Monday, March 29, 2010


I hail from a family of staunch Vaishnavites . My grandparents have shut the doors and windows when Saivaites took their idols in procession in the streets adjacent to their house.The logic behind this behaviour was that a Vaishnavite' s eyes must be filled only with the pure form of Vishnu or Narayana and no other deity.That the senses ,mind and the intellect should soak in only the magnificence of the Lord and none other.

Vaishnavites subscribe to Visishta Dwaita philosophy as opposed to Advaita philosophy, adhered by Saivaites.My paternal great grand father had thoroughly researched Visishta Dwaita philosophy ,wrote several treatises, books and was the leading authority in this branch of Hindu philosophy in his days.My paternal ancestors were SwayamAcharya's i.e they were the direct descendants of the disciples of Sri Ramanuja ,the proponent of this school of philosophy.

Advaitan's describes the supreme being or God as emotionless , filling up the entire universe and is eternally blissful and full of knowledge.

Visishta Dwaitan's meticulously disprove the above view and are of the belief that the supreme being or God is not emotionless but is the embodiment of all good qualities like ---kindness ,charity , protector of devotees and is worthy of constant worship .

When ,I was grappling with the grief of my bereavement ,I reached out to the philosophical teachings of Acharyas to quell my sorrow and to get a grip over myself, I found more truth in Adavita than in VisishtaDwaita philosophy . That god is emotionless . He has neither good or any other qualities . He just knows.

I turned my back on the philosophy ,assiduously followed by my ancestors ,as no charity was shown in my case and concluded that God is emotionless . He creates you and puts you and watches ,as you blunder and flounder and reap the fruits of your actions.
Then I remembered an important injunction of the Acharyas professing of VisishtaDwaita school of thought ---Do not pray .Chant his name, sing his glories and have immense faith in his good qualities and surrender absolutely to his will .I had grossly disobeyed this directive. I had prayed and prayed . So had Vidat , in January 2007 in the sanctum sanctorium of Srinivasa at Tirumalai , for happiness and peace .


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