Monday, November 13, 2017

Why hatred for Brahmins by those wanting to convert ?

When i was reading the original  Mahabharat 's English translation i was a bit irritated  at the constant  in sistence in various chapters on  the merit of pleasing and protecting Brahmins .This repetitive  emphasis made me wonder whether this is the cause of hating Brahmins  by others .

Reading Mahabharat on the whole gives one a clear understanding of Hinduism.It explains the reason behind many of our traditions and social norms as well as the basic features and beliefs  of Hinduism .

Then i remembered a chapter that says that the 3 out of the four  varnas viz divisions based on professions pursued  which later became  castes   ,viz Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, can read Vedas and perform yagnas on thier own .The fourth caste Shudras were not allowed to read Vedas or perform yagnas .Of the three castes that can read Vedas,wear sacred thread  or perform homams it is only Brahmins who can conductYagnas for per vedic rites.It is the duty of Brahmin to do so.It is also his responsibility.It is also his  burden.

So what this means is that the warrior or kingly class viz Kshatriyas as well as the trading class  viz Vaisyas were free to pursue thier proffessions and caste duties with one pointed devotion  which is important for a country's peace and prosperity .Shudras who raised crops,cattle,wove clothes .did  carpentry etc are the freest of all .They can work and labour for thier betternent as well as the societies without the responsibility of performing rituals or excessive studies to bind and hinder them .It takes nearly 12 years for learning Vedasa and 32 years to study upanishads , shastras ,puranas ,epics and various schools of philosophy, ,logic and grammar .

It is Brahmins who were and are expected to carry on the rituals that Vedas prescribe for attaining peace ,wealth  and attainment of heaven or even Moksham.They are also expected to  interpret and propogate Hindu philosophy mentioned in Upanishads and, the Gita.They were  also expected  to propogate  epics and Puranas  which explain Hinduism in a easy and interesting form which can be understood by the common people.

Being born Brahmin meant he had this task of preserving Hindu religious  practises that existed from Vedic times.If he had to do this with one pointed concentration his materials needs have to be met .Hence kings and wealthy men were exhorted to do so by giving them as many gifts as possible to sustain thier life.There  are innumerable inscriptions found in Tamilnadu ,nearly 1000 years old that mention the gift of land or villages around a temple to Brahmins  by kings and wealthy men .

Why  do those wanting to convert or justify conversions hate Brahmins  first and foremost ,amongst  the four castes ? Simple .Fell down Brahmin priests , axe them ,root them away ,then the rituals that distinguishes Hinduism from other religions will be wiped out as there is  no other caste  which knows the Vedic rituals so thoroughly as some members of the Brahminical caste do.They have also injected hatred for Brahmins by shudras pointing out thier exclusion from knowledge of Vedas .It is malicious  pitting  of one Hindu against another .Are shudras really so very intent on  learning the eloborate ritulas of Vedas?He can always hire a brahmin priest to do the need full on important occasions like marriage, death and temple consceretion for a dakshina viz fee.

More over the Mahabharat which is considered as the Fifth  Veda  tells the following-which  not only  may erase  this peevishness and sense of victim hood that Sudras may feel  but also stop the converters to exploit their  disgruntlment against Brahmins.

"A man becomes  a brahmana by his character., by his own evil karma a man attains   an evil and terrible doom .
A Brahamana who is vain and haughty , who is addicted to vices and wedded to evil and degrading practises  is like  a Sudra .
On the other hand a Sudra who is always adorned with virtues such as--Righteouness , self restraint and truthfulness is a Brahamana  "   [Sec: CCXV  -Vanaparva Mahabharat]                                                                                                                                   

At present 95 % of Brahmins  who are 'entitled 'and supposed to learn Vedas do not know the Vedas and its rituals .In changed  times without any royal or wealthy  patrons they had to make money from other means .At the most they may know some sanskrit slokas.They also  rely on Brahmin priests to do the yagnas and other Vedic rituals  for them for a fee.

The constant admonition in Mahabharat to protect and provide for Brahmins  is like a plea, a cry by farsighted seers, rishis, and kings to safeguard Hinduism by protecting and providing for its custodians the learned Brahmin, as this is a country that has been constantly invaded .Mahabharat  refers to Yuvanas or foreign tribes even as early as during the reign of Yayathi , who is one of the earliest king of ancient India .

When yayathi  wanted his sons to take his ugly and old form in exchange for thier youth so that he may enjoy all the pleasures of the world four of his sons refused .He cursed one of his sons Turvasu  to become  the king of  yavana whose practises and precepts are impure.He says  Yavana men of inferior blood procreate children upon blue blooded  women,. these yuvanas live on meat , are mean , who hesitate not to appropriate wives of thier superiors ,whose pracises are those of birds and beasts ,who are sinful and non Aryan--[Sambhaparva sec--LXXX1V and Sec LXXXV]

There is another misconception that it is Brahmin and Brahmin alone who is responsible for untouchables .This  is another ruse used by converters which  makes other  castes escape responsibility  , thus roping in thier  tacit support for conversion activities , by making  Brahmins the whipping boy.The schedule castes  gobble this and  hate Brahmins the most .

