Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life in one's grip.

An writer and philosopher had observed that every one thinks that their sorrow ,grief and misery is the worst experience in this whole world,unrivalled and unparalleled, but in reality there is always some one to be found who has under gone an even worse fate!

If so ,the following verses that seems to have uncannily anticipated my predicament 2500 years back, by Krishna or Govinda as spoken in the Gita ,that helped me ,may help others when they see their carefully built life, slip away .

Nityam kuru karma tvam
karma jyayo hy akarmanah
sarira-yatra pi ca te
na prasiddhyed akramanah

Perform your prescribed duties . For action is better than inaction . If your totally inactive ,even the survival of the body would become impossible.

Na me Partha sti kartavyam
trisu lokesu kincana
n anavaptam avaptvyam
varta eva ca karmani

In all the three worlds there is nothing , that is binding on Me as duty . Neither is there anything that I have to gain nor any thing that I cannot gain . Still I am always engaged in work!

Utsideyur ime loka
na kuryam karma ced aham
samkarasya ca karta syam
upahanyam imah prajah .

If I were not to work , all these worlds would have perished . I would have been the cause of confusion among men and of their ultimate destruction.

Karman aiva hi samsiddhim
asthita Janakadayah
loka -samgraham eva pi
sampasyan kartum arhasi .

Janaka and others attained perfection[ Moksha] only through the performance of duties .Looking ever to the welfare of the society , you should work.

Prakteh kriyamanani
gunaih karmani sarvash
ahamkara-vimudh atma
karta ham iti manyate.

Our acts are all determined by the propensities of our nature. But deluded by egoism , the soul thinks , 'I am the doer' !

Na to evaham jatu nasam
Na tuam neme janadhipah
Na caiva na bhavisyamah
Sarve vayum atah param .

Never was there a time when I did not exist , nor you , nor all these people nor in future shall any of us cease to be !

Every one's individuality[atma] existed in the past and will continue in future without interruption . There fore , there is no cause for lamentation.

The Ramayana says--By chanting or repeating 'Rama' we can dilute or even escape the bad consequences of our actions.

I'll conclude with these reassuring words of Govinda.

Tasmat sarvesu kalesu mam anusmara
yudya ca
Mayy arpito -mano -buddhir mam evaisyasy

You should always think of me and at same time continue your prescribed duty . You will attain Me without doubt!


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