Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fore head torture.

The two tortures i am constantly subject to , apart from squeezing of my abdomen , head and arm and leg joints is the burning sensation within my entire forehead  and the blocking off my forehead completely.
The burning sensation is always given at night when i  go to bed and fall asleep It lasts the whole night and continues well into the morning .What ever i do to try and get rid of it like taking  pills  for head and body ache , or give hot water fomentation or listen to music with ear plugs  or recite slokas   are of no avail  .It cannot be shaken off  by me .When i feel that the burning sensation has gone it and feel relieved  it would mean that it had been withdrawn by those who were giving it.It is a sort of punishment , the cowards are expert in handing me without showing their face, like terrorists  who hide and attack

I have observed that the following actions of mine .is generally followed by this punishment that pours fire into my forehead .

1.Wearing light weight transparent sarees and going out wearing them .

2. After blogging my views on public matters or about the no touch  tortures i am subject to .

This is happening since 2014 after my head was pierced for a month at night .Cruelty that started in 2012  with blasting my head with high decibel noises  goes on and on unasked and unchecked .

Effect of this punishment is that it reduces my desire, energy  , concentration and undermines my efforts to  write and blog  meanings of Sanskrit slokas or Tamil pasurums .It also discourages me from by hearting slokas and pasurums .but encourages me to write and comment  on news items in a crazy manner.My blogs on public matters hardly attract any viewers but  my  blogs  on meanings of slokas etc are the ones that are popular and attract  a lot of viewers .But this burning burns away my ability to grasp the meanings and it also blocks my vocabulary.
I experienced the burning sensation soon after i deleted the addition i had made two days back to my blog on forgiveness  sessions.I want the original blog to be as it is as i  wanted  to stick to my principle that i will not encourage any one invading my privacy .That person wanted me to blog  on humane stuff etc but he was not respecting my human right to eat in peace in my own house. This one way traffic,on the sly  going on since 2012 has hardened me so much that  i refuse to feel sorry for any one .My answer would have been different had it been face to face and if they want to know it, come and meet me in my house .
The two Dravidian parties that are in power alternately with loyalists entrenched in institutions  must understand that i do not belong to either of the two parties nor to any other party they are allied with so ,none of them can claim any rights over me.and force me to write on topics  dominating TV news..I have no idea as to what is the idealogy of these two sibiling parties  nor do i care to know of it nor am i bothered about their future prospects as well as thier allies as  i am dead sure that  none of them will stop the  bombarding  of my auditory canals  and fore head nor stop giving instructions and suggestions on coming to power. .

The other torture which is equally bad or worse is the tightening of my forehead like as if it is a prison from which i cannot escape .This sort of torture started since 201 2 and became acute after 2014.This happens generally when i travel by car or train or auto .It goes on and on if i am in a long journey .This also cannot be shaken off by any pill etc .But sometimes a sloka i recite or i hear  on transcend ,hoping to get rid of it does give relief , but it is temporary clearance of the blockade , it will be back again.And the same sloka or pasurum will not work the next time when my forehead is blocked .I just have to wait it out .It is a  terrible torture .
observation is that ,this covering of the innards of my forehead with a shroud or  a thick  purdah is done when i am on  a temple trip or to do something with  Hinduism.                                                               Recently it happened  in the auditorium as well as on  my way back from a Bharatnatyam recital of Dasavatharam, in the auto i was travelling back home .

I have observed that this tightening of forehead  and the constant conversations i am having within myself without a pause prevents me from either to take note of surroundings around me or enjoy the simple beauties of nature like fluffy white clouds scudding the skies  or the colourful blossoms on trees or stars twinkling in a clear night is connected to the wrist watch i wear and the mobile and the clutch that i carry whilst going out for a walk.or any other outing .The babble within me becomes fierce near certain lamp posts that have various wires and plastic bags wound around them that at times my head starts spinning and whirling  .Wrist watch that i wear is number one culprit in giving me that terribly uncomfortable and at times unbearable  feeling in my forehead, of it getting, knotted   tied up and cramped up  from within .Inside the house every nook has these odious torturous devices .I am sure tube lights have them coupled with cameras.They often  provoke me to argue and at times worse provoke me to hit members of my family !The latter i have never done.This instruction is given generally when the TV is on and when my family members and i am near the TV. I have observed that such instructions are beamed into my ear when my right ear is near a tube light in my dining room and in the kitchen.It also happens at Bangalore.Maybe those provoking me to hit want to make my family believe that i am not only batty but also violent .
 Those giving me such instructions know exactly where i am standing or sitting and also know as to exactly who is in front of me or next to me .This proves the existence of hidden cameras .

Why do they want to do so?They have successfully made them believe that what ever i went through like blasting my head with noise in 2012  , then jamming it 2012 and the various conversions  attempted to be done on me in 2014 and still being done are all figment of my imagination and delusions and if i start hitting them obeying that or message or instruction injected right into my forehead or ears then all those who have perpetrate and continue to perpetrate such tortures on me will get a good cover .They would successfully brand me as mad and who will believe a madman's word?

OK why is it necessary to brand me as  delusional and  violent  in the eyes of my family and relatives?Only those doing it will know as to why it is so important to brand me  as such.The only plausible guess i can make is that it can only  be the handiwork of secular fundamentalists and their protege's and protectees.

These sly  methods adopted to make me appear as delusional and violent makes me think that may be such methods were also adopted over my late son , provoking a very intelligent  and obedient boy to  go haywire  that culminated in his 'accidental' death in railway 24 years of age .

Again why ?I know for sure that i am deliberately instructed to hit out at my family members standing at front of me and when i am under a ceiling fan or  near a tube light.So i have  every reason to suspect foul play in my late son's sudden death which could be deliberately instigated suicide or a  deliberate accident.few days before he was to leave for US .just a day before that horrific day the ceiling fan in my dining room started to rattle loudly  and sway crazily .My late son helped the electrician to fix it .OK again the question arises , if  Vidat was deliberately done away with ,why?What for?since  i find myself in this  macabre drama which is like a replay of what happened to my son in 2007 it is quite possible that secular fundamentalists and thier protectees could have  had a hand in my late son's sudden death.

