Friday, June 11, 2010


The memory of the first stirrings in my womb and the memory of the abrupt ending ,is a tragedy that is difficult to overcome . I derive a solace of sorts from the following observations of sage Shankara.

Uncertain is the life of man ,
As rain drops on a lotus leaf,
The whole mankind is prey ,
To grief , ego and disease.

The philosophy I held on to all my life 'you reap what you sow' received a terrific jolt .I can't believe that my actions were so vile that it needed such a castigation.The following suggestions of that young man reiterating the basic tenets of Hindu philosophy 'karma',eases my remorse.

Renounce , O fool ,your ceaseless thirst
For hoarding gold and precious gems;
Content yourself with what may come
Through deeds performed in earlier lives.

And the following Sanskrit verses spun by him , has encapsulated in a nutshell the Hindu belief since time immemorial.

Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
Punarapi janani -jathare sayanam
Iha samsare bahu dustare
Kripaya pare pahi murare.

Born again and again!
Dying over and over again!
And getting into a mother's womb over and over again!
It is indeed difficult to cross this ocean of repeated life and death,
O ,Murare, please help me through your mercy!

Bhaja Govindam,bhaja govindam
Bhaja Govindam mudhmate!

Worship Govinda,worship Govinda,
Worship Govinda, foolish one!

Since I have had my fill of this cycle of life ,a sensible way out, is simply ,to take his advise --

Geyam gitanama-sahasram
Dheyam sripatirupa-majasaram
Neyam sajjana sange cittam
Deyam dina janaya ca vittam.

Sing the Gita, and the 1000 names of God
Always meditate on the form of Lakshmi's lord[Vishnu]
Turn the mind to the company of the good
Distribute your wealth to the poor and those in need.

Bhaja govindam, baja govindam
Bhaja govindam mudhamate !

Worship Govinda,worship Govinda!
Worship Govinda, foolish one!


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