Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Animal like!

An artist of British India has captured in exact replica the facial features of animals in men and has sketched their portraits tabulating them as Goat men , Horse men ,Camel men and so on !

I found these drawings very innovative and amusing when I visited the Saraswati mahal the library of last Maratha ruler of Thanjavur ,Sarfroji a great patron of art and literature in the earlypart of 19 th century, where they were housed .

The Vishnu purana , a religious Hindu text, reciting the avatars of Vishnu, written as early as the later Vedic period roughly in 800BC has categorised people's nature that bear similarity with animal nature and mannerisms and advises us to avoid their company!

They are, the cat like people who don the coat of a renunciate to be fool the mice , pounce on it and eat it . These are the persons who wear the symbols of traditions outwardly , but commit sins in secret. They are called 'Paidalavratis'.

Then there are the stork like people who appear as innocent and meditative as a stork standing on its one leg , only waiting for the opportune moment to snatch the fish.Such people harm a person when they get a chance. They are known as 'Bakavritti'.

The other two types of people, one is advised to stay away from are----
One who speaks sweetly but passes nasty comments at the back. They are the 'Satta's' .

And the other ,who creates a doubt in the mind of people engaged in good works . They are the 'Haithaku's'.

The Purana says ''Don't you entertain such persons even with words lest harm befalls you''.


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