OK why am i sure it is and was  handiwork of secular fundamentalists .I wasn't even blogging in 2007  but  was  writing my diary. But my husband was pretty vocal and loud  with his Right ists views.This must have rubbed those around in the wrong way ,who in those times would never stomach such views without retaliating.and are still retaliating.Simply put --nastying him ,without him being aware that he is being nastied ..                                                                                                                                                                 The only difference is that i know that i am being deliberately provoked , instigated and am made to write or act upon suggestions ,owing to blasting of my head with noises in 2012 followed by jamming and then conversion attempts in 2014,but my late son didnot know. My family also refuses to believe that i was subject to and am being subject to all the harrassments rather tortures i have been put through and they also have been put through like nearly killing my husband by aggravating his heart condition.

{No ordinary citizen will ever think such things are possible.that their normal life can be disrupted so slily surreptiously and systematically in a cold blooded manner by outsiders.If they did they would lose thier peace of mind, normalcy and trust in people around them as well as in the govt.Ignorance is bliss there fore i quit feeling sorry for myself that i receive no support or even mere understanding even from my own family , for  all that i was put through since 2012.Many around me know about it and would believe me at what i have  gone through since 2012 ,except my own family and relatives! It is a well kept public secret.Media isn't bothered becuase in their gilded  lofty world only on atrocities on Muslims, Christians and Sc's.matters.Opposition  and other politicians couldn't care less , though they know about it ,because my curious case  will not bring votes,so why waste time on me?.But both would love to read my views and may even try to wrest it out of me !

The twin surreptious and harsh attacks on my skull and forehead  by loud noises and piercing my skull with painful jabs in 2012  and 2014 has made me like the hero of the film Gazhni where the hero on being hit on his head by the villian loses his memory and has to write notes to himself to remember as who he is and why he is like this. And that conversion attempt on me in september 2014 keeps making  me assure myself  that i am a Hindu, I am a Hindu I am a Hindu,not a Christian or Muslim but a Hindu,yes a Hindu, that to belonging to a particular sect, a need i have never felt till then .I have also started to feel a overwhelming need to prove to those around me as well in the blogs that i continue to be a Hindu despite that   forcibile conversion attempts  that had a lot of death threats ,that , i have not converted .It was a very traumatic and terrifying experience..It stopped abruptly after 27 days   when the late CM was sent to jail on corruption charges.

I was so far under the impression that it was my blogging on corruption during Anna agitation that invited the ire of authorities .But now  i scarcely  blog on corruption , yet i am inviting ire in form of forehead jamming.but am blogging on public matters entwined with religous beliefs.of Hindus.The methods adopted to show ire to extract results is something similar to what my late son exhibited in 2005-2007 hence i have this feeling that  maybe such methods were also adopted over my late son to push him to the brink and plunge our lives into grief and gloom  as  revenge for views that was not in consonnance with that of secular 'fundamentalists' and thier vote banks  and to exploit our grief ..

Effect is that i cannot enjoy the trip or performances and lose myself in the spiritual and  religious experience and feel touched and elevated  and satisfied.Nor can i sleep in the long trips in car or train if the trip has to do with a temple visit  .Terrible feeling like as if my for head would explode.This is surely to discourage me from visiting temples , to learn , recite slokas and meditate .It is religious persecution .
It sounds strange  that i being a Hindu am being religiously persecuted  in a sly , undercover and shadowy manner right in the midst of vast majority of Hindus but it is being done !

Some times a doubt does arise in me as to whether these people are really interested in converting my religious ad sectarian beliefs , if not why aren't they approaching me directly to do so .?Isn't that the normal practise?                                                                                                                                   {Why was some one encouraging me to  have extra marital thoughts by giving me pleasure by gently vibrating my spinal chord  when my back is towards a  single electric  bulb in my house balcony on seeing  a Muslim flat neighbour whilst provoking me to anger and hatred towards my husband?An ugly immoral set up .                                                                                                                           Pleasurable feelings are being deliberately induced in me since 2012 with regard to one single individual of Muslim community living in my flat complex whom i would have never bothered about other wise. It was given constantly and, punctually around 6.45 -7 pm probably in tune with flights taking off  maybe to shift my emotional allegiance and dependence from my husband to this man and the community he belonged to and to empathise with them or to listen to his commands.Why should i be forced in such a sick manner?In  all my life i have never felt any sympathy towards that community.They were rulers of India for several centuries.They have ruled over my ancestors .How can i  pity a  class that has enjoyed all trappings of power for centuries?Same goes to Christians as well .They were wielding power ,prestige etc when British were ruling over us for nearly 200 years  . So should i pity them because they lost their past power and , prestige  in freedom struggle and a  democracy was put in place by majority of Hindus ? It is a cycle of time .One goes up and other comes down . Once upon a time Brahmins dominated the society and polity .Look at the pitiable state of Brahmin's every where are , they are a shadow of their past glory the way   i a Brahmin woman am now  in this Dravidian land.So do i keep on currying for sympathy and lamenting over my lost status ?}

The only class of people i pitied   were SC's .They were never rulers unlike Muslims and Christians.Over the years seeing how nicely SC's have fared i have stopped feeling guilty or remorseful towards them .In fact the aggression exhibited by some SC'S towards me  is so daunting that it is slowly eroding  my sympathy towards  them..

                                                                                                       What ever the reasons maybe it was a sick , perverted and nasty thing to do to me after terrifying and weakening my nerves and blotting out my memory  by playing loud noises in my ears and forehead for a month in 2012 .So much ,for human rights.A  torturer or torturers  were  let loose upon me twice in full scale, who were  like the fabled Chinese torturers .After 2014 my attention was sought to be captured in a similar manner [viz pleasure , conc only on his voice and family]by non brahmin Hindu neighbour whom i had always seen as a younger brother and that is all ,whilst the former 's role became muted but very much there. What ever the reasons maybe ,security etc, which i cannot fanthom fully ,it is a sick and cheap set up. .It cuts at the very root of the emotional ties with my family and forcing me to becoming dependant  on  my neighbours and thus making a caricature of my husband's role in my life.What this set up implies is this --Your husband is no longer your hero , we are your hero and , caretakers and only we are capable of taking care of you  so listen to us, thus cleanly forgetting the decades preceding 2012 when he was my sole caretaker ,friend, companion etc and was doing a good job of it.What ever maybe the reason behind this transformers/subtitution role, it is indigestible and revolting to me.It is trivalising the sacredness of marital ties and property, privacy,and shows distrust in  individuals capacity to handle thier family matters .If this is to do with' security' let it be straight and open. if not i will think that it is a sham and will think  that i have no enemies with knives drawn to kill me but it is the transformers/substitutes or whom ever they are working for, are the ones having enimies and i am being kept like a prisoner so as to protect them..

