Friday, August 23, 2019

The truth in justice Vaidyanath's judgement about forcible conversion in Tamilnadu.

When i first read about Justice Vaidyanath's candid obiter dicta on Christian institutions and missionaries i was quite taken aback.This is   off beat  in judiciary.I wondered whether he had some bitter experience in his life that made him speak so frankly about a subject viz conversions by missionaries which as still a taboo in discreet circles.Nobody dares speak about it specially those holding high offices.It goes against the very grain of 'Secularism' we are all so used to .Even i didn't  bother much about conversion activities by Christian missionaries or Love Jihad  undertaken by Muslims till i myself had terrible experience of being tried to be a forcibly converted to Christianity in September 2014 in a unique manner viz through transmitters and mobile phones  and it is still going on .So is the soft pedalling of Love Jihad.
I am a classic victim myself  of forcible Christian conversion and I am not from a ordinary background,since my grand father's[a freedom fighter and speaker of loksabha]portrait adorns the central hall of our parliament with his caste mark on his forehead nor am i  lacking in education!And i keep blogging about my harrowing experiences but does any one care?Disturbing me when i am offering my daily prayers in my house   or even in temples is going on as merrily as ever.This cabal has backing of powerful politicians who are not in the least intimidated by the facts.about me and my family background .

Most Judges are very learned and are very much in touch with common man's lives . Their knowledge coupled with the Independence they enjoy gives them the courage to call a spade a spade , that is to speak the truth.

What Justice Vaidyanath observed about the forcible conversion activities of Christian missionaries in Tamil nadu is true .It also true that they target women since Hindu religious rituals are male centric , leaving women without much convictions and therefore an easy prey .Missionaries brain wash women when they go to their schools and colleges for education .The brain washing starts at an early age itself .There is a craze amongst all people to send their children to convent schools so that their children will learn English,.even if the convent school is operating from a shed .There are hundreds of such  shabby and shoddy 'convent schools' all across Tamilnadu.
                                                       I came across a Devar woman who told me that when she was afraid she would meditate on Jesus because her teachers in school in a southern district of Tamilnadu said that would free them from fear!I asked her to meditate on Narayana or Rama or Hanuman as her husband is a vaishnavaite, who also frowned upon her meditating thus on a alien god.She said that she had gone too far way  mentally from Hindu gods .She was not from a poor family so as to be lured by money .She was from a respectable well off middle class family .So girls are caught and trapped in a young age .God knows how many women in Tamilnadu are outwardly Hindus but are all Christians inside!They will surely pass on their  Christian convictions and religious beliefs  to their Hindu children and have created a generation and will create a generation that will look down upon Hindu religion,beliefs, way of life and ridicules it and also make them feel ashamed of being a Hindu.The off springs of such mothers will be riddled about guilt regarding birth viewing it as  a sin whilst there is no such sin attached to births and rebirths in Hinduism , thus making Hindus celebrate birth ,yet  these internal converts will feel ashamed of being associated with Hindu beliefs!
The Christian gang has a terrific grip over Tamilnadu.They enjoy the backing of powerful politicians.No one can fight them .Intellectuals , Hindu scholars , Hindu religious heads or even a learned judge with independent thinking and power can never fight them .It is no wonder the truth speaking judge was arm twisted to delete part of his bold judgment within a few days of delivering it.

In name of false sense of secular values the common people themselves make it easy for other religions to make inroads .For eg the annual Adi Amman festival is taking place in my street .In this electric lights wink on and off on a board showing a cross, a gopurum and a crescent moon. Do Muslims worship idol that their sign is put up for what is essentially a idol worship where amman enshrined in the small temple be draped  in silk saree and dazzling with ornaments be offered prayers ? Are the devotees of Amman worshipping in a empty space like in a mosque or are they worshipping a beautifully decorated granite idol?So what connection is there between a crescent and gopurum? Absurd and inauspicious. How is a cross that represents a  man crucified and dripping with blood has any connection to Amman ?Isn't it inauspicious to put that symbol of torture and blood  in a Hindu festival that celebrates the valour of the mother goddess and is full of gaiety?

