Monday, June 21, 2010


I have recently taken to reading blogs of leading journalists .Due to my lack of familiarity with the Internet I was unaware of their existence till recent times.Some posts are good and the comments they seem to elicit from viewers , mostly young I presume ,are even better! Some comments are so amusing that I have made a small compilation.

An authoress known for her salacious writings ,posted her views regarding caning school children. She made me cluck my tongue in sympathy at her revelation of the caning she received as a child and how she covered her welts lest her parents see them .The following pithy comment to her candid revelation of a troubled child hood dispelled my mortifications .
'' Thank you for admitting you were caned as a school girl . I always tried to speculate , unsuccessfully , the possible reason behind your intellectual short comings''!

A pretty lady, if the picture on her blog is really hers,has made a passionate appeal to rid our roads of rubbish and plastic waste's . The following comment is equally passionate--
'' What a waste that a beautiful girl like you is writing about waste .....please come with me to a disco !''

An journo writing on the recent judgement delivered on Bhopal gas tragedy has recommended kicking Barrack Obama !I fail to see the connection ,Obama must have been running around in half pants attending primary school when this tragedy took place , so does the following commentator------
''Sir , what is your problem . Were you deported from the U.S for immigration violations?What blame should be attributed to Obama or any other president ,everytime something goes wrong in this country?''


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