Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jathi prashtam.

'Honour killing' is an alien concept to Indian civilisation.

'Gotra' which is the bone of contention with some of the rampaging rustics in recent days ,has lost its relevance owing to the phenomenal population explosion witnessed in our country in the past century.

Hindu's are directed to trace and remember their forefathers only up to 7 degrees of ascendancy, by ancient law givers ,of this land.Beyond that limit the filial ties snap .If an Hindu ,who is bound by orthodoxy and tradition ,can trace the relationship in the family tree encompassing seven generations of patrilinial lineage then he 'may be' justified in frowning upon the sagotra marriage as incest.
If he fails to establish the relationship then he can't rely upon Sagotra as a prohibition for a valid Hindu marriage.

In my study of ancient Indian history I have'nt come across a single reference to honour killing and it was never cited as a part of Hindu traditions.

Ancient Hindu society recognised two types of inter caste [love ] marriages.They were Anuloma and Prathiloma.When a male married beneath his caste it was known as Anuloma marriage.Though this marriage was not cheered it was generally accepted.When a woman married beneath her caste it was known as Prathiloma marriage . This marriage was frowned upon . But it didn't invite wrath in form of death.

The maximum punishment meted to those straying from rigid caste and gotra rules was 'Jati prashtam ' or descaling of one's caste and being treated as out castes.

This sort of social ostracization still exists in middle and lower classes .However over a period of time reconciliations are generally made ,the advent of a grand children smoothening frayed tempers.
Honour killing was never a part of Hinduism and Bharat's way of life. It is a imported notion alien to our benevolent and flexible culture. An culture that is known for its tolerance and takes pride in using its brain and not brawn!


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