Thursday, May 27, 2010

Facts of life!

A man about 75 years of age had very poignantly captured the facts of life in a Sunday edition of Hindu.He pointed out the contradictions in life .

He said ' When I was45 , physically fit and capable of doing all work by myself , I had a peon to carry my briefcase ,a driver to chauffeur me to work place and back and my house was kept in shipshape by my near and dears. In due course of time my children left the nest and are comfortably settled in off shores.The perks of the high office ,peons car driver etc I once held vanished on my retirement .

Now I am old and alone . I can't even get out of my bed in the mornings . I have to pay all bills like electricity, water tax as well as visit banks etc just to keep me aloft. When I can do with some help I have none!

He was not airing his grouses but simply stating the harsh facts of life.Which was observed by the sagacious Adhi Shankara in the prime of his youth 1200 years in his composition Bhaja govindam! Some of his lyrical observations translated from Sanskrit are ------

While a man supports his family , see what loving care they show!
But when his aging body falters nearing the time of dissolution
None , not even his nearest kin will think to ask how he fares!

Boast not of youth or friends or wealth
Swifter than eye can wink , by time , Each one of them is stolen away!

Ramayana of earlier period has the following facts to narrate ----

No man was ever born who could conquer old age.

As a gem vanishes from the grip of an ill starred person , the bird of youth flies away from the body in no time.

At sun rise men rejoice thinking they may work and earn . At sunset they can enjoy themselves. But they don't realise that their lives are shrinking.

As seasons come around men fancy they will be fresh and feel happy . But with each cycle of seasons our lives are shortened.

Old age, like a tigress jumps upon the body and attacks it, in the unseen march of time.

I'll round this morbid fact of life with the gentle admonishment of Adi Shankara in the following verses of Bhaja govindam

Bhagavat gita kimcidadhita
Ganga -jala-lava-kanika pita
Sakdapi yena murari-samarca
Kriyate tena yamena na carca.

A little study of Gita,
Drinking a drop of Ganga water,
A casual worship of Govinda,
Will save you from debate with death.

Bhaja govindam bhaja govindam,
Bhaja govindam mudhamate

Worship Govinda , worship Govinda,
Worship Govinda , foolish one!


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