1.Is my harassment on religious lines is being done to set an example to some Hindus [fringes] who are said to be persecuting minorities up north?Because my situation is quite strange .whilst TV and newspapers keep beaming news about how Muslims, Christians and Sc's are persecuted every day in Hindu majority country [even if it is just one person from the vast minority communities and Sc's who are in millions] here I  am, a person from majority community as well as belonging to the highest caste viz Brahmin who is being religiously persecuted right in the centre of a metro city .Are these cowardly attacks  of revenge on me a tit for tat .?Like terrorists who hide and attack?
Are they constantly sending the message , Look we have a Hindu Brahmin family in our grip , You vast majority fools with all your techs and numbers you can do nothing about it?Just watch and read their suffering.Are they also delighted that in my frustration at being always on a  razors edge that i start putting down our democracy, politicians and people?

2.Or is it done by those who want me to give the other side of the picture of India?That it is not only minorities or Sc's but also persons from majority community from good families who are also persecuted  by minorities and Sc's  right in the heart of a metro city?Because on the sea of liberal news engulfing India who highlight only minority persecution and harassment and who all skip news  relating to conversions , my case is  reverse osmosis and  is quite unique .I am not some adivasi woman or illiterate fisher woman .But am from  a good family background, belong to highest caste in India viz Brahmin, having  famous ancestors  both from religious and political view point .

These are two sides of a coin .One could be real religious persecution owing to some perverse objective because my constant transmitters are Muslims in large numbers followed by Christians, Sc's and Hindus.Why should so many Muslims hover around me ?Young men in kurta pyjama and skull caps used to come towards me with swaggering walk or on scooters.They could be just innocent passerby's but would a  ordinary Muslim beat a hasty retreat  on seeing my carrying a keychain with lordsSrinivasar's tiny idol ?Have these Muslims come from some far off Arab country that they have never seen idols or temples around them .S o it makes me conclude that these young Muslim's hovering around me have some ulterior motives .The fact that i wear saree and decorate my forehead with kumkum  , real kumkum and not sticker bindi's doesn't make me appear as a Hindu woman to these non stop Muslim stalkers.It requires a tiny idol dangling from a key chain held in my hand or worn as a ring in my finger that puts them off .They beat such a hasty retreat that i have to doubt their intentions which i conclude is only malafide .What are they seeing me as? Whilst the older ones are trying their hand at love jihad may be the younger ones are doing Mother i must appear as old as their mothers  ,   trying to tug at my maternal emotions  but are rudely shocked and unable to digest that  i am a idol worshipper on seeing tiny idols swinging in my hand!. Being a Hindu it is very very normal for me have idols of gods around me but those stalkers seemed to be shocked or revolted in  seeing me in company of idols like as if i am a Muslim woman who is not supposed to worship idols !
It is not only those wearing white caps who beat a hasty retreat it is also men in pants ,jeans and shirts without any obvious religious markings on them who shy away from me .even flat neighbours .on seeing idols in my person.Why should they shy away unless they are approaching me with bad intentions.?

I thought at least i can get rid one of my pursuers and started to take my Srinivasar key chain in my walks and in outings .I forced myself to do so since i am not a person who likes  to exhibit  religiosity .It also riles me that being a Hindu why should i keep on proving it ?It also riles me that those avowing their Hindu faith by doing homamas etc are fore front in  extending all possible help  to those viz other two communities in  intruding my prayer s.  The white caps have melted away  but now i am being pursued with a lot of vigour by dark young men.The Srinivasar idol in my keychain is drawing these men who may be Christians like a magnet  and are intruding in my daily meditation  by passing the name of their god Jesus when i close my eyes to meditate on Narayana.Am caught between the devil and the deep sea .

If Muslims stalking me is a  defence problem  i am willing to dangle my key chain  as i walk or go out if that is the solution to keep them off my back .I will even  buy a  fairly big gold pendant of Lord Venkateswara,at my own expense , affix it to a gold chain  and wear it  over my saree displaying it to all accosting me .But it should not lead to Christians taking hold of me and intruding my daily prayers .Last week at Bangalore i walked with keychain but my meditation was not interrupted .but here it is being done most probably by Christians .If i am expected to shoulder the defence problem i should be assured that my  right to  pray is not hindered in any manner . Why should i be the one who is expected  to make all the sacrifices whilst those who can rein in such elements go scot free?/

                                                                                        They all seem to enjoy political patronage in this 'secular' state .Second those who can stop all these transmissions are not doing it
It is like as if i am expected to write about the unbelievable position i am in so as to show the world  even a person from high caste ,well educated and from  good family can be persecuted by minorities and Sc's without any fear of law or consequences  .A scape goat.

Most importantly what guarantee is there that one amongst the many Muslims who are  constantly hovering around me does not have terrorist links or is  in ISI payroll?Were they practising love jihad  viz  forcing  me to go into purdah by threatening to make my private moments public, as a first step to conversion?  Similarly any one from the Christians, SC's and Hindus hovering around me could also have links to Naxals.Didn't this possibility never occur to those who have so lavishly granted connections to all and sundry to my auditory canal and my forehead or they couldn't care less?Reading my thoughts became easy after my forehead was blasted with high decibel sounds in 2012 .Why was it done?Was it to 'liberalise 'me  by throwing open me and my family to the world?, Desh drohi's .They have not only put our lives in peril but also this nations.Selfishness to the core.
                                                                                                                Yesterday when i wanted to add this observation to this blog  , my head was immediately squeezed ,since my thoughts are constantly being read by these  perverts and the net connection was blocked .I couldn't access the net from 9 pm onwards .The pain i felt in my left forehead as i was forming the words for this blog [was similar to one i felt for 10 days after Ram mandir verdict] and blocking my access to net thereafter confirms that i have hit the nail.Maybe those who did not like the verdict was blocking me and preventing me from writing leave alone blogging.   My head could have been jammed stiff even for security purposes. It could be law and order .It could also be for defence purposes!     As far as i am concerned there is no need to put me in jail or be warned .My head will be firmly taken hold  in a vice like invisible grip making me dazed , bewildered  and zombie like for many days ,till all is clear .I have no legal rights.and no one is going to question any one on my behalf or be bothered and waste their time about me being  turned into a zombie on and of .

.                                                                                                      Maybe  terrorists /ISI and naxals are transmitting messages, suggestions  and are also reading my thoughts.It is scary, indigestible and revolting that cold blooded.killers and schemers  have access to my thoughts .Who landed me in this horrible situation which is worse than a horror film ?.will that person ever get punished?

