Thursday, February 11, 2016

Latest observations

1.The fall out of hanging my laundry on clothes line visible to any one on the street looking up at me standing in balcony is that the crow[another implanted one like me i guess or micro waved] which was alerting me to those on street with ill intentions viz maybe provoking me and reading the info they so much want or cause heaviness or lightness of limbs has moved away from the neraby tree.Its cawing  is heard faintly from a distance.This poor crow is  working overtime in its post.
This means that those persons who are put off by a sense of decency, that is cannot see my underclothes put put tp dry have moved away from eyesight but are still reading ,snooping into my naked  thoughts  and continue to create sensations in my pvt parts but do not find it indecent to so .I observed in my walks that my stalkers are both hindus and muslims from lower strata  .The latter averts his eye if my waist is exposed as it often does whilst walking but hindus donot .They  former don't find anything amiss or indecent in such normal exposures  .

2.Direction of my ears  when a plane is arriving or flying over my flat or near it which is synchronised with persons racing down on scooter, motorboke, auto or vans or at times even walking determines whether i will get a leak or urge to pass urine or whether my ears will start hearing mettalic sounds or  sounds get totally blocked off that i can't hear what i speak and hear others peak in a irritatingly high tones as well as pains  and secretions in my pvt parts and heart.
just read about rfids implant in another site .it says most common place is in filling of tooth .That these can be used to alter behaviour, make secretions from hormones possible,inject sounds into persons the tuk tuk i hear and is difficult to remove by surgery. .Aluminium foils can obstruct the rfid  readers in cards etc but is silent on its efficacy in  human implant.
3. The flock of crows that have taken upon themselves to warn me are irritated  ,angry and also scared of the christian owned petty shop that overlooks my bedroom as well as two dark hefty youths ,probably christians who live on opposite side.Their pointed rage and fear of these compels me to write one more stuff that i read .viz sites objecting to human implant by govt  find it against christianity to treat a human being as a animal since it is a mark of beast .Was i considered as a beast when i was thus implanted in 2011 or one  who needed to be actually reduced to that level?
4. I also read that ,loony 'persons are implanted .Remember that a year after my elder son's death the burhka clad woman my neigh resident of upper floor on meeting me on the street remarked at my glumness as well as my hubs and tried to cheer me saying that those who pass away are in heaven and are waiting for us.i replied that for us hindus heaven is only transitory and it is only moksham that is our final goal and only god and those few who have conquered re birth will be there to greet is tough path to eternal bliss.mere death will not suffice.She also added that her hub[ whom we had never seen till much later  ]was skilled in treating families as a whole.
So her hub ufr who once said he was here to control me could be pshychiatrist or knows psychology Ok even if that is the case what right has he  or anyone who implanted the chip to to treat me without first taking my permission or mu families?
Was i troubling our neigh with my behaviour? No.
Did i pick up  fights with them or cause any discomfort to thier physical  or mental well being  with my gloom.? no.
At the most i was troubling myself and my hub .My hub wasn't complaining about my behaviour to any one.He was perfectly capable of tackling my emotional outbursts and didn.t need  nor ask any outsiders help to set his wife right.If her had felt that i was going over the edge he was perfectly capable of taking me to good qualified doctors for treatment and paying them .
so if at all the only source of  trouble to others  viz neigh or strangers could be only due to my blogs .

After that sound blasting treatment aided by rfid and gps and slyness , i thouroughly lost my confidence .Lost my ability to take decisions .Lost my peace of mind with  too many conflicting thoughts.Lost my clarity and focus in life.So what was done to me  and my hub [scaring him and weakening his heart]was not to set me and my family right  but was done to aggravate the situation as much as possible.
Pshychology + people cookers methods  was used and is still used to exploit me in a very cruel and animal like manner.To make me write .writing for not letting out my suppresed emotions which is a cure but on topics that are in no way connected to curing any ailment of my mind.will topics making headlines in papers and news  channels or write about symbols and animal  and bird cries  cure me emotionally?Isnt this artificial diversion from original grief even more repressive?
Before ge it was on humanitarian topics now it almost always on minorities ,just like the obsession of leading dailies and news channels,only i am giving converse views .
 The purpose was to keep a tight leash on me lest i influence and encourage strong rightists.ufr  and co clearly thought i was influencing them  through my writing on culture, hinduism and disliked me probably feared me . .Misplaced fears .Did any of those 10000's who voted several  strong rightists to power in ge ever read even a word of my writings so as to inspire them to make them rush to polling booths and cast thier vote to such leaders? joke So purpose not served.If they thought i was animal say a dog to be kept on tight leash haven't they turned out to be dogs who have barked up the wrong tree?
Now i scarcely read news papers or watch animated discussions  or even read mags or books or read in net  for fear of having to use glasses which are some how used to give additional secretions that fatigues me or on other hand also provoke me to write like the way i am doing now .Read a religious mag yesterday after lapse of several weeks .My electrical connections have several people controlling them so would be the cameras.
ok what purpose has been served by my writing about mino's ? And why am i writing without reading much about such topics? Must be due to interrogation through rfid .
These people/interrogaters/,brain washers  have messed up my a sadistic manner.Messed it up more after ge and are continuing to mess it with a unholy glee..




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