thinking of enjoyment
2.Being proud
5.Esteems his senses
6. Hates his wife
7.Is cruel.
The above enormities and defects should always be avoided by a person.
The 12 great observances one need to follow are:
1.knowledge of reality
4.Self restraint
5.Freedom from animosity
9.Freedom from censoriousness
10 .Study of Vedas
12 . Forgiveness.
Whoever does not swerve from these 12 may govern this whole world !And who is possessed of 3, 2, or even 1 of these ,will gradually attain knowledge of Brahman!
The fourth question is :
What is the colour of immortal ,indestructible goal? Is it white or black or red or grey?Or is it tawny? Where is it ?What is its form?
Sanatsujata said;
IT appears not as white or red nor again as black or grey nor is it tawny.
It dwells not on the earth ,nor in the sky, nor in the ocean. It is not in the stars , nor does it dwell in the lightening not is its form seen in the clouds nor even in the air , nor in the deities nor in the sun or the moon . It is not seen in religious texts . It is seen in a man of high vows!
It is invincible , beyond darkness , comes forth at time of destruction . The form is minuter than the the minutest as well as larger than the tallest mountains!
This supports the entire universe . It is immortal . That is Brahman.From that entities are produced and in that they are dissolved . All this shines forth. It is perceived by knowledge and who understands it becomes immortal!
To the next question :
Can it be seen ?
Sanatsujata said:
There is nothing comparable to the form of the eternal being . No one sees with his eyes .He can only be perceived . He who perceives and understands him becomes immortal !
The being which is inner self is the size of a thumb and is always migrating in consequence of connection with the subtle body .The subtle body is---life,air ,10 senses ,mind and understanding. They are restless and go after objects that are like honey to them and this causes transmigration .
The body is perishable but action done by self while in body leaves its effects.The self experiences in another birth results of actions performed in previous births.
Should one fly even after furnishing oneself with 1000's of wings , even with velocity of thought , one would never reach the end of great cause.
The following verse of Sanatsujataiya shows a way ;
cakre rathasya tishthantan dhruvasya avyaya karmanah
Ketumantam vahantya svahtam divyam ajaram divi
Yoginastam prapasyanti bhagvantam Sanat anam .
[Meaning ] The 3 worlds are the chariot of the Supreme eternal being . The body of wise man is his chariot , with the help of this he attains effulgent being who is beyond life and death . The horses of the chariot [ controlled senses] take him to world of light!
A wise man remains placid meditating on this , which is placed in his heart . The talented man who has got rid of affection and aversion perceives him by mind .He is a yogi. He becomes immortal!
The Sanatsujataiya concludes with the following verse,
Anoranlyan sumanah sarvabhutesh vavashitah
Pitaram sarvabhutanam pushkare nihitam Vidu.
I am like the reservoir to which water's flow from all sides . I am unborn ,free of old age and ceaslessly moving about . I am alone your mother and father.
I am woven through and through[ everything].
Minuter than an atom I am stationed in all beings in their hearts!
Vidat' alias 'Sanatkumar' is a youth, forever . There is no old age for him.
{Courtesy - Kashinath Trimbak telang [Dob-August 20 1850]}
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