I am sure that authorities do know about this but transmission from strangers is going on as gaily as ever. I think it has even increased .Proof is this blog, the  previous ones  .I am constantly writing and blogging theses days .This is proof enough that i am not being allowed to sit in peace and think of other things.or do some productive translations.

An  abnormal and dangerous set up .

The reason why this sort of sly conversion along with suggestion giving is resorted to is because they know that to convert me openly  is  impossible.They have nothing to offer to me that would induce me to change .My economic condition is sound ,and i am satisfied with it  so money cannot lure me .But i would appreciate if suggestion givers approached me directly to discuss and write since my views seems to count so much ,Other wise this is nothing but exploitation of a person in a hostage like situation' similar to  slavery.   If i am forced to write by various tactics it is forced and bonded labour .  Do journalists write without  pay?Are they forced to write? Are they looked down in society?
In fact if i am approached directly to make me blog and am paid for it it would release from alot of problems.The myth that i am idealogically driven , my awowed charm ,which i guess is the cause of all my harrassment will vanish and i would be a paid hand just like any other  .Mashter pleash pleash pay uh poor me and giveth thish blog shlave her freedomth.                                                                                                                                 Brahmin's are the highest caste in Indian society  where caste hierarchy is a reality .So why would i trade this high position i have in  society for a lower one?
If it is my grief that is attracting converters i am so thoroughly  convinced that all the solutions to it are in my own Hindu religious scriptures and practises.that it is impossible to make  my  abandon religion  OK constant hurdles thrown at my visits to temples or interfering in my daily puja and meditation could  exhaust me and cut down the practises but can the converters shake me away from my deep faith in Hindu philosophy?That is impossible.


My religious scriptures like Gita appeals to that part of my nature  that has a scientific streak .Many practises of Hinduism  or dictum's in shastras are based on actual observation of life and emotions .My bitter experiences in life made  me realise this.My actual experiences and the advises[dictum's] in shastras to bear  such situations, like prescribing one year period for mourning, tallies , increased my reverence and respect for  Hinduism [sanatana dharma].The rishi's who have made these shastras were very human and observant.Even the Sanskrit mantras chanted during funeral ceremonies are very poignant , down to earth and assuring .It is a pity that none of us understand them .If we did then it would be a soothing balm at such times of deep sorrow.only a year back i read the English  translation of the mantras on net and realised the true value of such mantras.

Science says that energy  can never be destroyed.Atma viz the driving force in  a  body is a energy.Common sense .Hindu philosophers since Vedic times  are telling us the same thing , that atma can never be destroyed , it is the body that hosts it that gets destroyed .Why shouldn't i believe this ? I believe it .
Acharyas who have commented on Gita explain very logically and beautifully as to how this energy [Atma]keeps on taking various bodies in a regular cycle of death and re birth.till the atma gets rid of its karma's and attains its original pure state .In its original state the atma is pure, happy , powerful , knowledgeable and has a host of good qualities which makes it or or less at par with the creator.Gita gives in detail the various methods to over come Karmas that have been accumulated in past several re births.I believe in this concept of re birth too .
If only skeptic Hindus had the patience to read the commentaries of our acharyas like Shakaracharya , Ramanuja and others ,who were great intellectuals and scholars  they wouldn't be deriding their own religion or join those deriding it .
The belief  insurmountable workings of trigunas viz sattva, rajas and thamas that explains many of our actions is also a fact  which can be observed by all in our daily life .When we are peaceful it means sattva guna is in action when we are angry and energetic and greedy it means that rajas is in force and when we are lazy it means thamas is in force.
The belief that atma carries with it the impressions [vasanas]of its past innumerable births explains the contradictions in our nature which is not in tune with the caste or family we are born into .This is a very comforting belief because it explains our sufferings .It is even more comforting to learn from Gita that it is impossible to circumvent Trigunas unless one is wise, yogic ,detached , without ego and extremely devout , which is again tough to achieve .It recognizes the limitations of individuals who are always under sway of triguanas and vasanas and thus removes guilt and shame associated with ones incapacity's . I absolutely believe in this .
When my own religion is enlightening and comforting why should i seek succor elsewhere ?

Why do the converters arrogate themselves the right over me . who are they to decide as to whom and what  i should believe  in?If they are impelled by humane considerations that they cannot bear seeing me wilt in grief and that changing my religion is the only remedy then why do grief stricken  people in Western nations seek psychiatric help to overcome it although they are all Christians?If Christianity cannot help those who are born and bred in it, to tackle their grief how can it help me? I read that people in Christian countries visit psychiatric clinics religiously and hardly attend church services and that  most  churches are empty .First heal thyself .

I have a lot of faith in Gita .Its teachings has pulled me out from what i thought was inescapable void .Maybe before my bereavement  i  may not have believed in re birth  of a atma in countless births , but now i believe it absolutely .It is a very comforting belief as it ends the suspense as to what happens after death , scotches illusions and delusions--like '-they are all waiting up there in heaven etc '.
Gita tells me You have let go off a nice atma owing to your own karmas and vasanas, but that atma is not pining or waiting for you .It has cut off all its relations with you .This is the reality accept it .May be that atma has found a better body and a nicer family .

There is also a sectarian angle .That i should worship amman or siva .It is a very silly thing to do Our fundamental beliefs are same re birth, karma , difference between atma and body , worship of Deva's,and pitrus idol worship ,  worshiping in temple  ,performing yagnas and homams, belief in one paramatma or Supreme  Brahman .
Either a Hindu believes in Siva and his family or i n Vishnu and his avatars .I belong to latter category
.I have  never switched my loyalties from Narayana the deity who is worshipped in the family and sect i am born into and will never do so .Chanting slokas and pasurums  on Narayana and his consort Lakshmi steadies my mind  as i am used to it since childhood and i am not going to trade it for another god .and goddesses . I have a deep sense of belonging to avatars of Vishnu, aazhwars and purva acharyas ,   because i belong to srivaishnaviate sect .I cannot let go of this sense of belonging and reel in a   new found late in my life .There are people who are mobile skipping from one deity to another in search of    peace and for rewards .I am not that kind . I have a unquestioning  loyalty to Vishnu and Lakshmi , in what ever the circumstance i find myself in .I never blame them for my misfortunes ,and i doubt whether any of my viewers would have faced tragedies  to such a extent as i have and am still facing,but  i blame only myself for not being devout enough so as to receive thier protection and blessings and endeavour to make myself even more devout.So where is the  question of me to quit worshipping Vishnu and Lakshmi and leaving them in disgust for an alternative one  within Hindu fold?
                                                                                 In all the  slokas i recite daily on Vishnu and Lakshmi , i  have to chant  the names of Siva , Brahma, Indra , Muruga , Shakthi, Surya, Agni and Durga's   since none of the slokas are bereft of their names .So what is the problem of these people?I have to  accord respect to other Hindu gods daily  because the slokas from puranas or those slokas  made by acharyas and aazhwars mention them specifically with due respect, when i recite them .

