Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vidhi !

Most westerners writing about India and its main religion 'Hinduism' gawk at the countless varieties of idols worshipped by itspopulation. Some have enumerated them to be 30,000!

Yes ,there are Ayyanars,Ammans, Murugan ,Sivan ,Vishnu,Ganesha ,Durga and so on ...Each village [there are thousands of villages dotting India] has its own reigning deity.

This is bewildering to people following Semitic religions, that repose faith in only one God.
There is a confusing array of gods in India. No one region worships a god similar to the other. As you hop across states , the numbers and variety of gods worshipped and the plethora of rituals followed by countless sects is confounding even to one born and bred in India.

Amidst ll this chaos one single philosophy runs through the length and breadth of India as clear as a crystal.From the richest and highly educated person hailing from westernised neighbourhoods in metropolis to the poorest and illiterate persons living in far flung remote villages believe in-- 'thalavidhi'.
Every Indian believes in this 'Vidhi'.This is the doctrine of Karma which is the single solid foundation for the entire edifice of religious pluralism in India.
This is one rule every one in India knows and unfailingly subscribes to .


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