Monday, March 29, 2010

God ! Is he there?

Does god exist?If so where ? Who created God? He couldn't just exist . Someone or something has created him or her. Then who has created that something?This question can agitate one's mind to infinity. What is the rishimoolam or the root cause? Then who caused that rishimoolam? And so the inquiry stretches on to infinity and trouble our rational mind that cannot accept the fact that something can come out of nothing.

According to Advaita philosophy expounded by Adhi Shankara , who relied heavily upon the Upanishads,the conclusion arrived at is ,that God is there .And that he is, formless , is of pure knowledge, without emotions and full of bliss..That life is a illusion a 'Maya' . We the people are mere actors . An mirror of his existence.

According to Visishta Dwaita philosophy propounded by Sri Ramanuja few centuries later[12th century AD] God is there .But he is not emotionless and is full of good qualities . He occasionally takes human form to uphold Dharma or righteousness [ e.g avatars like Ram,Krishna and so on].He is the supreme Atma ,that resides within each Atma [us] .As a subtle , minute indescribable thing or energy.This force resides in all his creations.
Though I often wonder , who created that 'Paramatma', I nevertheless know that he is there.Since I felt his presence as a creator all through the night of my severe labour in the run up to the delivery of my child.
As rightly pointed out by our ancient seers and philosophers one can never know but can only
feel the presence of the creator.
He is that something from which nothing can be concealed or hidden .He can pierce our innermost thoughts . He knows!


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