 28.1.20  --Note:I added  a lot of the paragraphs to this original blog which was to do only with my forehead torture.I was impelled , induced to do so a week or two before Amavasya[new moon day] and Republic day owing to planes making terrific sounds  taking off over head in my flat with 10 minutes interval.The itch to blog and vomit everything i have written above that lay nestled within myself so far  was overwhelming .With shame and sadness  i have to admit that i couldn't resist it .Sadness because i have lost control over myself which is again actually nothing to be ashamed off since i have become like this only after my forehead was blasted in 2012 for a month at day time without a break and jammed in 2014 without a break at night for a month forcibly by people hiding their faces, identity and intentions  from me in both cases.
Few minutes before  i could hear the booming sound of plane flying over head i would get this un combattable urge to write or blog my observations shelved in my memory and i was literally doing so continuously for 3 -4 days thus.It abated only after i blogged my bio data and Amavasya came and went.and when the planes stopped flying directly low over us.
This urge is normally given to me before Amavasya .What is its significance?Is it  do with conversion?That Christians /Muslims,do not like the pitru worship done by my husband on that day ?But do they have the capacity to make aeroplanes to keep on flying overhead  .Can they take control of Air traffic?I doubt it .This is not the handiwork of ordinary persons or converters.
Definitely govtl agencies are behind this .Either they wanted me to write the suggestions put into me in my half sleep state or knowing some of my views  they  wanted  me to come out with it and make it public
The torture i was put in that week  was terrible .I am clearly being exploited.
Last 3 days viz 26 and 27 th and 28th i was subject to the forehead torture about which this blog was  to be about.Felt burning sensation in my forehead whole night and even at day time.Punishment .

On one hand there is immense [using air traffic] provocation to write and if i succumb to it then it is followed by this punishment! Both are tortures i am being constantly put through .

I am wondering as to when my capillaries will break under such pressures and give me a brain hemorrhage.

I was doubly cautious this time since AIDMK is in alliance with BJP i knew that  party or the govt agencies would put pressurre on me to write or blog in favour of CAA and condemn the protests

.What ever i wrote is my opinion alright but i didn't want  the party that has been treating me shabbily since 2012 and constantly attempting to convert me ,and help them to curry favours from centre by making me sing their peans or trunes .But the air attack on my forehead ears  coupled with other auditory attacks and preventing me from sleeping  at nights with bright street lamp lights and constant creaking of hand pumps through out the night amplified maybe with audio transmitters  etc was too much for my weakened nerves to bear and i had to abandon my resolve not to blog on controversies or  about minorities ,who are constantly dominating news or about myself viz tortures ,conversion attempts etc..

Saturday, December 7, 2019


TN is said to have passed Prevention  of Sexual harrassment way back in 1998 when a young woman died due to eveteasing.Has it been implemented?
I am being sexually harrassed day in and day out not directly but in a  no touch manner Those doing it are banking on the fact that i being a blogger specially on  translations of slokas and pasurums  and have  given a detailed profile of myself will hesitate to marr my image and dirty my blog by blogging about it !
On and off for past 5 years  that is since 2014 i ll feel a pricking sensation in my private parts when i am reciting slokas or meditating.In variabily this will be followed by either ringing of puja bells in my nighbours flat like as if it is a auspicious event or a corporation garbage truck will  speed down the road with its men workers shouting gleefully and banging its doors .When i watch TV  my vagina will be made to suddenly contract and expand  fast and quick and  i ll be made to feel wet . Even when i was young and fit i rarely had such abnormal vibrations and i often think what a waste it all is now when i am 62  and have no hormones .Some depraved mind is doing all this  by sending some gas and i have tweeted about this several times .But no action was ever taken under prevention of sexual harrassment act .     If i go o the police they will say where is the evidence?Yes where is it?

Those who believe that a woman in her 60's from a decent background , a blogger will not lie on such matters so as to put to stake her reputation amongst her viewers who could also be her late son's friends who could be in mid thirties now  is the proof for my ongoing sexual harrassment.

                                                                                                                       Why doesn't that depraved person try it on his wife and really enjoy thier life together instead on me .May be he is also doing it there.
The same thing happens at temples and some strange men and woman who seem to know what is happenning within my body, will laugh at me gleefully .

May be it is done to discourage me from reciting slokas , meditating and visiting temples .and watching , svbc channel religious telecast  .

What revolts me is that persons whom i think are decent  and some of whom are known to me do this ringing of puja bells when i feel the sharp sting  or smirk at me when  i feel wet .It is like as if they are informing me that your body is not yours .You are not the only one who knows as to what abnormal things are happening in your private parts  but we also know as to what is happening in what you think is your very private is surely done to  make me  feel angry , fear my own body and distance me from it  owing to these  new reactions in my body and try and  make me feel ashamed ,by jeering at it .Since it is connected to puja  etc it  definetly has a religious colouring  to it .

Is it conversion or is some one fearing my deep meditations? or is it both?

I don't feel ashamed at all despite all the jeering .I know it is unnaturally induced It is those who are obsessed with my private parts who should be feeling ashamed at such a  perverted obsession.I am not obsessed with thiers. I am not disturbing the privacy of any one that i should feel guilty.i donot peer into others houses, read thier diaries or hear the family  conversations or read others thoughts It is those who are disturbing mine by peering into my house and evesdropping  who should feel guilty for breaking laws.

What a contrast  .Whilst people are cheering Hyderabad  police for killing rapists here  persons are cheering the no touch rapists .

I also feel a terrible sting in my left eyes off and on .But this is neither cheered nor am i informed about it .by any distinct sound .My eyes are often hurt and it is very painful .This is going on since 2012.Wonder that i am not yet blind.

I also feel discomfort in my abdomen owing to such attacks which causes immediate loose motions.

My heart is also attacked in this no touch  manner .This is informed by the chup chup sound of cars in reverse .This is the worst attack of the lot as i found out that it could cause me uncontrollable  fits if i am in a weak state like it happened after a dentist pulled out a teeth.This attack is capable of killing me .

