Monday, August 9, 2010

Support groups.

We are IT super stars. The industrial revolution passed us by but the IT revolution has taken us by storm . So on and so forth ,All our magazines ,papers and news channels are bursting with pride.

But when I searched the net desperately for a support group to share my feelings , gather courage to face life from the experiences of similarily placed people ,who have weathered it , I could'nt find a single site!The only one was Sneha , it wasnt of much help and with my bitter experience with the doctor duo's I wouldnt touch it with a barge pole.

Is this total absence of support groups because we are a closed society that stigmatises each and every deviance from the general pattern ?Or is it just plain lack of human touch?

I found scores of sites in U.K and USA offering support in every imaginable circumstances a person could find oneself in .There are support groups for parents bereaved due to accident or suicide or illness or murder . There are groups for people with disabilituies , depression ,addictions and obsessions.

Though some of thes sites give a religious colouring and collect donations ,ostensibly for the cause of the victims,there are several others who are geniuenly concerned with the distress. They offer tips to tackle and overcome it, share their traumas frankly,sound and let of on these sites ,give their addresses so that they may meet in person and help one another.

In my experience a support group is a must . A therapist may know the problem intellectually,but it is only those who have gone through the traumatic experience and have coped up with it and are kind enough to share it , who can pull another person out of the morrass .

I am sad to say that despite all this hype about being a I.T super power we are woefully lagging behind in harnessing it to help those in distress.


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