Friday, April 6, 2018

Why are converting Christians allergic to Srinivasar?

Why are Christians  put off by Srinivasar temple at Tirumala?

I guess that Christians -[by Christians i am reffering to those Christians who are bent on converting Hindus] still see Vaishnavaites  who worship Krishna ,as a sect of Christianity. The fact that Krishna pre dates Christ by several centuries are all historical facts that will be conveniently forgotten when need be.
I guess the identification with Sri vaishnavaites could be because of the great store Sri Vaishnavaites lay upon the quality of compassion and forgivness that Sri /Lakshmi imparts to her consort Vishnu .

Sri Vaishnavaites always worship Vishnu and Lakshmi together.So we are worshipping compassion and forgiveness! Lashmi is never worshipped separetly unlike other sects .

All petitions of Sri Vaishnavaites are first directed to Lakshmi asking her intercede on thier behalf with Narayana ,who can be harsh at times as he has the duty to punish errants.We go through her because she forgives all sins like a mother  and she even pleads on our behalf with her sterner consort to forgive us mortals .and she succeeds in doing so.

Sri Vaishnavaites end all thier prayers, homaamsand pujas with the following words --'Sarvam Krishna smarapayami',dedicating all prayers and homams to Sri Krishna.

So far so good .Now lets see as to what irks Christians about Sri vaishnavaites

1.Christians have no problem with idol worship  or in our slokas that describe the beauty of Sriman Narayana in his various archa [archa=Prime deity of Vishnu  in a temple having various names like Varadhar , Ranganathar , Srinivasar  and so on ]  and avatar forms.So  lotus red eyes doesnot bother them .this is after all a sect describing Christ nicely and poetically.But when we  describe  Vishnus weapons like Chakra and conch and start praising them then the problem comes.Christ is too good a person /God to bear such cruel blood thirsty weapons.

2.Homams that this 'sect' does during birth, marriages and death and shraddha ceremony done every year is totally indigestible .Kindling a fire out of twigs and feeding it with ghee and other materials and chanting 5000 years old Vedic mantras ! This is just not done in thier religion So how dare this sect do it?  And also end it with the offending 'Sarvam Krishna Samarpayami'. How dare Christ be called to dedicate this 5000 or more old  worship through fire?This sect is over reaching itself .It is digressing and sticking adamantly to its ancient past .The gall of this sect is umbelievable!

3.In most Vishnu temples dotting Tamilnadu [they are more than 108]  following Sri Vaishnava tradition Neither Vedas are not recited nor are yagnas conducted every day .Yagnas are conducted barely once a year .It is generally pavitra utsavam  viz  for cleaning the temples premises and air.According to my knowledge Vedas are recited every day only at Vardharajar temple at Kanchi puram  .There could be few other temples in this list .but it can be counted with fingers
So when a Sri Vaishnavaite visits a Vishnu temple he is worshipping Christ [as reciting  vedas is not a daily affair] as per Christians So we are one big family .Vasudeva kutumbakam.Only or mode of worship differs.

But problem crops up when we  visit Tirumala.It is totally anti christ though the presiding deity is Vishnu.with lakshmi in his chest.She is not housed separately within the temple unlike temple s in Tamilnadu all of which has a separate sannidhi for lakshmi.
Tirumala is  full of  sannidhis of only male deities[various avatars of Vishnu] who carry their consort either in chest or on thier lap .So no scope of worshipping lakshmi as a separate deity unlike in the manner  Shakthi/amman  is worshipped individually.

Next not only are Vedas are recited every day but scandulous of all , yagnas are conducted every day in the premises of compassionate and ever forgiving Christ . These yagnas are those pertaining to Kalyana utsavam which is a seva in which the marriage ceremony of processional deites of Srinivasar and his two  consorts  are conducted as per vedic rituals and homams  within the premises of the temple itself! The Brahmin priests conducting these yagnas end it with the phrase Saravam Krishna arpanam .When seen from the converters perspective they must be fuming - The brahmin priests also perform Thirumanjanam or abhishekam of processional deities every day with water sanctified by recital of Vedas and in which Purusha suktum  the most vilified veda as it clearly mentions the four fold castes of Hindus which is unique to Hindusism  is recited with much fervour by brahmins of both the sects vizVaishnavaites and Saivaites as also Narayana suktum another Rig vedic  sloka, where Krishna is hailed as Narayana/The Purusha.How dare how dare these vile priets are pooh poohing and blowing away the myth assiduosly created over the centuries since Bristish rule  that Krishna is none other than Christ .

Third is the belief of Srivaishnavaits that atmas that have been liberated and attain moksha  and who are at par with Vishnu except in the power of creation which is only Bhagwan's,visit this temple every day to pay thier obseince to Srinivasar .
Freed souls ok Souls have to be freed but how dare they return to earth at will to pay obseince to a idol when Lord of all is near at hand in heaven?Absolutely indigestible.

So this temple has become a traitor to its progenitor and refuses to mend its ways .Naturally it will be hated by converting Christians and others .and this hatred will naturally be directed against me the stubborn Srivaishnavaite who refuses to let go of this deity despite so many humiliations she was made to face in that temple .She need to be reformed and some sense dinned into her jammed head  and brought back to Vasudeva kuttumbukum  at all cost.


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