These inimical people  with strange perversions  who are  constantly torturing me thus  are  cowards .They are not having the guts to attack me straight, face to face  or try and  convert me openly lest they be handed .

Specs i used to wear has some role in this ray attack on me .I think  plastic lens deflects the rays aimed at me and that deflected ray could attack a person 's eyes and even tickle private parts the way it does to me .S that is why a lot of furore was made on my wearing glasses and i was successfully persuaded to go in for cataract surgery in 201 4 putting a wrong notion into my head that it was the glasses that i was wearing that had caused a lot of trouble for others around m e.After the surgery i have no need for seeing my power reduced  Actually those thick glasses were protecting me from the rays beamed at me .It was only after that i took them off that i started experiencing abnormal excretions .
Few weeks back  i got this enlightenment and i decided to experiment wearing spec in my outings hardenng myself against feeling embarrssed at any excretion or sting  i was sure  that i would delibertaely be made to feel so that i dis continue wearing specs  and determined to cause those deliberately accosting me in my flat or road or functions the  unpleasantness they were causing me. So i stuck on and found out that people avoid me when i wear it .My middle aged neighbours , my age or younger than me also started to avoid me when i wore the specs .It thrills me that a woman of my age-62- can cause ticklish sensations in  my attackers , stalkers , harrassers,, the holier then thous and make them feel embarrased , just with my specs !The revengeful feeling is thrilling .It is doubly thrilling if  the harrasser is a man because unlike women  they cannot hide the effects of tickilish feeling.from the world.It also gives me the clue as to who are all still active and virile .tit for tat.for all the nastiness i w as and am made to people around me.who seem to know all my  bodyily reactions , now i know thier innermost bodily reactions and secrets .the actual  status  of men , some of whom are husbands of woman harrassers ,acting as  holier than thou's and  putting up  a  fatherly act,

so specs are  actually my protective shield  the lakshman rekha around me .They must have been highly effective when i had high power and was wearing thick glasses to see.I t could be one of the reasons as to why aidmk was insistent that i  go for cataract .surgery tho' there  was no health emergency for me  to go for it in 201 4 itself.Maybe the rays are being streamed upon me in larger doses than it was done before 2014.

Instant justise .

Yesterday night saw the news of the encounter killing of the 4 accused in a ghastly rape and murder of a young  woman ,a vet doc in Hyderabad.I was amazed to see men shower  flower petals on the police who did the job and lift them up in joy .There were mild looking house wife's giving sweets to those policemen   men and tying rakhi's around the  wrists that had just killed 4 men!
The police of that state have obviously killed in cold blooded manner all the 4 not just the main one but all 4 who committed the  dastardly act of raping a young woman returning home from work and then after enjoying her , killing her by cruelly burning her to death.So many rapes occur across India , so we are told by newspapers and Indian men  are often derided for worshipping female goddesses as mother on one hand and then on the other hand rape women and kill them .
The huge protest that this incident as well as the huge protest in Nirbhaya case in which both men and women took part shows that Indian society on the whole  is revolted and angered by depravity of men who rape and kill women.I t is  also  a proof that society is no longer aloof at the  plight of working women that is the attitude that women must be in purdah and not earn a decent living  and  if earning should not be on  streets late at nights , if not they are asking to be raped, has gone !

Both the above protests directed against  police , authorities  at the gang raping and killing  of young unmarried working women were spontaneous .There were no politicians involved .It shows how Indians have come a long way from their traditional mould .They want their daughters sisters to work and earn ,and want security for them to do so freely and will not tolerate a few depraved men hindering it ..Indian society has changed

There are few questions arising.Were the policemen under great pressure to do something dramatic after their name was tarnished at the news of how they delayed when the complaint was lodged and a huge protest broke out?Newspapers keep reporting rape cases nearly every day but it is a few that really triggers such massive protests , like this one .Is it because it is a middle class thing?

Next were the 4 accused the real culprits or caught because of pressure?Many panelists on TV saw red over this and said that it is for court to decide as to who is guilty as many arrested as accused turned out be innocent.True , it is the courts duty but all are scared of courts who take ages to decide cases.So it is courts fault .There should be more courts to tackle the huge pile of cases , so govt is at fault for not setting up new courts why wasn't it done by govts down the decades, it is  because we are not a rich country but only a developing country.It is a viscious circle.

If the accused were the real culprits then what the police at Telengana did was right .I don't believe that the accused tried to escape etc They have been killed by the police They have given quick Justice .and as the police  claim it would instill fear in minds of those tempted to rape and kill  in future.
A similar thing happened in here few decades back.A driver of a wealthy couple kidnapped their 10 year old daughter and 8 year old son in southern district maybe coimbatore.The couple paid the ransom but their children were not returned The police caught the culprit and he confessed to raping the girl and then killing both of them .This news shocked every one but there were no protests etc and then came the news that the dirty driver was killed by the police  i think Shailender rao or singh whilst 'trying to escape' , and every one felt relieved and hailed that man, even i did though we all could guess  that the driver was killed by that police man out right.

I wondered at that time do even police who are hardened by seeing crimes and criminals everyday  have such tender feelings , that even they couldn't stomach that crime? May be it was also done to set a example to future offenders and it has worked Since that terrible crime i have so far not read any case of kidnapping children for ransom and then raping and killing them .

Lets hope that this extra judicial killing puts fear into lechers raping and killing young women who are on the roads late at nights .

Smart city.

The much publisiced  pavement plaza in the shopping paradise of whole of Tamil nadu viz Pondibazaar was finally inaugurated by our CM. That day the broad pavements with old type lanterns , and lawns around trees looked good .It was worth the inconvenience we had to put up for more than 2 years or more  A lot of auto's cribbed about the narrow carriageway the broad pavements compressed the roads .From my point of  view viz a pedestrian i welcomed the broad pavements and looked forward to walking on it freely.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride .
The very day after the inauguration all the food carts that occupy a lot of space on this pavement and which had disappeared on the day of inauguration were back .Some food carts viz selling idli , tea etc are quite 'considerate' to us walking intruders into the prime property they are the owners of by occupying only one half of the pavements whilst others 'couldn'tcare less about this smart city pedestrian plaza being built for pedestrians  , occupy the entire pavement and glare if one dares to ask them to move to make way .  I read in papers that policemen are second most corrupt followed by a civic corporations.

