Friday, July 12, 2019


Leading a very cloistered life consisting of  4 walls of house, the same walking route and same old neighbourhood shops I love to look at the passing landscape whilst travelling on road rail to get a slice of the outside world .Till 2014 i used to eagerly wait to look out the window i am travelling to drink in beauty of nature , the diversity of people and, at  the developments taking around in form of shining roads, newly erected factories and at multistoreyed flats .
From 2014 onwards the choice of what i can see was taken out from me .Since then my head will be turned or my eyes directed only towards crosses, churches , mosques , notice board in Urdu  , to Vinayakar and Siva temples.I am made to see only these constantly when i am on the road.So i missed the growth of this city and its people.I am being whirled round and round in this vicious circle .
In my visit to Kanchipuram to Athi Varadhar I was made to see only churches and briyani shops  as we passed through Tambaram but the grip was relaxed on my way back and could see other things .I ddi see churches , and mosques but they didnt stick out like sore thumb .They looked like part of the road side that scarcely needed to be taken note of or  engage all my attention to the exclusion of everything else on the road side. Hence noted  that there are several factories in this route .For the first time in several years i felt Yes TN is a  developed state.and my pride in my state returned .

I know that my attention is being deliberately diverted to see only places of religious worship or garbage dumps .Maybe it is done with transmitters , spy cameras and mobile.The only purpose seems to be is to isolate and provoke me .It is this vile intention and intrusive methods used by those constantly, depriving me of a peaceful ordinary  life that i have lost trust in our democracy and institutions and politicians.Somebody is trivialising and making a joke of our laws and rights .Though i am blogging extensively on this they are getting away by intruding into my privacy.coolly.They are making a mockery not only of me but also our govt and the democracy ,we are proud of.

Few weeks back i was travelling to Melkote from Bangalore.Having been bitten several times since 2014 i looked out apprehensively out of the car window .I wanted to enjoy the lush fields of Mandya but  was apprehensive of my eyes being directed towards cross, church or a mosque.It wasn't! It wasn't directed because there were no churches or mosques on the road side once left Bangalore 75 kms back.I couldn't believe it.In Tamilnadu there are churches and crosses planted nearly every half km in the city and nearly every village i pass through has places of worship of Christians .There are mosques but Christian places of worship far outnumbers them.
For the first time since 2014 i felt that i was in India amongst Hindus.! This is how i used to feel in my travels since childhood.
The villages on the way had medium sized tiled houses  with cows tethered on the side .They looked very picturesque .The women wore saris[and not nighties like some villagers wear in Tamilnadu] and they all had kumkum  and not sticker bindi's on their foreheads !In here nearly every woman sticks the hassle free bindi on their foreheads, even in hamlets.It is men yes ironically it is men who wear kumkum on their foreheads!It is men who are sticking to the traditions.They haven't switched to stickers as yet.

I couldn't believe my eyes !This is the India i remember . I lowered the glasses of the windows as i wanted to breathe in this pure Hindu air .I suddenly felt ashamed of this . I am a Hindu but i felt only that place had stamp of authentic Hindus .                                                                                             This shows how i been deliberately  prevented from seeing the  landscape as it is without my eyes specially drawn only towards  places of worship of other communities.and how starved i am for Hindu company as.I am constantly made to feel that i am in mini Pakistan with only Muslims for company or in some poor European country with fierce christian  believers for company.or in Sc colony.with militant Sc's for company.


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