Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fall out of reverse nastying?

On my return from recent visit to bangalore a week or so back .noticed that upper floor resident's elder son had acquired a brand new Bullet motor cycle.
Acquisition of this expensive vehicle is a fad amongst the youth these days but i am seeing this purchase of this vehicle parked and also used  within my view sight from my balcony from my angle.
The sound of this vehicle doesnot cause queer sensations below my bowels or in my bowels unlike an ordinary motor bike.Have observed this fact much earlier .
So i had been conditioned  to get such sensations when a duo passes me .the older one in scooter followed by a younger one in motorbike.
The boisterous couple my long time neigh  who were very active in this sort of work before GE replaced the son's motorbike with a Bullet.son after the GE.
i often wonder as to how the spouses of the neighs and also the mother of sons who are all Vidat's age few years older or younger , allow or stomach  this dirty nasty work their husbands and sons are doing.Is it lure of easy money or livelihood?
I can't even imagine the reverse This is a very sick a method of control or subjugation or influencing a decent neigh's wife merely because she was blogging .So sick  and perverted with the total concentration  fixed on titilliation of my private parts and not on my knowledge that I had to force myself to do reverse nastying so that it could hit them where it should by making it public  viz their family  honour..Paying back in same coin by firmly brushing away the sense of decency and ethics  as no such decency or ethics or morals is shown to me .Since my body was abused to put me down i used the same tool viz my body and its abnormal reactions to various stimulai forced upon me and to which i have been unconsciously conditioned which i am discovering each day to put my abusers down by first observing and noting down which of my neigh affects  me in which  manner = sexually in no touch manner  and then try it out on them openly by standing on the balcony as they come in and go out or rush out to see and identify those causing queer sensations when i am in the house doing house work[ as these fellows usually leave immediately after their dirty work  which precedes or is synchronised with if to gloat over their victory over us ] and then by going public about it  by blogging it.

Read about human implant several times in net so as to understand the technicalities which is hard to grasp by mere browsing and then gleaned the following---
RFID which can be implanted in human beings ,responds to a identification number  and  starts answering questions put to it through radio signals .As per wikki such implants can be made on nerves but have no such known cases,Mine could have been implanted on my nerves for multi purpose use.and if so, i am living testimony of such  a case .and shining example of political repression which human rights people have been cautioning about  .
ok back to my discovery.As per net such readers --an mobile like device can be held by  a person anywhere within 2000 feet of the rfid and such persons need not see the target or be seen by the tagged /targetted person.
Since 2012 i have ben constantly writing reams of confessions  may be in response to this interrogation from a reader who may also ask for a opinion on a particular matter .In my case public affairs ,society ,ethics in politics and news making headlines. Two of which that put extraordinary pressure on me were
1.The formation of govt at Delhi after the fractured verdict==my view regarding the ethics of political support taken then.i withheld writing or blogging it  as i didn't want to poke my nose in politics
2.On the public 's view of a political leaders secretive ailment .this to i withheld from writing as  i felt that our country would gain materially if i did so .My contribution to general welfare.An fructification of my ambitions of my younger days.

I often see persons with mobiles looking at me and at it pointedly when ever i walk on the streets or stand in my balcony. from the road or even whilst eating out.

The road is scarcely few feet away from my flat , so is the temple and corner shop and tenements beyond

2. This human implant can be disabled by a password  which could be written into it or known to persons using the rfid-radio frequency identification.
Maybe the pass word to disable the interrogation that rfid tagged elements are subject to ,in my case could be the slokas and my japa.
After the GE of 2014 the bombardment of this  sort of interrogation became painfully unbearable .It had become24 hours /24
In those early months soon after GE ,the neraby temple which is more or less property of  local leaders of dmk.the other dravidian party and chief opponent started counting each hour loudly ominiously  and kept relaying advice in form of couplets from Thirukural .
An advise that was oft repeated was this--A son should not feed his hungry mother by stealing .
This was beamed whenever i felt sharp and stinging pains in my brain as i relaxed or took a nap

Who is this mother?Amma or annai or mother india?