I keep seeing policemen patrolling the entire area.quite often but these food carts must be  paying them some  regular money to look the other way .Even if there are policemen, only 19 % are corrupt as per that stats,who would like to remove such encroachers maybe they are scared of politicians who would be dependant on dadas of slum areas like ours  who can muster large people to vote for a  candidate of a political party
On the other day just before the general election  a local dada , a small and slight man was sitting on a plastic chair on the road side with his legs one over the other and shaking them  happily whilst a  a tall and hefty policeman in khaki who had parked his red patrol jeep nearby was standing at front of him in bowed reverence!
It made me laugh at the equations of power .
Newspapers keep writing about how pavements are used for parking etc but hardly any action takes place.I wanted to write about this stubborn encroachment of pedestrian plaza for which centre has spent crores to smarten up the cities but refrained lest action is taken because of my blog and the dadas in neighbourhood whack me for spoiling thier livelihood and disable me from walking..
Certain stretches are quite free but even here one cannot walk freely as the small granite pillars that hinder two wheelers have not been placed The space left for such pillars is obvious to the eyes In  such stretches motorbikes and scooters whizz past in greater speed than on the roads scaring a unwary walker out of thier wits .
This is also the case in Bangalore.When ever i take a walk on these newly laid  pavements i t irks more than walking on roads and normal pavements as i feel this smartening up city and labelling it as pedestrian plaza is gross misnomer and that centre is wasting its resources on such projects .We are not yet fit for such beautifications.

Similarily on the opposite side of the street where i live have slum tenements viz the huts of encroachers had been removed and nice looking single room flats with 3 -4 upper floors had been built .to acomodated the hut dwellers .It is very nicely planned with  a lot of space between flats and plenty of space at front of each of them  and had it been such this street would look real nice  and tidy.But no! each and every available space has been encroached upon making a mockery of  the very objective of building these tenements by the govt .
AS soon as one enters this street a meat shop greets one.It is the first shop of line of shops laid with permanent structures on the side of the road .Next is rice shop , a saloon , a briyani shop , a provision shop , bakery ,  idli batter shop and so on .If one enters this street from other side a tailor shop , a durga temple, a water can shop. saloon ,videography shop , machine grinder shop provisions shop will greet one .In the middle is a shop that sells snacks  and supplies huge quantity of food .All the cooks and helpers will be sitting on the road cutting vegetables  .All these are  encroachments But they all have electricity .Apart from these permanent structures built on govt land there are vendors of flowers, dhobhi, waste paper mart , food carts and vehicles of strangers [as our flats have parking space ]occupying the streets.
There is hardly any carriage way yet huge trucks full of gas cylinders navigate this street as they have  store house between two flat complex on our side .This narrow store house of gas lpg is  between two residential flats .If there is a gas leak and if any one lights a stove near this place all of our houses could go up in flames .But who cares for such hazards till it actually happens?

There is alot of space left in front of our flats .Maybe it was conceived as playing ground or as a park .This space is used for parking by all sorts of people .The gas trucks are also its main usesrs .They park thier trucks there whilst smaller vans and cycle carts take down cylinders or throw them up making a lot of noise .I wonder how the cylinders are withstanding  the wear and tear of being  constantly thrown down   on the hard ground or against one another .

In my street alone there are three smalltemples .All are encroachments on the street .Are those building them really religious or is it to make money during Thiru vizha's ? There are more small small temples for the same deity viz amman and vinayakar inside . built on encroached lands.It is like as if every one wants a temple near them  under their  control like zamindars of yore.

Govts do conceive good plans for the people  but vote banks and yen to make money out of such policies the   hallmark of our democracy destroys it all.

Shanthi sutra .

Yesterday  attended Shanthi Sutra  a dance drama put up by Kalakshetra .It was superb.The theme centred around Ghandhi's call for  boycot of English textiles and asking everyone to wear chakra spun clothes as well as Rukmini Devi's call for swadeshi vidya -viz propogation of our ancient art mainly the classical dance Bharat natyam.
Good choreography and research,,, very good support by two vocalists and excellent dancing and acting by the troupe that had both female and male dancers .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Citizenship amendment bill --

I welcome it with the rider that i would have welcomed it wholeheartedly if Christians were also excluded .The amendment that seeks to give citizenship rights to all those Hindus and Christians who are religiously persecuted in neighbouring Muslim states is very human .Let  me tell you all why.

I am living in the centre of Chennai ruled by Hindus's The police are Hindus and i am surrounded by waves upon waves of Hindus yet i am being persecuted for being  a Hindu!

For a month forcible conversion attempts to either Christianity or to Islam accompanied by inducements as well as threats to my life and my family in 2014 September.Where? Right in middle of  a country and state that has Hindus in majority.Did it stop when i refused to convert? No .It is still continuing.Even a few weeks back when i was meditating in my puja room on my  Hindu god the words Jesus Jesus was passed in my forehead .Several times my forehead would be jammed when i start my silent japa .It is being done with mobiles and some other gadjets .If this is not religious persecution then what is it?
Few months back when i was walking on my terrace in the evening a Muslims neighbour's son  came up stood on his flats [which is within our compound] holding his mobile and i could suddenly hear very clearly the words Allah and some Arabic verses.That fellow is from a so called decent middle class family .His mother was a college lecturer!I have attended his marriage also and look what he did.He wanted me to hear clearly the Arabic prayer being beamed from some mosque southwards to our flats.If this is not attempt at conversion then what is it?
Similarly when i was standing in the balcony  at noon after putting clothes to dry at my flat in Adayar several months back a man came and stood in the street at front of that flat holding his mobile looking at me pointedly  and played a  Arabic Muslim prayer .If this was not a attempt to hinder my sense of religious freedom , then what is it?And where am i living? Right in Chennai amidst Hindus.
I am being religiously persecuted right in Hindu majority India and i can understand the plight of Hindus who are surrounded by Muslims in neighbouring countries and putting pressure on them to stop their Hindu practises and then convert them.
When i travel to temples it is made sure that i see only churches and mosques. and when i am walking on the road that i see only burkhas and white capped Muslims or dark Christians,and dirty tramps like as if only they constitute the population of India to the exclusion of others!

All this has been going on from 2014  without any let up .

The statistics that Hindu population in Pakistan and Bangladesh has steadily declined over the decades could only mean one thing ,they have all been converted to Islam. by threats where as population of Muslims in India has increased tremendously because we Hindus do not convert and never interfere in others religious beliefs.In fact we act like door mats for every other religionists to trample upon us.Those Hindus who have been converted to Islam in our neighbouring  countries could have escaped to India but would any one leave their property so easily and trade it for a penniless life in India?Practically speaking many would have compromised their beliefs for sake of being in their well known comfort zone viz their property , business and well paying job .
It is only those Hindus who are very  true to their religious beliefs who would like to escape  to India the land of Hindus, un mindful of penury and the problem of  starting a new life  all over again.Over the centuries Hindu kings have given refuge to  Jews, parsis etc when they were persecuted for their religious beliefs in their countries can't we give refuge to a Hindu  persecuted for his religious beliefs in other countries?.Westernization and skewed secularism has hardened  a lot of hearts in India  .

