Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Revocation of article 370.

I first visited Kashmir in 1982.It is a picturesque place which is incomparable to any other nature's beauty spots elsewhere in India.Some of the tourist spots in and around Srinagar show case nature's artistic handiwork at its best.Phehalgam  a village near Srinagar topped the list .

There are innumerable  tall snow capped mountains [Himalayas] in North as well as verdant hills with scenic spots  like Ooty and Kodaikanal in South, yet that one spot in Phehalgaun that has a small yellowish velvety green meadow with snow capped smooth  mountains criss crossed by gurgling streams and dainty little water falls at its background is simply a class of its own.

How should i describe it? Should i call it outwordly?Or Should i say that the extraordinary beauty bestowed on this place is spiritual?I could absorb the spirituality  emanating from the lofty,imposing and fearfully tall snow capped peaks of Himalayas on my way to Badrinath.A sense that was enhanced by spotting bare bodied sanyasi's sitting in niches high on the mountain walls in yogic posture of padmaasan, in biting bitter cold .So i can best describe that part of Pehalgaun that took my breath away and has remained in my memory ever since that only visit to Kashmir , as a master piece painting of the celestials. It is a beautiful place.

The jarring note to this feeling of awe at the lavishness of nature that made me feel that i had entered the happy, gorgeous and fragrant  loka   of Indra was delivered by a group of young Kashmiri's who were sitting in a row on a ledge and asked me jeeringly in a  un pleasant and hostile manner --Kya aap Hindustan se hai?--"Are you from Hindustan?"That question was like a bucket of cold water being thrown on me.It brought me down to earth. and made me wonder .What a question ask?Is Kashmir a foreign country? Isn't it a part of India? Isn't it another state of India like so many other states?I have lived in several states in India north and in east  and have also visited many others , and the inquiries i received from them would only be as to which state i came from .No one asked me if i was from india .
That question 'Are you from India' from a batch of Kashmiris whom i always thought to be Indians stung me to the core and the memory of that painful barb never left me.

The news that the 'Special status 'that made Kashmiris think that they were foreigners to India was done away on 5th and 6 th of this month  instantly healed the numb lingering wound in me and filled me with great joy.
I was besides myself with happiness.Though i have to strictly keep off sweets i popped in several of them.I wished that my late brother hadn't kicked the bucket so soon so as to deny me the chance of sharing my joy with him .He would have been simply overjoyed at the news of revocation of article 370.We would have traded our appreciation at the boldness and courage of our PM to take such a decision as well praised the firmness of the convictions of his party in this matter.Yes, it is a very bold and courageous decision which i am sure most Indians are in consonance with.There is no doubt about it .
It is pretty well known that removing article 370 granting special status or rather granting atrocious exemptions from our constitution and laws  was one of the objectives of BJP.But they scarcely did anything about it in their first term .I was dismayed when they allied with PDP to form a govt in JK.OK that is old story.
A week back TV channels were full of news that thousands of troops  were being rushed to  Srinagar and Kashmir  and that the annual  Amarnath yatra  that was half way through was called off and that tourists were asked to leave Kashmir.The reason cited was that terrorists planned to strike and kill the yatris .
The two ex Cm's JK started to tweet lamenting at the build of troops and kept warning of dire consequences if 35 A was abrogated .Their fear was apparent.Though i had no clue as to what was the govt up to ,the fact that the two ex Cm's were expressing their fear made me rejoice.This state with its politicians and terrorists were holding entire India to ransom for decades and  terrorising us .It is time that they felt the fear.
I knew something was brewing like a sterner action against terrorists  but never expected the atom bomb that was dropped in Rajya sabha by the Home minister on 5 the august 2019 which sent me into raptures of delight .The goi made it clear that they were revoking article 370 and not merely 35 a and also that they were bifurcating the State into two.A double treat! That JK was not trisected was a little disappointing.

Then i made me wonder at the hurry in doing this.With barely two days of parliament session left , why was it so necessary to revoke and bring in the new legislation so swiftly?Why not do it in the next session? Neither Kashmir  nor the parliament.will run away in a month or so from now.That got me thinking.What provoked this quick action?Was it Trump's doing?Was it his offer to mediate on Kashmir coupled with his assertion that it was our PM who requested him to do so?This news was all around .Trump sowed the seed of suspicion that the strong and, popular leader of the largest democracy in the world voted by crores of Indians with a huge mandate was asking him to mediate on a matter considered as purely internal and at the most bilateral by succeeding govts in India.

Would a  person elected with such a huge mandate and who is also regarded as world leader take such a allegation that casts a shadow  on his name fame and character lying down?i guess he didn't and he showed it in immediate action.
In one swift move by revoking article 370 and thus joining it with rest of India , it has been made known to the world that JK and Ladakh is our property, our land and its inhabitants are our citizens and no other country can meddle in it.The message being sent out is this- 'Keep off' our country. .Deeds speak for themselves  more than words can.
In my view Trumps 'gracious' offer to mediate between Pakistan and India over Kashmir issue was the immediate cause for such a swift action.Thanks to Trump , in away he hastened the process.of clearing the doubts in the minds of people world over Kashmir.It is now truly settled once and for all that JK is very much a part and parcel of India.

In few years time if i visit Srinagar may be a bunch of young Kashmiris sitting on a ledge may ask in a pleasant and curious manner "Kya app Madras se ha'i?" Are you from Madras"?


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