Monday, August 9, 2010


I saw and heard Hindi film songs that were popular in my teens on T.V the other night. It had me wondering .

Was I young once?Was I carefree once?Did I giggle ,banter and trade secrets with my friends?Did I preen before the mirror ?Did my heart leap at the keen look of another?

Isn't that some other person? It is not me . How can it be?

I barely look at myself in the mirror . I am lost in folds of fat and am sunk neck deep in a welter of experiences . I have no friends except my memories.

How true was that ancient young friend of mine --Adi Sankara who has observed

Lost in play is the carefree stripling.

lost in sweet hearts charms , the youth

Lost in memories and sorrow is the old man [ change the gender]

There is none alas,whose spirit yearns to be lost in ParaBrahman!


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