Thursday, April 8, 2010

Did he or did'nt he?

Machiavelli was a controversial philosopher belonging to 16 th century Europe.
He has observed that women required to be beaten regularly to make them obey!The younger the man , more willingly would a woman see reason.

He compares 'fortune ' to women in his treatise 'Prince '.The following is his observation-----
''It is better to be impetuous than cautious, as fortune is a woman and it is necessary ,in order to keep her under, to beat her.Fortune like woman is the friend of young men because they are less cautious , more spirited and with more boldness master her. Fortune like women need aggressive as opposed to effeminate men to dominate her ,otherwise she will take advantage.''

I agree that women are generally scatter brained and do not get a grasp of things as men seem to effortlessly. [ It has been scientifically proved that a woman's brain is smaller than a man's].I also agree with his view that women prefer their men around them [ ie husband,son and so on] to be aggressive . I am also in total consonance with his observation that a woman would readily pay heed to a younger man .But I disagree with the view that a woman's submission is guaranteed by merely wielding the lathi. Her wilful acquiescence can be got only when she knows and feels that the man respects her feelings and has her welfare at his heart.

One night at the age of 58 Machiavelli died of food poisoning. Was his wife still around ?If so did or didn't he beat her that day before his meal was prepared?


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