Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Painful trends.

There was an article in a widely read newspaper few days back that scandalised me .

The writer was wondering whether Chatrapathi Sivaji visited a temple in old Madras in 1670's .Then he expressed his thankfulness and relief at that great man ,not crossing swords with the British ,who were slowly consolidating their power in and around Fort St George., as otherwise we in Chennai would have been engulfed in 'Marathi Manoo's'.

Does that writer know history or is he venting his spite on current politicians,by dragging down a hero of Medieval India ,who had the courage and will to stand up against the might of Mughal empire ,that had become increasingly intolerant of its subjects under Aurangzeb?

And how can the British not being dislodged by that mighty Maratha be a reprieve to the inhabitants of Madras?Is he condoning the British occupation of India?

Icons of history are increasingly becoming pawns in political mud slinging matches . A painful trend.


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