Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Living together.

A Tamil cine actress expressed her view that there is nothing wrong in the concept of living together. This hurt the sensitivities of moralists of Tamilnadu who filed a bucketful of petitions against her and the matter came up for hearing before the Supreme court which has rightly declared that law nowhere prohibits persons above 21 years of age to cohabit whether they are married or not.

Legally it is a clear cut case but is it, socially?

It is law of nature that hormones peak from 15 years to 45 years and there after to subside. There fore all young things will experience the dart of the cupid or be curious to experience it.

In these days of IT revolution , women becoming economically independent and moving to other parts of India in pursuance of their career ,can easily give a slip to the eagle eyes of their parents.They are naturally at liberty to indulge in what few decades back was unthinkable or merely fanciful ,by practically living together .

If such a relationship falls through, the man ,belonging to a society seeped with the view 'Jan pillai analum ann pillai '[even if he is thumb sized he is a man ] and winks at male perfidies ,will make a easy getaway.He will find himself another girl and bride soon.For a woman , the society which is not yet permissive and frowns upon any relationship not sanctioned by marriage , she will be considered a fallen woman or as a woman of easy virtue and morals, an unkind epithet that would plague her entire life!

If such a relationship flourishes and stretches , what if the man dies?As per Hindu law ,property of a male dying intestate will devolve on his .wife i.e [only on a legally wedded wife] and children equally.Where the woman has committed herself totally ,emotionally ,and physically and has sacrificed a lot to see the relationship through and if she is not economically independent this concept of living together works against her . She will be bereft of what is her due [ property] and be literally thrown on the streets.

In cases wherein both are well and prospering ,and children are allowed to be born and are raised , will these Innocent young children be able to face the societal barbs , they are sure to encounter,though ignored by their mature[ thick skinned ] parents. They will be by default be saddled with unpalatable names and be the butt of nasty jokes in social circles .

There is a argument that marriages are no longer till eternity as divorce's have become the norm of the day.Divorces are more acceptable than a break up in a living together relationship because a divorce is secured for many valid reasons apart from the only one of a LT relationship viz falling out of love . Moreover Law ensures maintenance in form of regular payments for the spouse and the children .

Living together is a thrilling concept to modern youth but is clearly fraught with all the attending dangers any thrill brings along .

My advise to young women, if you want your man to get away easily after enjoying your company , go ahead ! Hand it over to him in a platter !


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