Friday, August 9, 2019

National integeration!

The debates in the parliament in the wake of the announcement of revocation of article 370 and bifurcation of J&K threw up a lot of information which were hitherto unknown to me.It was for the very first time that I came to know that several states in North East India also have laws that are similar to the 35 A which prohibits  citizens from other states to purchase property in some of the N.Eastern states.It bars us from enjoying rights that is granted equally to all in rest of India.It shocked me.
When I did LLB we were taught only some of the main articles of the constitution .The plethora of laws like 35A etc which are a curious and unconstitutional exemption to fundamental rights guaranteed to every citizen was never taught  to us .Hence i was totally ignorant of the existence of such laws which i think  only those specialising in constitutional law may know of .

In such a case ,in which, i who had some legal training in one of the best law colleges in this country[Delhi univ] am unaware of such laws won't the knowledge of ordinary citizens in this matter  be even worse ?It seems that it is only politicians who legislate and govern who seem to be fully aware of such laws that make a mockery of rule of law.

Were we all kept in dark deliberately of such dis integrating laws whilst a lot  ado was made  in  celebrating 'National integration Day'  annually for decades together?

Some of the parliamentarians spoke about  these laws that are similar to 35 A in a hushed manner like as if they were all top secrets and a sacred and untouchable topic  in the manner in which article .35A,&370 was spoken about ,earlier!

Is  this the true picture of the democratic republic of India and the sacrosancy of Rule of law that we keep boasting about when several states have laws granting special status to them that go against our constitution and the rule of law ?
When we celebrate National integration day are we celebrating the national integration of only the states of North and south with which we are all very familiar with?

Can a house divided against itself stand?

If our constitution ,with its emphasis on rule of law is to be cherished and, respected as a sacred document governing our institutions and our daily lives ,then no state in India should enjoy Special status.

The vexatious problem of illegal immigration from neighbouring countries mainly Bangladesh , coupled with having long borders with a belligerent and powerful neighbour like China breathing down on its  back ,waiting for a opportune moment  to gobble them up  could be the reason behind such laws.
Then it must be ensured that the illegal immigrants do not come into India and those already in donot acquire landed property in the north east .Instead of ensuring that, is it fair to prevent  the genuine citizens  of India from acquiring property in these states ?
By revoking 35 B etc etc which confers special status on  several states in North East it will settle once and for all the ownership controversies over these states  . By revoking all these unconstitutional special status ,all theses states will come under the Indian constitution like other states in India  and the people of those states will start feeling that they belong to India and that  their destiny is tied with India and its people. It will not only put a full stop to separatist movments in these states but also make it clear to China that all these states belong to India . It would also send a clear message to China , that henceforward it must stop laying frivolous , false,fallacious and forcibile claims over our land and our people and that its  meddling in our internal affairs will not be tolerated .

This special status is serving only the special purpose of widening any contact  or integration of such states with India.
Another reason bandied about is that people of such 'sensitive states' are basically tribals whose way of life should be preserved!I see a lot of North Eastern men and women in the streets and hotels , and shops of Chennai .They are all  attired in modern western clothes .The women use make up and style their hair.They appear to be quite supercilious.None of them look like the  ill clad Jarwa or  bare bodied Senithelese tribes of Andaman islands.They all speak good English.They all seem to be well educated  i am sure it is , owing to spread education in nearly whole of North East  -thanks to the vigorous activities of Christian missionaries who may be even looking for  a pat on their back or even a Padma award from Indian state for civilizing its headhunters and adivasis .

Since the cannibalistic tribals and other animist tribals have all been nicely converted to the 'highly civilised' Christian fold decades back, just what is left of their unique ancient way of life that the Indian state has to strive to preserve and protect by granting them special status?Just whom is the Indian state protecting in North east from being engulfed by rest of India,Is it a section of Christians? Do we all look like as if we are raring to leave our comfortable cities so as to settle in  such  un developed places?
It is high time that special status granted to some of the North Eastern states are also done away with and they all be brought to the main grid so that  they start feeling that they all belong to India with the same rights and duties as the rest of us.Only then the feeling of being alien to India  and of being a foreigner amidst Indians would go.Only then we can  celebrate National integration in the true sense.


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