Purushsuktha the Rig vedic sloka  on the primievel deity which is often quoted as the vile piece of evidence of the birth and growth of the much hated caste system --hated by converters more than by Hindus mentions only the origin of four divisions It does not mention untouchables.Which means the untouchable class  was a   later origin.A social evil  that developed later on .Again it was not like as if it was only Brahmins who practised untouchability in the manner in which it is being projected by Brahmin haters .All the four castes  practised it .
In Tamilnadu caste war  that breaks which  at times turned into full scale  riots a decade back  is not between Dalits and Brahmins but between Dalits and the fourth order or Shudras .In the villages that witnesses this there wouldn't even be a single Brahmin living there .but he will be continued to be projected as the cause of all woes afflicting dalits .Times have changed but clinging to age old prejudises which serves as a handy tool  has not .
In my own personal experience the son of a neighbour with christian links  accused my late son of slashing a tenants scooter without directly witnessing the alleged act.or providing any evidence .He was simply prejudiced against us being Brahmins.and wanted to show it , He wouldn't have dared to allege such  rowdy behaviour to sons of other caste or communities  living in these flats .when he very well knew that my son who was studying Computer Engineering in a top college , a seat which he got out of merit  would amuse himself  with sports like cricket, swimming  and movies ,than to go around with a knife like some disgruntled slum kid  slashing a neighbours  scooter seat.

Why i am recounting this incident is because since 2012  he  has used auditory tactics in provoking me to write on 'controversial matters  'The whole of last month there were loud take offs over head that set my heart racing .It reminded me of September 2014 .it seems to happen when two head of states meet .Then  whole of last week i was deprived of sleep by similar auditory masking .I was reading Ramanujars Gita bhashyam and was contemplating  blogging translations  and had no intention of writing this piece but all the tricks made me to write this .To  whose benefit?As i have no clear idea as to whom he works for --state,?centre? or some christian institution?But i know that he works on me.When i realised i was dirtily tricked i was furious but who cares for the righteous indignation of the weak?

Look at the irony or the lack of conscience.This person who is  but a few years older  than my late son on whom he had at the very beginning of our stay in here had thrown unsubtantiated asperations on his character had started to use the blog created by my late son  since 2012 to my knowledge.My late son had created this blog site for me ,his mother in 2007 to enable her to become economically free.with all goodness of his heart, just few months before his demise  But i didn't earn anything I was. keeping up the blog as a tribute for his   affection for me .But this person was and is using the recognition i got from this  blogsite to earn his keep! And how? By tarnishing my image on one hand and on the other forcing me with auditory tricks etc to write according to order which would suit his paymasters. His greed to squeeze as much out of me cannot be measured. Facts are stranger than fiction !

It is also a  fact that when i was subjected to high decibel sounds to break me in 2012  i was jeered at by a lot of people , mostly by middle aged neighbours of my flat but no youth did it to me except for the son of muslim neighbour.This youth used to come to the terrace when i took my evening walk and do exercise that always ended with an imitation of  loony act of  Chinna  thumbi --the mental retard charechter in a Tamil film.This happened nearly for a week and it sunk into me that he was doing it deliberately to mock me and my misery.When not a single Hindu youth [there are many in my flat ]had the heart or dared to jeer me this youth had no such compunction.i couldn't believe that a youth from a avowedly decent middle class family will stoop to such a level, but he was doing it to He was not scared of the  communal colouring to his jeering act/Which shows the level of confidence he has on people [Hindus]around him that is he knew that no one would question him or show their  disapproval of this jeering since  it involves a Brahmin  .He wouldn't have dared to do this to a non brahmin woman and he was sure that his mother will never be subject to such jeering from Hindu youths had our situation had been switched .When I think over those years of unbelievable jeering Ideas subject to one thing stands out like aoasis in a desert    is the fact that though the opposite tenements which house s many youths Hindu s not single one of them jeered me.Yes they didn't help me but they didn't trouble me either .They continue to maintain their polite distance from me .
But the youths belonging to other two communities either living in  my decent flats or outside are brash in their stalking and harrassment .They lack empathy towards me .Why ?Because they cannot identify with me owing to the other community l belongto .and in particular to my caste viz Brahmin.Despite the fact that Dravidian parties key harping on Brahminicsl dominance the common non brahmin Hindus are not innimical to Brahmins. the fact that I have not faced any harrassment from middle-aged or youths from opposite tenements  testifies this.Nor have they cast aspersions on my late son.
    in this context I have to mention the fact that Brahmins of my decent flat were also and still are along with other communities and non Brahmins in this harrassment brigade.                                                                          Since conversion attempts were made on me under Late CM Amma's rule andisstill continuing subtly  it was under her rule that 69  percent reservation was introduced that broke the Brahmins back    . It was a Brahmin woman who made it near impossible for Brahmins to get good education and therefore a good livlihood      in here.                                 The Dalits who have been converted to Christianity are the ones who hate Brahmins most in Tamilnadu.They seem to be a easy prey for hostile brain washing. i am speaking from personal. experience as i have been in the receiving end of thier hatred..It is ironical as i  learnt from newpapers that those who have been thus lured into convertion or convert with the hope of attaining a higher social status in  religions that have no caste distinctions continue to be treated in a lowly manner .There are news  about these converts from Dalit  community which  is scandulous .They are forced to pray or attend services in  separate  place of worship without being allowed  to mingle with their newly acquired co religionists,Segregation!

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