I am the stolen property .no doubt about that.

May be the fear put in me very convincingly and easily after that month long jamming followed by month long liquidification that  i  was harming all sri vaishnavaites and in particular my family and friends
After reading about rfidand gps  and reader this is my latest view on this attempts to convert me to another religion or in lieu canbge my sect---viz
Fear  and revulsion was put in me by deliberately  nastying me with abnormal leaks when i am near temples or images of gods  and make it public ,could be to dissuade me from telling my simple prayer  which would disable the rfid .This disabling i guess is only temporary ,but it neverthless gave me some respite  and could reason out thing . 
Now the q is who would benifit from preventing me from getting some respite?                                                                                                                           a.     Persons greedy for my opinions and do not like to share thier illgotten gains ,which can be read on hand held readers  ,without my having to write it down could have prevented me from disabling it  and kept me so engaged by constant interrogation that i didn't have the energy and time to write or blog it         .,
b,Persons who donot like my views and therefore wanted to keep me in a confused state.Since a deep meditation would bring back my clarity and enable me to put two and two together
Fine how come i suddenly divined this aspect viz the password stuff?Yesterday i determined to tell my prayer and do japa till i got deep into myself .As i started the japa the name of another sect's god --Siva kept flitting into my jammed forehead .i let it do so and kept on repeating my usual japa for several 100 times  hoping that i ll get my clarity , no use  and then i wrote it down and then found a break and then what i read on net about rfid gave me the clue ,
Latest obs--The bullet fellows use mother and son combination .to provoke thoughts.There are 3 -4 such combinations in our flats itself .
Has kneading of mind replaced kneading of down under? is this combination effective on my hub also?
These people never give up in finding new combinations and ways to provoke me either physically or mentally.
S o the q is who is the puppeteer?Is this how ordinary citizens/or bloggers be so shabbily treated.?More or less like a work horse or a slave..Isn't this a blot on our democratic traditions? Aern't those who did this to me and still at it, ever think of such niceties  like democracy  as well as other concerns ?

Ok i have found out ,so will i be released from this nasty trap?

Those persons who did this to me that is implanting rfidand gps are a blot on this country .so are those who continue to use me .

yesterday night at 3 am a dog kept barking in south side --the enemy side .a bullet passed my bedroom window soon after.
So there is truth in a dirty scene enacted for me few months back to dissuade me from writing,blogging or going out.A female dog was mobbed by a pack of males .This pack barks at gypsies,tramps and ragpickers  walking down our street.
This means i am mobbed by several who know my id number and are adept in interrogating me ,the tramps also know but are not welcome .
what was created was a lustful scene which in reality is the lust these persons have for my views and processing abilities.What a pass!

Persons who are used to make me leak ,become heavy or light or cause pain in my knees are as follows
1.Muslims,christians and dark ,nearly black people to cause pain in my knees followed by constriction in knees.
2.Abnormaly thin persons to make me light and dizzy and make me fall down inside as well as outside house
3.Abnormally fat persons ,for leaks --in closed environs

4..handicapped persons specially those with one eye, or scar on face or limp
5.Dark young men in combination with spectacled men, to make me angry at weak and old without any cause .in closed environs .
A combination of sounds are also used to give me abnormal sensations and bowel  movements  like the combination of sound of speeding scooter and sound of  airpalne flying overhead.apart from deploying above persons sounds of vehicles ,electric saw,etc  in various volumes are constantly used to make a mess out of me.

Latest obs--For past 2 to 3 days the frequency of flights overhead going northwards from a take off in southern side  over my flat above my bedroom has increased .noticeably and audibly in day time.Vans or trucks turn or move in road just before i see the flight or see it .The sound of the movt of trucks and van is creating abnormal sensations in my private parts.This is also related to my position or rather the  position of my implanted tooth.


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