Why are Christians included in the list of religiously persecuted along with Hindus for granting refuge and citizenship?For Hindus who are persecuted on religious lines they have no other go than India , the only  country in the world that practises Hinduism, therefore as Hindus  we have to  understand their plight and open our doors but there  are many Christian countries all over the world .They are all very rich and prosperous,Wouldn't they take Christians who are persecuted in our neighbouring Muslim countries? why is this govt  burdening India  with Christian refugees  by this act//?

Vande mataram a dance drama.

The katcheri season has started and am looking forward to seeing good bharat natyam performances .Not all troupes and dancers catch my interest, .I have a few favourites  and i try not missing them.
The very first dance programme on time table i have was by Sheila Unnikrishnan. who is one of my favourites.Yet i was a bit sceptical about attending her dance programmes since it had the name Vande Mataram.but decided o attend it .The fact that the incessant rains took a break last evening was another factor that encouraged me to attend it .
Her concerts last two years were based on stories from Puranas .Both were uniquely choreographed .The classical element was fully present along with various formations her dancers took .There were also several moments that touched the heart like the dance of a small girl of 4 or 5 years  who played the role of  Krishna as a toddler.
However  her yesterdays concert was  a clear let down .She said  she was experimenting with social issues . I wished she hadn't.The concert was like a school's annual day function .I myself have taken part in such mushy mushy secular , unity etc dance recitals in my school days.and having to see it at this age was boring.
Most of the audience at that hall were grey haired .They all clapped dutifully but am sure would have preferred her usual recital of themes drawn from our epics and puranas the way i would have.
Had the the theme centred around exhibiting Matram viz our mother lands merits ,achievements of our country's past that would have been interesting and exhilarating .But the theme was around warring communities at present  and the need for peace!It bored me stiff and i felt that the time was moving too slowly.
Gifted artists should keep away from politics and concentrate only on entertaining the audience and not resort to preaching .Are we school kids?Should i see what i see  and hear to the preachings on TV or read similar preachings in newspapers every day , even on stage?When i had gone there spending money ,energy and time for entertainment?A wasted evening.
When ever i hear  the word secularism and communalism i get very hot bothered these days.The politicians here want me to be secular , that is i should not offend the sensitivities of other communities .it is either these communities who are always sensitive at the drop of a hat or it is the secular politicians giving them cover are the ones who are over sensitive..That was the reason why my head was squeezed non stop for 10 days after the Ayodhya verdict making me bewildered , confused and muddled lest i write about the verdict.
I often wonder at the secularists hypocrisy.They want me to mingle with Muslims, Christians and SC's in a heart to heart manner by giving them access to my inner ears 24 hours a day.through mobiles in some perverts hands and placing  powerful transmitters in my house .
Do politicians mingle in such mind to mind heart to heart manner with minorities?Is there a single secular neta who has married off his daughter or sister or niece to  Muslim or Christian or a SC?I haven't 'heard of one till now .Why do they give speeches about stupidity of rituals in Brahminical Hindu community but take brides from Brahmin community?They should take brides from communities that have no rituals and be a role model to their party workers.Many secular  politicians who are not  averse to Hinduism , rituals etc will swear their secular credentials by  hugging Bhais's and isais  why stop just at that ? why not make them your brother in laws?Merely mouthing words is no use .Get down to the act to be truly secular.Similarly will  all those Muslim and Christian politicians who champion secular values and plead for SC rights marry off their daughters sisters and nieces to Hindu's and SC's?I haven't come across a single such example.

Secularism in action  is only for common people like me and  not for politicians .I am the one who is expected to be a scape goat for exemplary secularism practised by secular politicians .They have proved the magnitude of their secularism by showing their determination to forcibly attempt to change my religious beliefs .All this dirty perverted idea of  me to be in constant  dialogues with dirty , uneducated , ruthless dregs of society and ,conversion attempts  etc with  is to please their vote banks and make them 10 feet tall .A brahmin woman that to hailing from a  orthodox and scholarly lineage is a terrific catch .Votes will come pouring .AS it did in last assembly election .Most people in my area know  about the forcible conversion i was subject to under Jayalalitha's rule .It didnt matter at all .Her rep was  was elected with a good majority .But this time in GE it didn't.although the candidate was a Christian .Puzzling how BJp alligned with aidmk 'Are
 nt they supposed to be idealogical? Then how come attempts to convert me forcibly by  aidmk didnt matter to them ?Nor the fact that muslims are allowed to have  direct access to my hub in the same sly manner it is done to me doesnt matter to them?He is a full fledged Hindu and a Modi fan.Maybe they also acquired a secular badge by ignoring me and my hub.or we are not important enough to be made a issue of from a political point of view.

At times on hearing some persons voice nearby i feel nauseous making me want to vomit  .This is the after effect of strangers talking to me without me being aware of it .That is who ever is talking to me or making suggestions to me through mobiles without me being aware of it owing to some super audio gadjets is making my stomach churn becuase no one apart from my husband has spoken so closely into my ears  .My husband is clean .clean mind and body A pure vegetarian and teetotaler.And when i think of what the person talking to me so close to me has eaten and has drunk it. churns my stomach .The very fact that person talking to me in this sly fashion, shows that his mind is dirty and is  amoral and abnormal.A normal person would talk to me face to face .A moral person will not talk slyliy to a strange woman who is , another persons wife and a mother and a woman of her own rights. That again churns my stomach . Which dreg of the society is engaging me thus constantly..Yuk.revolting.

I read in news papers that 19 % policeforce is corrupt .the second most corrupt institution in this country.True,If not wouldn't they have acted upon the complaint i gave at the very beginning in 20 12 itself?They didn't .They  must be knowing as to who is dumping my mind .But are silent .They may even help them If not for some special gadgets like wireless phones or some such things can a person  talk right into my inner ears without my holding a mobile  ?The municipal corporations are said to be third most corrupt .may be  that explains why a blind eye is turned to spy cameras and transmitters or super fine hearing aids , in my fans and lights--electrical equipments.
Will any secular politician worth his salt in here let go of the fine opportunity i present to enhance their hypocritical secular image ?