When i was browsing the net i came across a video in which a Hindu newly converted to Christianity boasting about his goal to construct 3000 churches across Tamil nadu .I my recent visit to Kanchipuram temple to have darshan of Athivaradhar i observed that the entire stretch of Tambaram road we travelled had churches on the raod side every quarter kilometre.It looks like as if that evangelist has nearly reached his target .He is a fit person to receive a pat , commendation and funds from Vatican.He did them proud!
In this video this man also made fun of the practise of offering silk sarees to Agni --fire  in hommamms conducted in temples across tamil nadu by priests .He showed a video of  this practise.It is true that costly sarees do go up in a blaze and become ashes in no time and does seem frightfully wasteful  but these bare chested  priests do not cover themselves with fine costly white robes with gold embroidery  and drink red wine out of costly cut glass goblet under huge shimmering chandeliers with a man in a only a loin cloth drooping from a cross in the altar  and proclaim that they are drinking the blood of Jesus.Revolting. what a macabre ritual  that smacks of cannibalism .Having such macabre rituals in their fold  on what basis are they making fun of our rituals?The wasteful ritual throwing or offering costly silk sarees into sacred fire is much better than the horrible ritual of drinking the blood of one's god or his messenger or his son.
I was aware of differences in mode of worship etc of other religions but they stood out glaringly only after the crazy multiple conversions carried upon me in 2014 and the 24 hours efforts since then to keep me occupied only about religion and sects to the exclusion of everything else in my life.

first Christianity --Why should i leave worshipping my clean shaved tall and majestic Vishnu /Narayana  adorned always in shimmering silk dhoti, a gold crown and body covered with diamond and golden ornaments to a  shaggily bearded  man in a loin cloth clad ?Why should i take  leave of Vishnu Narayana who always looks at me with bright eyes and pleasant all knowing smile to a man whose eyes are glazed  and head is always drooping? Why would i want to trade off my god Vishnu who is always radiating happiness , splendour , strength and bravery and thus infusing me with energy  and confidence to a man whose entire body language projects weakness  and misery and glo om?
Second Islam  why should i bargain my wonderful feeling of satiated happiness when i bend before the gorgeously dressed and adorned moorthy of Vishnu and Sri Devi and Bhu devi and Mahalaksmi enshrined in the sanctum of temples with the scent of tulsi, camphor , kumkum , sandal paste , fragrant smoke with only the divine idols before me for bending before rows upon rows of smelly bent backs of mass of women praying in groups in a hall ?The very thought revolts me.When at home i derive satisfaction only if i light a oil lamp at front of images of gods and recite few slokas in front of the images in Sanskrit as against reciting prayers in alien language like Arabic in front of nothing.

To me a place of public worship always meant a temple with idols consecrated within a small sanctum within the temple .I do not visit my place of worship to stare into empty space , vacuum and nothingness as is the case in mosques.I go there to fix my mind on the beautiful, sacred and divine  forms wrought out of black granite ,who are deemed to be the  replica of Supreme Brahman and His consort.I go  to  temples, my place of worship to  seek blessings from the stone images/idols  as they  have an intangible spiritual aura around them .Will i trade off this concrete visual treat  for abstract space?Impossible.

Next is the sectarian change i was forced to follow.I have no problems with Hindu gods on the whole .each have their own place, name and fame,but i belong to a sect that i am used to since birth and am quite proud of .Hindu religion is very liberal and gives the choice to its adherents who are all its members owing to taking birth in it to worship and meditate on the personal favourite god from eitherVishnu and his avatars or from the family of Siva or both .Probably this choice is given because the Vedic rituals to be followed by all sects   are one and the same.
My choice is Vishnu and his avatars.why should i be  arm twisted to worship some elses choice when i have already made my choice way back in my youth itself ?.

Regarding the Amman or shakthi sect--I am a deep devotee of Mahlakshmi who is part of the trinity of shakthi sect but am unlike them since i also worship Vishnu.I cannot imagine a mother goddess as my only  protector I need the father figure of Vishnu to protect me.To me my mother goddess is a gentle, delicate and beautiful person like Lakshmi who does not bear weapons , and who does not go around slaying the wicked .She only blesses her devotees with wealth and softens Her consort.The slaying of the wicked is the job of Maha Vishnu Lakshmi's husband.This set  up is what i have been used to .So i can only accept a father figure like god punishing the wicked and not the mother goddess.
Regarding saivaites ,Siva also has all these valorous qualities etc like Narayna.when i go to temple the majestic form of Vishnu with a smile hovering around his mouth is what revives me and not the  huge black slab of stone that is enshrined in siva temples as the archa form of Siva .This is also abstract , it is a symbol and not the actual form .Why would i trade this abstract and symbolic form of worship though very much within Hindu fold to worshipping the exact form of Supreme Brahman-Sriman narayana as towering idol bearing sanku and chakra and gadha as his weapons, with large eyes , aquiline nose, smiling lips and huge limbs? .


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