Sunday, February 14, 2016

Over riding power.

Temple doors can be be shut on my face .The priests can be ordered to feign ignorance of my presence and refuse to take my offerings or show aarti to the deity.They may even go  a step further and do weird rituals contrary to shastras and temple rules just to make me feel small and unwanted.
Persons who are truly devotees or not or purposefully sent only to shame me ,may jostle ,push and deliberately eclipse and obstruct the view of deity,The usual fare for past several years.
Does this hurt? I can laugh it off and i did.Maybe the persistent nature of this treatment had slowly got into me as this explains the huge relief i felt as i stood on my balcony few minutes back . my usual routine,to have a glimpse of the arasa maram -fig tree,the sky beyond and the tiny temple ,and to breathe and drink in the freshness and purity of early morning.Then i saw the diamond like sparkling dash of  scattered brightness  radiating through the gaps in the leaf laden tree.
The sun [the eternal celestial being] had risen cheerfully ,uncomplaining and expecting nothing in return,beaming and sending tiny strips of diamond rays ,gentle in its glare and heat, early in morning.Each  ray white and shining when seen closely ,had all the colours of the rainbow.It lit up my whole being ,bringing a smile .
Isn't sun worshipped by Hindu;s as god who rides the universe on a chariot drawn by seven horses?He has  a important place in our religion and religious practises.And i paid my obeisance to this unperturbed celestial being with my usual prayer right from my balcony.
Can anyone direct the sun not to rise in that direction so that i the newly turned outcast should not worship him ,have a glance or take i his beauty to my fill?can any human mind,heart,will or endeavour stop this dutiful being even for a fraction of a second in its tracks or manoeuvre its direction or extinguish it?

Can the a lamp made by human hands and its light directed by human hands ever compete with the brilliance of the sun .A brilliance which is said to be but 1/1000th of the dazzling brilliance of the overriding power that created it?
I said to myself with relief washing over me and exhilaration lifting me up and strength surging through me ,'Get away you pesky beings ,two hoots to you all, childish pesky harassers.'

written on 22.4.15------6.30 am.

Today Rathasapthami --the day on which sun is feted and worshiped.


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